On July 13, An Enfa, member of the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor, came to the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions to investigate the work of the trade union through on-site visits, holding symposiums, and listening to reports.

2024/07/0110:42:32 international 1092

On July 13, An Enfa, member of the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor, came to the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions to investigate the work of the trade union through on-site visits, holding symposiums, and listening to reports. Chen Ding, Director of the Fifth Secretariat of the Kunming Municipal Government Office, participated in the investigation.

On July 13, An Enfa, member of the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor, came to the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions to investigate the work of the trade union through on-site visits, holding symposiums, and listening to reports. - DayDayNews

An Enfa and his party first visited various departments and offices of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions on the spot, learned about the functions of each department and office, viewed the trade union cultural wall, learned about the history of the Kunming labor movement, the situation of Kunming model workers and craftsmen, the structure of the Kunming trade union, and visited the cadres of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions. , and then held a symposium. At the meeting, Kunming Federation of Trade UnionsDeputy Party Secretary and Executive Vice Chairman Zhao Jianwu introduced in detail the basic situation and main functions of Kunming Federation of Trade Unions; focusing on strengthening employees’ ideological and political leadership, employee inclusive services, and employee rights protection assistance, New employment form Labor union establishment and membership, industrial worker team building reform and other special highlights will be reported on. It will also provide detailed explanations on the establishment of a liaison meeting system between the government and the labor union and other matters that need to be coordinated and resolved by the municipal government.

On July 13, An Enfa, member of the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor, came to the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions to investigate the work of the trade union through on-site visits, holding symposiums, and listening to reports. - DayDayNews

An Enfa expressed his praise for the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, which has been focusing on the central work of the party committee and government, giving full play to its characteristics, uniting employees and making contributions. He pointed out that in the next work, the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions should continue to adhere to the leadership of the party, closely focus on the central work of the party committee and government, serve the overall situation, perform the basic duties of the trade union, and do a good job in serving employees.

Members of the leadership team of Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, middle-level cadres, and principals of enterprises and institutions directly under the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions attended the symposium.

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