According to media reports, the 14th Strait Forum was held as scheduled in Xiamen recently. New Party Chairman Wu Chengdian delivered a speech during the event, saying that the "1992 Consensus" is the basis for the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, and the pursuit o

2024/07/0218:20:32 international 1254

The Straits Forum was held as scheduled. Wu Chengdian expressed his support for the peaceful development of cross-strait affairs and called on the Straits Forum to be continued after reunification. The DPP authorities were furious, exposing their guilty conscience.

According to media reports, the 14th Strait Forum was held as scheduled in Xiamen recently. New Party Chairman Wu Chengdian delivered a speech during the event, saying that the

According to media reports, the 14th Straits Forum was held as scheduled in Xiamen recently. New Party Chairman Wu Chengdian delivered a speech during the event, saying that the "92 Consensus" is the basis for the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, and the pursuit of peace is still the common goal of both sides. He also emphasized that the Straits Forum is a bridge for cross-strait communication and should continue to be held even after reunification. In response to the New Party's statement, the Democratic Progressive Party's democratic representative Lai Ruilong responded angrily, saying that the New Party's behavior was a "betrayal" and also called on other parties on the island not to become tools of the "united front".

In addition to Lai Ruilong, the official Democratic Progressive Party also responded to this year’s Straits Forum. The Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council falsely claimed that the Straits Forum was a "united front platform" formulated by the mainland, and used this as a reason to issue threats to relevant groups. At least two points can be seen from the stance of the DPP authorities. First of all, the DPP has not made any changes in its cross-strait policy, and it still takes "resistance to China" as its main line. Secondly, the DPP is very sensitive to cross-strait exchanges, which actually reflects the lack of confidence of the DPP authorities. Because if the DPP does not obstruct it, the communication between the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will become closer, cross-strait integration will be greatly accelerated, the DPP authorities’ slogan of “anti-China” will gradually be marginalized, and their “independence” plot will eventually be eliminated. will then fail.

According to media reports, the 14th Strait Forum was held as scheduled in Xiamen recently. New Party Chairman Wu Chengdian delivered a speech during the event, saying that the

The Strait Forum is an important platform for cross-strait non-governmental exchanges. It has been held every year since 2009 and has never been interrupted. It has always been a "thorn in the side" of the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island. The attitude of "Taiwan independence" elements towards the Straits Forum is not opposition, but fear from the bottom of their hearts. There are two reasons.

First of all, the Straits Forum in recent years has a very special background. On the one hand, because of the COVID-19 epidemic, cross-strait communication has become more difficult. On the other hand, the Democratic Progressive Party has gradually gained power on the island and used its administrative power to continuously block normal cross-strait people-to-people exchanges. However, despite many obstacles, the Straits Forum not only continues to be held, but also grows in scale.

It is reported that about 2,000 people from Taiwan participated in the Straits Forum offline this year. The entire forum had a total of 43 activities, involving exchanges in the four major sectors of youth, culture, grassroots, and economy. These facts all show that promoting cross-strait exchanges is the aspiration of the people on the island, and the actions of the DPP authorities are stifling public opinion.

This is despite the epidemic and the deliberate obstruction by the DPP. If the DPP authorities do not interfere, the grand exchanges between the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will be difficult for the DPP authorities to accept. Therefore, when talking about the Straits Forum, the DPP authorities not only slapped a label on the forum, but also threatened the groups or individuals participating in the exchange.

According to media reports, the 14th Strait Forum was held as scheduled in Xiamen recently. New Party Chairman Wu Chengdian delivered a speech during the event, saying that the

The second reason why the DPP authorities are afraid of the Straits Forum is that the core significance of the Straits Forum is to promote cross-strait communication and advocate cross-strait peace, which is completely opposite to the DPP’s cross-strait views. The DPP needs to create a tense atmosphere on the island to promote its absurd slogan of "resisting China and safeguarding Taiwan," and then tie the Taiwanese people onto the "Taiwan independence" chariot. Once the DPP authorities succeed in their plans, the mainland will undoubtedly face greater obstacles if it wants to adopt "military reunification" to regain Taiwan. The existence of the Straits Forum has greatly promoted cross-strait non-governmental exchanges and exposed the conspiracy of the DPP authorities. Therefore, the DPP authorities will naturally oppose hysterically.

However, even if the DPP tries its best to obstruct cross-strait exchanges, the effect will be extremely limited. From a national sentiment perspective, the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are members of the big family of the Chinese nation, and enhancing exchanges is in line with the subjective wishes of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Many people from the island make a special trip to the mainland to trace their roots and ancestors, which is one of the best examples.

From the perspective of practical interests, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are geographically close and linguistically connected. The mainland is also actively creating favorable conditions for cross-Strait economic and trade exchanges, so the momentum of accelerated cross-Strait integration is simply unstoppable. In addition, the mainland has a vast market, many opportunities, and attaches great importance to talents. In particular, it has special policies for Taiwan compatriots, so many technical talents from Taiwan are also willing to go to the mainland for employment. In short, increasing exchanges with the mainland is in line with the subjective demands of Taiwan compatriots. If the DPP authorities want to rely on administrative means to curb cross-Strait exchanges, it will only arouse public resentment.

According to media reports, the 14th Strait Forum was held as scheduled in Xiamen recently. New Party Chairman Wu Chengdian delivered a speech during the event, saying that the

advises the Taiwan authorities to unreasonably obstruct normal cross-Strait exchange activities. Not only will it not block cross-Strait exchanges, it will also expose the sinister intentions of the DPP authorities to tie the Taiwanese people to the "Taiwan independence" chariot. When the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are reunified in the future, they will surely be spurned by the people.

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