From July 11th to 14th, the 2022 comprehensive joint review training meeting of the city’s intra-party statistical semi-annual reports was held in Zhanggong District. A total of 43 people from 18 counties (cities, districts), Ganzhou Economic Development Zone, Ganzhou Rongjiang N

2024/06/3010:00:33 international 1886
From July 11th to 14th, the 2022 comprehensive joint review training meeting of the city’s intra-party statistical semi-annual reports was held in Zhanggong District. A total of 43 people from 18 counties (cities, districts), Ganzhou Economic Development Zone, Ganzhou Rongjiang N - DayDayNews

From July 11th to 14th, the 2022 comprehensive review training meeting for the city's party's semi-annual statistical report was held in , Zhanggong District, . A total of 43 people from 18 counties (cities, districts), Ganzhou Economic Development Zone, Ganzhou Rongjiang New District, Ganzhou High-tech Zone, Longnan, Ruijin Economic Development Zone and relevant municipal summary units participated in the centralized review.

From July 11th to 14th, the 2022 comprehensive joint review training meeting of the city’s intra-party statistical semi-annual reports was held in Zhanggong District. A total of 43 people from 18 counties (cities, districts), Ganzhou Economic Development Zone, Ganzhou Rongjiang N - DayDayNews

This joint review will be conducted in the form of “cross-review, group review, and comprehensive review”. During the joint review process, attention was paid to improving the overall quality of the city's party statisticians, not only allowing "newcomers" to develop and improve their abilities, but also allowing "old people" to use their expertise and impart experience. Through four days of unremitting efforts by all reviewers, the city’s 2022 semi-annual statistical report within the party was successfully completed.

From July 11th to 14th, the 2022 comprehensive joint review training meeting of the city’s intra-party statistical semi-annual reports was held in Zhanggong District. A total of 43 people from 18 counties (cities, districts), Ganzhou Economic Development Zone, Ganzhou Rongjiang N - DayDayNews

After the joint review, combined with the problems encountered in this semi-annual report, a special training on intra-party statistical work in 2022 was also carried out, and the logical relationships of each report, key and difficult issues and other key points of intra-party statistical review were explained one by one. , conducted a "warm-up" for the annual intra-party statistical work.

The following are the business pacesetters that have emerged from this statistics:

01 Comrade Guo Kedong of Ganzhou Rongjiang New District

Guo Kedong has been engaged in party statistics since 2018, and has gradually grown from a "novice" to a business veteran of party statistics. He is a person who "loves to be serious" at work.

From July 11th to 14th, the 2022 comprehensive joint review training meeting of the city’s intra-party statistical semi-annual reports was held in Zhanggong District. A total of 43 people from 18 counties (cities, districts), Ganzhou Economic Development Zone, Ganzhou Rongjiang N - DayDayNews

Although he also undertakes another important job in the unit, this year Guo Kedong actively played the role of mentoring and teaching, "leading the new with the old", passing on his many years of experience in statistical work within the party to his new colleagues. When summarizing at the district level, he sifted through the report data of each grassroots party (working) committee one by one, carefully reviewed the logical relationships within and between tables, and strived to ensure that the statistical data was accurate.

On the last day of the municipal-level joint trial, Guo Kedong was still worried, and came to the municipal-level joint trial site from his work unit to carefully check the final draft of data. He said: “The scenes of statistical work within the party every year are vivid and unforgettable. During this period, there is the persistence of studying business research indicators, and there is also the clarity of another village after solving the problem; there is the hardship of working overtime to review data, and there are also the continuous hardships of working overtime to review data. The joy and emotion when I won the city's excellent intra-party statistical report results in 2021. "

02 Huichang County Comrade Zhong Liangtao

He first came into contact with the intra-party statistical work in 2021. Zhong Liangtao has a strong sense of responsibility and is careful, and quickly became familiar with all aspects of the report through study. According to the requirements and logical relationships of various indicators, he quickly grew into a statistical business expert. He often said: "Intra-party statistics is a rigorous and meticulous work. We must 'see the numbers and the people, and organize them with evidence'. We must not be 'Mr. Almost'."

From July 11th to 14th, the 2022 comprehensive joint review training meeting of the city’s intra-party statistical semi-annual reports was held in Zhanggong District. A total of 43 people from 18 counties (cities, districts), Ganzhou Economic Development Zone, Ganzhou Rongjiang N - DayDayNews

This year, Huichang County completed the integration and reorganization of state-owned enterprises. In order to accurately verify the changes in the party organization and party members, he went to several units to check on-site, and repeatedly scrutinized every data and form. Sometimes he gnawed on bread to check the data. It was already late at night when he finished the verification, just for Huichang County. Party statistics are accurate.

During this municipal-level review, he also served as the deputy team leader for the group review, helping to answer questions about indicators and checking the data of other units in his group, successfully completing the municipal-level review work.

From July 11th to 14th, the 2022 comprehensive joint review training meeting of the city’s intra-party statistical semi-annual reports was held in Zhanggong District. A total of 43 people from 18 counties (cities, districts), Ganzhou Economic Development Zone, Ganzhou Rongjiang N - DayDayNews

Source: Ministry of Information Technology Office

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