According to the "Capitol Hill" report, Trump is discussing announcing his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. Some current and former advisers believe it's a question of when Trump launches a third presidential bid, not if.

2024/06/0108:31:32 international 1026

cover news reporter Yan Lei

According to the "Capitol Hill" report, Trump is discussing announcing his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. Some current and former advisers believe it's a question of when Trump launches a third presidential bid, not if.

According to the

Whether to announce his candidacy before the mid-term elections is still undecided

Multiple sources told "Capitol Hill" that the Trump team has even discussed announcing his candidacy as early as this summer. But later he felt that the situation was still unclear, so he postponed the plan. It is still unclear when Trump will announce his participation in the campaign.

"I think there are people pulling him in that direction, and he's open to it," one former adviser said of announcing plans to run before the midterm elections.

However, one source spoke on condition of anonymity. People say Trump is in no rush to announce his candidacy. The source also said that Trump is still the most popular and influential figure in the Republican Party, and he can wait until there is a clearer campaign infrastructure before devoting himself fully to the White House campaign.

Meanwhile, advisers close to Trump say he will continue to hold rallies across the country for his candidates as a way to address his most ardent supporters and test potential campaigns. Attack slogans.

Recently, many media reported that Trump had begun planning to launch a campaign as early as this month. With more than two years until Election Day, such an announcement would be extremely early for a presidential campaign.

Will announcing his candidacy in advance will harm the interests of the Republican Party?

Some Republicans worry that if Trump announces his candidacy early, it could end up hurting the Republican Party in this year's midterm elections, because Democrats believe that the Republican Party is inextricably linked to Trump.

One Republican strategist said: "I think if Trump declares his candidacy soon, it will be good for him and bad for the Republican Party. Republicans have made a lot of progress talking about the economy, inflation and Biden mistakes. A big success. No one wants to talk about what Trump has done at this time."

"Congress Report" stated that Trump hopes to announce his campaign as soon as possible, in large part because more and more people are aware of it. , such a move could help isolate him from the work of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th incident.

A source said declaring a run for the White House would make it easier for Trump to paint the committee's work as a partisan exercise aimed at attacking him before he has a chance to respond.

Trump's former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson said in congressional testimony that he knew some people in the crowd were armed as Trump gave his January 6 speech urging supporters to march on the Capitol. , and complained that they were being turned away. The

article also stated that entering the 2024 campaign early may also make it more difficult for social media such as Twitter to maintain the existing ban on Trump.

Already the favorite but still faces many challenges

Although polls show that Trump is still the favorite for the Republican nomination in 2024, there are signs that he may still be challenged.

A University of New Hampshire poll released late last month showed Trump trailing Florida Governor DeSantis in a hypothetical 2024 race. Similarly, another recent poll from the University of Nevada, Reno showed DeSantis overtaking Trump.

Other potential contenders for the 2024 presidential nomination also say they are increasingly willing to continue preparing to run regardless of what Trump does. For example, former Secretary of State Pompeo once said that whether he will run for the 2024 presidential election does not depend on Trump's decision.

It is reported that there are other reasons for Trump’s decision to postpone announcing his candidacy. Because if Trump officially declares his candidacy, it will trigger the Federal Election Commission's requirements for disclosing financial information and limit the amount of funds he can raise from individual donors until November 2024.

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