Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor?

2021/10/1421:32:16 international 815

There are many countries in the world that can match India in terms of “dirty, chaos, and bad”. The six South Asian countries (India, Pakistan, Nepal, , Bhutan, , Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) basically do not have a relatively complete social environment. , But probably only Bangladesh can surpass India. Many people’s basic impression of this country seems to be stuck in trains and rubbish everywhere. Compared with China’s extensive transportation network, Bangladesh’s transportation is really unreasonable. Here, "pick the train" has become the norm. Many times there are more "passengers" hanging on the outside of a train than there are sitting inside. This is not an exaggeration, nor is it a joke.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

The homecoming tide of Bangladesh is full of people on the top of the train

According to statistics, there are more than 40 million trains in Bangladesh each year, but poor Bangladesh does not have perfect transportation facilities to support such a large amount of traffic, so the people of Bangladesh The only option is to "trooper and risk" and use yourself as an ornament to hang on the train. This approach eventually led to another big problem, which is congestion. In Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, whether you are a train or a private person By car, it takes half an hour to travel one kilometer on average. This is the real Bangladesh, a country where people on trains are turned into everyday life, a country with garbage all over the country, and a country where there is no food to eat.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

Bangladesh carries more than 40 million trains per year

Even today in the 21st century, the whole world is moving closer to developed countries, but Bangladesh is still worrying about food and clothing. The entire country has 60% People still live a life of eating and not eating. Among them, 35% of them may have no food at all. Even the United Nations is desperate for this country. The United Nations Environment Organization has long announced abandoning Bangladesh. So what is it? What makes Bangladesh so poor? What is the problem with it?

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

The total area of ​​Bangladesh is 147,000 square kilometers. Compared with China and India, it is undoubtedly a small country. An Anhui province in China is already close to the total territory of Bangladesh.But with such a small country, there are more than 160 million people living in it, which is equal to the total population of Russia. It feels crowded when you think about it, but the huge population base does not bring dividends to Bangladesh. The country's per capita GDP is only At US$1750, this figure is extremely shabby even in Africa.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

But don’t look at the shabby Bangladesh now, it also had a very glorious era in history. In the 14th century, a Bangladesh Sultan appeared in Bangladesh. At that time, the Bangladesh Sultan was the capital of the entire world. The greedy rich country, located in the tropics, has very good water and heat and water conditions. In the era of agriculture, such conditions are equivalent to enjoying food and eating. Moreover, 85% of Bangladesh’s land is plains. With the help of the fertile Ganges Delta, there is almost no death of crops after planting. It is no exaggeration to say that if you throw a seedling in the field, you can produce a full ear of rice at the end of the year.

Because of the continuous improvement of living conditions, the population of Bangladesh has also ushered in an explosive growth. By the 16th century, Bangladesh had developed into the most densely populated, economically developed, and culturally prosperous area on the subcontinent. I have been here. Westerners all sighed: "There are gold and jewels everywhere here."

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

However, such a good day did not last long. When the time went to the 17th century, the suffering life of the Bangladeshi people also kicked off. The first foreigner to enter Bangladesh was Mongolian, Mongolian While sweeping South Asia to establish the Mughal Empire, they also conquered Bangladesh easily. Since then, the Mongolian and Turkic nobles have imposed excessive expropriation against Bangladesh for nearly a hundred years, but this is far from the end of the nightmare of the Bangladeshi people. It is even more terrifying than the Mongolian ruler. Is a Western colonizer.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

The Mughal Empire is a descendant of the Turkic Mongol Timur, a feudal autocratic dynasty established in India by Babur

The industrial revolution in the 18th century set off a global boom, which gave birth to a powerful colony , They expanded their colonies all over the world,In 1757, the East India Company and the British colonial army focused on Bangladesh. At that time, Britain had completed the industrial revolution and had an unprecedented military strength. These indigenous peoples who fought in the South Asian subcontinent were just a matter of firing a few shots, after a short period of time. After the Battle of Plasi, the prince of Bengal surrendered, and the 190-year British rule in South Asia began.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

British colonial army

Although the people of Bangladesh under British rule are miserable, after a year of hard work, 95% of the harvest will be handed over to the United Kingdom, and Bangladesh was once reduced to a source of raw materials for the United Kingdom. And the commodity dumping market, but the only advantage is that the British accelerated the process of modernization in South Asia. They brought railways, roads and trains to South Asia, as well as electric lights, cities and financial centers, which will be hundreds of years to come. This year became the only good thing the British did among the Indian population. Because of these modern civilizations brought by the British, the large tracts of South Asia with different ethnicities and language barriers were unified.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

At that time, because Bangladesh was richer than India in all aspects, the British colonists opened up a "base camp" in Bangladesh. This "base camp" is now India's proud Calcutta, the United Kingdom Based on Calcutta, people quickly completed the sweep of the entire India. However, the new problems that emerged after the rule caused headaches for the British colonists, because the entire South Asian region has more than 200 ethnic groups with more than 1,600 languages, and there is no How to integrate methods? The "smart" Briton immediately thought of a "good idea".

