Recently, the First Branch of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration organized independent software registrants within its jurisdiction to conduct video discussions on party building leadership and services related to the construction of the "two districts". The main responsi

2024/05/2719:28:33 international 1313

Recently, the First Branch of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration organized independent software registrants within its jurisdiction to conduct video discussions on party building leadership and services related to the construction of the

Recently, the First Branch of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration organized independent software registrants within its jurisdiction to conduct video discussions on party building leadership and services related to the construction of the "two districts". The main responsible persons of 10 independent software registrants in the jurisdiction attended the meeting.

Recently, the First Branch of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration organized independent software registrants within its jurisdiction to conduct video discussions on party building leadership and services related to the construction of the

The First Branch first introduced the supervision and service work of the branch since its listing and performance of duties, pointing out that the traditional industrial industry of medical devices in the jurisdiction is showing a decreasing trend, while the number of emerging digital and information-based independent software registrants is increasing year by year. The branch hopes to use the "party building + service" working model to get closer to and understand the needs of enterprises and complete the central tasks of quality and safety supervision and service in the construction of the "two zones".

The participating companies then introduced their respective progress in product innovation research and development, industry development and other aspects. During the exchange, the branch interpreted the concept of "two districts" and related policies for the construction of "two districts", introduced the practices and work ideas to support the construction of "two districts", and both sides expressed their views on the implementation of the " Medical Device Supervision and Administration Regulations " and related The document provides in-depth discussions on production in accordance with laws and regulations and promoting clinical application. The

meeting emphasized that, first, all enterprises must closely follow policies, pay close attention to the "14th Five-Year Plan" macro plan and industrial layout, and adjust the long-term goals of enterprise development; second, all enterprises must "pursue high standards and seek development," and more importantly, " "Guarantee the bottom line and ensure safety" to ensure product quality; third, the branch will tailor services according to the needs of enterprises to help them develop. Enterprises should work closely with regulatory authorities to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the entire industry.

In the next step, the First Branch will continue to promote the construction of innovative platforms, lead by party building, focus on the development of emerging industries, and provide good services to enterprises while doing a good job in supervision and management to assist the construction of the "two districts".

Recently, the First Branch of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration organized independent software registrants within its jurisdiction to conduct video discussions on party building leadership and services related to the construction of the

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