The compliance theme extends to the theme party day activities (Photo provided by Qiu Rui) In order to actively implement the requirements of the head office’s “Agricultural Development Bank of China Compliance Three-Year Action Plan”, the Shangrao City Branch of Agricultural Dev

2024/05/2708:24:32 international 1431
The compliance theme extends to the theme party day activities (Photo provided by Qiu Rui) In order to actively implement the requirements of the head office’s “Agricultural Development Bank of China Compliance Three-Year Action Plan”, the Shangrao City Branch of Agricultural Dev - DayDayNews

The compliance theme extends to the theme party day activities (photo provided by Qiu Rui)

In order to actively implement the requirements of the head office’s “Compliance Agricultural Development Bank of China Three-Year Action Plan”, the Shangrao Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China adheres to the “four integrations” as the orientation and effectively promotes Compliance culture construction and operation management are deeply integrated, efforts are made to lay a solid foundation for development, and create a new situation for high-quality development of .

insists on the deep integration of compliance and party building. First, we always regard theoretical learning as the main means to nourish the original intention and lead the mission, guide cadres and employees to establish the concept of lifelong learning, and build a normalized learning mechanism. Adhere to self-study as the mainstay, coordinate and arrange collective learning such as , three sessions and one lesson, , exchange learning experiences, and strengthen learning and discussion. 2. Compliance will be regarded as the branch’s “three meetings and one lesson” stipulated work. Compliance will be taught along with party classes, compliance will be learned along with study, and compliance will be discussed together with exchanges. Typical violation cases in the system and internal control of each line will be included. Important compliance system documents are an important part of branch study. The third is to extend the compliance theme to the theme party day activities and give full play to the role of the branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

adheres to the deep integration of compliance and case prevention. The first is to organize all employees to sign the "Letter of Commitment for Compliance Case Prevention and Duty Performance". integrates employees into the compliance case prevention grid management, comprehensively promotes the work situation of promoting case prevention, controlling risks, improving quality and efficiency, and further promotes the integrated management of case prevention and compliance. The second is to carry out emergency response drills for case prevention. Organize the city and county-level banks to comprehensively study the relevant systems and methods for case prevention and control, organize various departments to actively coordinate and implement drill-related matters in accordance with the requirements of the superior bank, prepare simulated cases according to the superior bank to practice the case handling process, and create case prevention and control personnel Awareness of human responsibility. The third is to actively create a grid management mechanism with full participation. Actively implement the requirements of higher-level administrative records to prevent grid management, scientifically build a four-layer grid unit for city and county-level banks, divide 23 grid responsibility areas according to the division of labor of bank leaders, departments and branches, and include all employees in the "network "Gate Responsibility Area" management, and build a management mechanism in which "the whole bank forms a network, there are grids in the network, people are designated within the grid, and everyone is responsible".

adheres to the deep integration of compliance and culture. First, continue to carry out the "reporting on integrity, performance and compliance" activities for leading cadres. The leadership teams at the city and county levels have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Head Office’s Party Conduct and Integrity Construction and Discipline Inspection and Supervision Work Conference and the provincial branch’s Party Conduct and Integrity Construction and Discipline Inspection Work Conference, adhered to the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and implemented the central inspection and rectification, We will deepen the integrated advancement of the "three no's" systems and mechanisms, promote internal and external supervision and inspection, continuously strengthen party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work, and effectively lead and ensure the steady progress of high-quality development. The second is to actively deploy and carry out the activity of "top leaders talk about risks, talk about case prevention and promote compliance", requiring the top leaders of each county-level branch to prepare speeches or PPT and other materials around topics such as case prevention, compliance, and risks, and urge the top leaders of each county-level branch to face the whole situation. Employees are taught risk prevention and compliance courses, highlighting that "compliance starts from the top", educating and guiding employees to be aware of fear, respect, and abide by the bottom line. The third is to actively organize and carry out the "three new personnel" of new recruits, new promotions, and new transfers. Compliance swearing-in activities were held for 11 newly appointed county branch "three-in-one" commissioners before taking office, emphasizing on strengthening business learning, conscientiously performing their duties, being strict with integrity and self-discipline, and achieving integrity, abiding by integrity, and creating integrity. , promote integrity, and also carried out the "Compliance Pledge" activity to further strengthen the "three-in-one" compliance awareness.

adheres to the in-depth integration of compliance and management. First, innovate "compliance +" supervision. Coverage, vertical full connection" compliance management grid, effectively play the supervisory role of supervision departments, agency part-time risk compliance specialists and sub-branches' "three-in-one" specialists in daily work, to achieve full-process supervision. Adhere to coaching supervision and internal supervision The company adheres to the combination of external supervision and further promotes the integration of inspection and rectification of problems found. The second is to implement comprehensive risk management requirements, balance the relationship between internal control management and risk prevention and control, and organize comprehensive risk investigation work. Strengthen risk management and control in key areas, promote the timely clearing of existing risks, organize and carry out special inspections of compliance risks, operational risks, and case risks, and continue to urge all branches to carry out in-depth self-examination and self-correction.Strengthen risk loan management, continue to strengthen risk monitoring and early warning, and timely monitor and provide early warning for risky loans. The third is to innovate “compliance + coaching”. Explore the establishment of a "mentorship system" for specialists. Each of the internal control and compliance, risk management and disciplinary inspection offices will select a business backbone as a professional mentor for the three-in-one specialists, who will be responsible for the daily guidance of each line of specialist business. Through clear mentoring, tailor-made Customized training plans can effectively improve specialists’ ability to perform their duties.

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