In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, on the occasion of July 1st, Ren Jie, deputy head of Saihan District, and his party visited Pang Wei, an old party member in our street, and extended holiday blessings to him. Zhang Xiaoxia, deputy secretar

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party, on the occasion of July 1st, Ren Jie, deputy director of Saihan District, and his party visited Pang Wei, an old party member in our street, and extended holiday blessings to him. Zhang Xiaoxia, deputy secretary of the street party working committee and director of the office, and Li Xiaotian, deputy secretary of the street party working committee, accompanied them.

Pang Wei is an old party member in the Nongdadong community of my street. He is energetic and enthusiastic about public welfare. Ren Jie had a cordial conversation with the old party members, asked about the old man’s daily life and family situation, understood his difficulties and needs, and encouraged the old party members to continue Carrying forward the fine traditions of the party and using the residual energy while spending his old age peacefully, Ren Jie sent him condolences and best wishes on behalf of the party organization, wishing the old party members to take care of themselves and live a long and healthy life.

Ren Jie pointed out that old party members are the precious wealth of our party and country. We should not only pay attention to their lives at all times, but also care more about them ideologically and spiritually, and do our best to help them solve practical difficulties and achieve " Let’s forge ahead hand in hand into the new era and never forget the old revolutionary party members” so that they can fully feel the warmth of the party, country and society.