China's three major airlines have ordered nearly 300 Airbus aircraft, which was originally a big deal. After all, this is the largest passenger aircraft purchase transaction in an environment where the global aviation industry has been hit hard since the outbreak of the new crown

2024/05/2208:12:32 international 1538

China's three major airlines have ordered nearly 300 Airbus aircraft , which was originally a big deal. After all, this is the largest passenger aircraft purchase transaction in the environment where the global aviation industry has been hit hard since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic.

What is subtle is that this procurement news immediately attracted the attention of many parties just after the US G7 summit and the NATO summit successively proposed counter-China initiatives.

are both the world's leading aircraft manufacturers, but Boeing can only watch as Airbus places super orders. Boeing Company lamented "disappointment" and complained that it was precisely because of "geopolitical differences" that damaged the company's business prospects. After all, Airbus holds a huge order, and Boeing just announced not long ago that due to the impact of global orders, it will fully Cut production. An anxious Boeing company urged the United States and China to engage in dialogue as soon as possible.

China's three major airlines have ordered nearly 300 Airbus aircraft, which was originally a big deal. After all, this is the largest passenger aircraft purchase transaction in an environment where the global aviation industry has been hit hard since the outbreak of the new crown - DayDayNews

signed Airbus and abandoned Boeing, so some US media took the opportunity to exaggerate that China was using huge sums of money to alienate the "Transatlantic Alliance".

Should China buy Airbus?

So should China buy Airbus? Yes, whether it is political or technical.

Since the Trump period, the United States has been hostile to China and engaged in a trade war. However, after Biden came to power, he did not even think about improving it, but intensified it. Even the U.S. economy has reached the current crisis and is still in crisis. Confused about whether reducing tariffs on China will benefit China. At the G7 summit, the United States formed cliques and tried to "replace the 'Belt and Road'" with a "global infrastructure plan" in an attempt to deter China. Looking at the NATO summit, it defined China as a "strategic challenge" for the first time.

With such an attitude, it is difficult for China to repay evil with kindness.

China's three major airlines have ordered nearly 300 Airbus aircraft, which was originally a big deal. After all, this is the largest passenger aircraft purchase transaction in an environment where the global aviation industry has been hit hard since the outbreak of the new crown - DayDayNews

And look at Boeing. With a huge share of the world market, Boeing aircraft have become known for having the most breakdowns. Since the crash of the Lion Air Boeing 737 Max in Indonesia in 2018, technical defects and safety hazards surrounding Boeing passenger aircraft have continued to be exposed.

China's three major airlines have ordered nearly 300 Airbus aircraft, which was originally a big deal. After all, this is the largest passenger aircraft purchase transaction in an environment where the global aviation industry has been hit hard since the outbreak of the new crown - DayDayNews

With the frequent accidents of Boeing aircraft and , who is still willing to buy it? Even if Chinese airlines are willing to place orders, how many passengers will be willing to fly? Relevant analysts believe that Boeing's overemphasis on political factors is suspected of evading important matters and neglecting important matters.

However, the US government and US companies have the same blame-shifting operation, which is very American. Dog bites dog, a mouth full of hair.

Who touched whose cheese

Look at Airbus again. Airbus continues to increase investment in China. According to its official website, Airbus civil aircraft has more than 1,900 employees in China, including joint ventures located in various places. Airbus not only has a final assembly line in Tianjin, but also has a China R&D center in Suzhou Industrial Park. If

is not in high demand and urgently needs replacement, China also has its own C919. China's three major airlines have unified procurement. In the sluggish environment of the entire aviation industry, no one in business would be tempted by such a huge order. For China, buying new ones and exchanging old ones can get an affordable price. For Europe, even if they give up profits, this is an effective boost to the economy.

China's three major airlines have ordered nearly 300 Airbus aircraft, which was originally a big deal. After all, this is the largest passenger aircraft purchase transaction in an environment where the global aviation industry has been hit hard since the outbreak of the new crown - DayDayNews

The only ones unhappy are Boeing, which failed to win the order, and the US government, which was criticized by Boeing.

Some overseas scholars analyzed that China's turning to European manufacturers can exchange for greater negotiation space in its interactions with Europe.

This statement is somewhat similar to the "China spends huge sums of money to drive a wedge between Europe and the United States" exaggerated by the US media. It more or less implies that there is "political thinking" behind every order signed by Chinese companies and companies from other countries.

On the other hand, in recent years, the U.S. government has engaged in unilateralism, repeatedly imposed unreasonable sanctions on Chinese companies, and used political force to intervene in the economy. This has created an atmosphere of "China wants to retaliate" in both U.S. companies and public opinion circles. Whether it is the war between Russia and Ukraine or China's large aviation order, it is obvious that the United States only cares about its own interests and not its European allies. In the eyes of the United States, all money should only be earned by the United States.

Who should express disappointment? (Jin Xuan)

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