In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con

2024/07/0202:35:33 international 1689

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con - DayDayNews

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party with a new spiritual outlook, on July 14, the County Party Committee The Propaganda Department held a training course on Puyang County propaganda and ideological work. This training course lasted for two days. 180 correspondents from various townships and counties responsible for publicity work participated in the training. Guo Xianfeng, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Minister of the Propaganda Department, and Deputy County Magistrate Attend the opening ceremony and speak.

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con - DayDayNews

Guo Xianfeng pointed out that under the new situation, higher requirements have been placed on the ability and quality of propaganda cadres. They must participate in training with a high sense of responsibility, continuously improve their "foot power, eyesight, brain power, and writing power" to comprehensively improve their ability and quality. We must fully understand the responsibilities we shoulder, effectively enhance the sense of urgency and mission, benchmark and benchmark, promote a study style that integrates theory with practice, clarify future work ideas, truly learn, truly understand, and truly know how to become a knowledgeable person. Policies, refined business, and newly recruited publicity cadres. We must cherish learning and training opportunities, strictly enforce discipline, be realistic in thought, pragmatic in style, and implement in action, and use our own responsibilities and outstanding work results to contribute to the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con - DayDayNews

This training course was hosted by the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee and chaired by Mao Huili, the deputy director of the Propaganda Department in charge of daily work.

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con - DayDayNews

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con - DayDayNews

This training is rich in content. On the first day of the class, Wang Yajuan, an integrated media reporter from Puyang Daily, was specially invited to talk about how to better conduct news interviews and writing. Lu Yonggang, deputy director of the Integrated Media Center, talked about short video news shooting methods and techniques. In the afternoon, Wang Wenfeng, a member of the China Photographic Art Federation and a member of the National Photography Association, explained photography techniques with the topic of "Prejudgment and Positioning in News Photography". Finally, Zhao Zhenjie, President of the Puyang Branch of Henan Daily Newspaper Group, spoke of "Review "The Story Behind the News" tells everyone how to write a better press release.

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con - DayDayNews

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con - DayDayNews

On July 15, Zhai Dengfeng, director of the ideology work unit of the County Party Committee Propaganda Department, and Gao Yanfei, director of the Internet Public Opinion Monitoring and Emergency Center, respectively taught everyone the business knowledge related to ideological work and online commentators.

In order to further strengthen the construction of the team of propaganda and ideological cadres, improve the professional level of propaganda and ideological work in the county under the new situation, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era, and welcome the successful con - DayDayNews

On the afternoon of the 15th, the two-day training officially concluded. Everyone said that the course arrangement of this training class is closely based on the actual work of the students, with rich content, diverse forms, and strong pertinence. They will strive to transform the learning results into concrete actions to promote work progress and create a good public opinion atmosphere for the economic and social development of Puyang County. .

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