First, at the G7 leaders' summit, Johnson suddenly proposed to "take off his clothes and show his chest muscles" while greeting leaders from the United States, Canada, France, Germany and other countries to challenge Putin's tough guy image.

In the past few days, British Prime Minister Johnson seems to be a little "obsessed" with Russian President Putin .

First, at the G7 leaders' summit, Johnson suddenly proposed to "take off his clothes and show his chest muscles" while greeting leaders of the United States, Canada, France, Germany and other countries to challenge Putin's tough guy image. In an interview with the media after the

summit, Johnson claimed that Putin's launch of military operations against Ukraine reflected his "toxic masculinity." "If Putin were a woman", he would not "launch a crazy, chauvinistic war of aggression and violence."

Image source: Screenshot of the British "Independent" report.

Johnson’s remarks immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Some netizens are curious: Does Johnson have a "secret love" for Putin? !

Image source: Social media screenshot.

Some netizens analyzed that Johnson might just be jealous of Putin, after all, Putin is very popular.

Image source: Social media screenshot.

Putin, the person involved, does not seem to care much about Johnson's recent series of "entanglements."

In a video interview, Putin first joked: "I don't know how they want to take it off, to the waist or below the waist, but I think either way, it is a disgusting scene."

Picture Source: "Russia Today" video screenshot.

Putin then quoted the words of the famous Russian poet Pushkin , saying that "to be a capable person, you must pay attention to the beauty of your nails. I strongly agree."

Finally, Putin seems to be persuading some Western leaders to pay attention to physical exercise. "Everything about a person should develop in harmony, both body and soul. In order for everything to develop in harmony, one must give up excessive drinking and other bad habits, exercise, and engage in a sport."

Watch After hearing Putin's response, some netizens couldn't help but think of the series of "weight loss exercises" that Johnson once promoted -

For example, when he was the mayor of London, he launched the shared bicycle project "Boris Bike"; after becoming the prime minister, he claimed to Losing weight is regarded as an anti-epidemic tactic, and he said that "losing weight is indeed one of the ways to reduce the risk of new crown ."

As for the effectiveness of these "weight loss exercises", some netizens silently reposted the comparison chart below, which may also be a reminder to Johnson to continue exercising.

Image source: Social media screenshot.

The Russian Embassy in China also forwarded Putin’s interview video on social media and added a cartoon in response.

In the pictures, some people fell down while riding bicycles, some opened their clothes, and some were naked riding ostriches, , unicorns and other animals...

Picture source: The official Weibo of the Russian Embassy in China.

However, why did Johnson suddenly involve Putin in such a ridiculous way at the G7 summit? Some netizens mentioned that in addition to being "pussy", it may be related to the recent pressure on Johnson's shoulders.

On the one hand, Johnson is encountering a crisis in his political career.

Many people in the British government, including Johnson, were punished due to the "Party Gate" scandal that violated epidemic prevention regulations, and calls for him to step down are growing day by day. The Conservative Party lost another by-election in the House of Commons a week ago, and the party once again questioned its leadership.

Coupled with the skyrocketing prices in the UK and the tight supply of energy and food, the people are facing a cost of living crisis. The new immigration policy implemented by Johnson has also been frequently questioned. Many media outlets have put a "question mark" on Johnson's political prospects.

By expressing high-profile support for Ukraine and demonstrating a tough attitude toward Russia, Johnson may also want to divert the attention of the domestic public and downplay the impact of the political scandal.

On the other hand, some analysts say that Britain's diplomatic influence and economic strength will be greatly damaged by Brexit. Its international status seems to be gradually being "marginalized".

For example, when dealing with the Ukraine issue, Britain's traditional ally, the United States, turned more attention to Europe, especially France and Germany.

It is rare for Western leaders to "get together" during the epidemic. Faced with various pressures at home and abroad, it is inevitable that Johnson will make a wave of presence in order to regain some "face"...

Original title: "Johnson proposed to take off his clothes" Challenging Putin’s Tough Guy Image Putin: You must exercise first”

Column Editor: Gu Wanquan Text Editor: Li Linwei Source of title picture: Visual China Picture Editor: Su Wei

Source: Author: China News Network Gantian