According to the Global Times citing Reuters, on July 15, local time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a military budget bill by a vote of 329 to 101. The content of the bill is based on the record $773 billion proposed by Biden. , an additional US$37 billion, which means

2024/07/0216:02:32 international 1458

According to the Global Times citing Reuters, on July 15, local time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a military budget bill by a vote of 329 to 101. The content of the bill is based on the record $773 billion proposed by Biden. , an additional US$37 billion, which means - DayDayNews

According to Global Times citing Reuters , on July 15, local time, the US House of Representatives passed a military budget bill with a vote of 329 to 101. The content of the bill was proposed by Biden Based on the record-breaking US$773 billion, an additional US$37 billion will be added, which means that the US defense budget next year will exceed US$800 billion!

The bill has not yet passed the Senate, but the Senate Armed Services Committee has expressed support. Not only that, the Senate Armed Services Committee also wants to add another $45 billion to Biden's proposal. Although some congressmen voted against the vote, they believed that blindly increasing the military budget would only reduce the United States' spending on diplomacy and humanitarian needs at home and abroad. After all, there are many domestic problems in the United States today: high inflation, soaring unemployment, racial conflicts, gun violence, illegal immigration, and growing divisions, etc. These problems may cause serious humanitarian disasters in the United States in the future. These disasters require funding from the U.S. government to alleviate them.

According to the Global Times citing Reuters, on July 15, local time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a military budget bill by a vote of 329 to 101. The content of the bill is based on the record $773 billion proposed by Biden. , an additional US$37 billion, which means - DayDayNews

(Texas school shooting in the United States)

But now, the US government is significantly increasing military spending. For the current United States, this will not only fail to solve the United States' problems, but may also plunge the United States into a deeper crisis.

is already number one in the world, why does the United States still increase military spending every year? There are several main aspects.

First of all, although the US military is the strongest in the world, it always feels that its majesty is being challenged, so it increases military expenditures every year to keep itself in an extremely leading position. This includes the research and development of new weapons and equipment. As the United States' main competitors make rapid advances in weapons and equipment, the US military increasingly feels inadequate.

Secondly, although the United States has withdrawn its troops on a large scale from the Middle East , there are still many "hot spots" around the world that the United States can "stir up". Ukraine , Iran , Venezuela , and the Asia-Pacific are all hot spots that the United States is trying to get involved in. area. The U.S. military's overseas operations are still large-scale, and the military expenditures required are also rising.

According to the Global Times citing Reuters, on July 15, local time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a military budget bill by a vote of 329 to 101. The content of the bill is based on the record $773 billion proposed by Biden. , an additional US$37 billion, which means - DayDayNews

Once again, the increase in military spending by the United States is also a "business" within the United States, and there are many hidden tricks hidden in it. Let’s focus on this.

As we all know, as early as the early and middle stages of World War II , the United States made a lot of money by selling weapons to the world. Naturally, the military industry became the largest industry in the United States after World War II. It gradually gained control of the discourse and gradually used its "financial power" and "influence" to change the stance of politicians and the direction of national policies. Obviously, the United States, bound by the military-industrial complex , has formed an environment of political and business collusion, causing the United States to go further and further down the wrong path. But it is too difficult to stop this train full of " gunpowder ".

According to the Global Times citing Reuters, on July 15, local time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a military budget bill by a vote of 329 to 101. The content of the bill is based on the record $773 billion proposed by Biden. , an additional US$37 billion, which means - DayDayNews

We often say that the United States is a country that makes money from war, and the reason why the United States always tries to provoke wars around the world is because it can profit from it. The same is true for Afghanistan War , and the same is true for Iraq War . The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has become an important channel for US arms dealers to make money. In fact, the U.S. military-industrial complex has penetrated into all levels of the United States, including foreign affairs and national security policies. Arms dealers have made huge war fortunes, and politicians have taken the opportunity to seize political capital and gain more chips for their "future." It is precisely because of this intertwined interest group that has completely tied up the top and bottom of the United States that gun violence in the United States continues to be banned, and gun control bills have not been passed for a long time.

According to the Global Times citing Reuters, on July 15, local time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a military budget bill by a vote of 329 to 101. The content of the bill is based on the record $773 billion proposed by Biden. , an additional US$37 billion, which means - DayDayNews

(Post-war Afghanistan)

For some politicians in office in the United States, supporting the military budget has become an "inevitable" choice. The midterm elections in the United States are coming soon, and the importance of the U.S. military-industrial complex in the elections is self-evident. Only by feeding these arms dealers can politicians gain more support and votes in the general election. After all, in a soil like the United States, without the support of capital, it is difficult for politicians to move forward.Especially now, U.S. President Biden's approval rating has fallen to a record low. If you want to continue to serve in the White House , you must make a choice. Therefore, it is expected that the United States will once again pass a huge military budget.

According to the Global Times citing Reuters, on July 15, local time, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a military budget bill by a vote of 329 to 101. The content of the bill is based on the record $773 billion proposed by Biden. , an additional US$37 billion, which means - DayDayNews

However, for the whole world, a fully armed United States must be vigilant. If it really comes to the end of the road, it will not be surprising that the United States will do anything crazy.

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