They moved Muslims and Hindus away, then sent and Bangladeshi to India, and finally moved the Indians to Pakistan. After a complete set of population transfer operations, the entire South Asian region was basically in chaos, and this is also the case. Later, the origins of ethnic, religious and territorial disputes in South Asia were given by the British.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews


In 1857, India broke out the largest riot in history.It even almost overthrew the British rule. The reason was that the bullet oiled wrapping paper that was equipped with the new Enfield rifle used by the troops was tallow and lard. The most feared thing Indians have always been because of some fasting. Losing the caste, and cattle and pigs happened to be taboos for Hinduism and Muslims. As a result, Indian soldiers felt that this was a great disrespect to their holy spirit and a humiliation to their own personality, so that day all the Indian soldiers agreed. Consensus: It's the opposite of his mother.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

India's "butter incident", a large number of Indian soldiers rebelled against the British army

Unfortunately, this uprising did not succeed. The British artillery quickly burned out the anger of the Indians, and the British royal family banned it afterwards. The East India Company was established and British India was directly under the jurisdiction of the British government, but the most innocent was Bangladesh. After the war, Bangladesh was brought under the rule of British India. It was not only ordered by the British, but also by India. At this time, the Bengali people's desire to seek independence planted the seeds.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

Harrison Road Kolkata

World War II When India helped the British fight against the Japanese, and the two countries had an agreement in advance, after the victory of the war, India was given an independent identity. Following the "Mountbatten Plan" Signed, India, which has been ruled by the British for more than 100 years, can finally live independently. Taking into account the differences of various ethnic groups and religious beliefs in India, the British announced and the partition of India and Pakistan, each being independent.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

On June 3, 1947, Mountbatten officially announced to the outside world the "Mountbatten Plan" for the partition of India and Pakistan. People are basically Muslims, so the British do not consider the wishes of the Bangladeshis, and directly assign Bangladesh to Pakistan, which is called "East Pakistan", and West Bengal is included in India's territory. Guys, this wave of independent Bangladeshis didn't get any oil or water.

This forced division has a big problem soon after independence.Due to ethnic, religious, economic, and territorial disputes, conflicts occur frequently in various regions. Among them, two and India-Pakistan wars were fought for thousands of miles, and East Pakistan also complained, because East Pakistan contributed 60% of GDP . In the end, the final budget was only 20%. In the long run, Bangladeshis also began to feel emotions. In 1970, the Dongba People’s Union put forward the “Dongba Autonomy Program” and decided to unite all Bangladeshis to seek independence.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

The tank battle during the Second India-Pakistan War

Of course, this idea was quickly rejected by the Central Government of Pakistan, and the leader Rahman was also sentenced to treason and executed an arrest warrant. At the time, India and Pakistan were being sentenced. During the period when contradictions were high, this "surprise" was quickly learned by India. In order to combat Pakistan, India unilaterally declared "Bangladesh independence" and allowed Bangladeshis to establish an interim government in Kolkata.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

Sheikh Mujib Rahman

The next thing is basically a process operation. Pakistan sends troops into Dongba to maintain stability, Dongba refuses, and the two sides can only fight each other. At this time, it was the peak of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. India was backed by the Soviet Union. After learning of this, the Soviet Union immediately sent troops into South Asia to support military operations in India and Bangladesh. Unable to get US aid, he soon couldn't resist surrendering. On March 26, 1971, the United Nations officially declared Bangladesh's independence, and the following year established the Bangladesh People's Republic.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

In December 1971, Pakistan surrendered to the Indo-Bangladesh coalition forces

However, after independence, the Bangladeshi talents found themselves caught in a new "trap". Although the Indians helped Bangladesh gain independence, they have since controlled it. Regarding Bangladesh’s politics and economy, every move after Bangladesh’s independence has to be controlled by the Indian government, which makes Bangladeshis very upset.So in 1981, the commander-in-chief of the army, Ahmed, launched a military coup and seized the "bird seat" of President Rahman, and Bangladesh entered the era of military government.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

Ahmed, Commander-in-Chief of the Bangladesh Army, President of Bangladesh Mede actively advocates the establishment of friendly and cooperative relations with neighboring countries (Pakistan, the United States, China, and the Soviet Union) and vigorously develops Bangladesh’s economic capabilities. When Ahmed left office, Bangladesh’s GDP had more than quadrupled compared to when it was just independent. Seeing that life in Bangladesh is getting better and better, India is a little unhappy.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

A female student of Dhaka University, Bangladesh Bangladesh is naturally one of the countries that India wants to control. Since India has 106 enclaves in Bangladesh and Bangladesh also has 92 enclaves in India, it is impossible to completely separate the relations between the two countries, which also makes Bangladesh’s independence after independence. Development has always been constrained by India. Unfortunately, a small country like Bangladesh has basically no capital that can compete with India.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

The enclaves of India and Bangladesh are entangled

After the 2008 financial crisis, Bangladeshis who could have survived fell to the bottom in an instant, the economy fell sharply, and has not yet recovered, and is in sharp contrast with the economy The population of Bangladesh has been growing for decades. The poorer the population, the more the population becomes the biggest dilemma that Bangladesh is facing today. The speed of economic development and infrastructure construction simply cannot keep up with the increase in population, and the unemployed population is increasing. In the end, slums after slums were formed. Young Bangladeshi who could not find a job were either squeezed into slums and left for the rest of their lives, or embarked on a criminal path of no return.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

Poverty and backwardness have led some Bangladeshi women to engage in non-normal profitable industries

In addition,Because Bangladesh is located in the lower reaches of the Ganges River, it has become the best receiving point for domestic and industrial waste in India. Every year, a large amount of Indian waste floats from upstream to downstream, and the Bangladesh government is unable to control it, which ultimately leads to Bangladesh’s current mess. Situation.

Dirty and messier than India? Why is Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million, so poor? - DayDayNews

Bangladesh under the flood

As of today in the 21st century, the illiteracy rate of the Bangladeshi people is still as high as 80%. The lack of education makes the problem of gender inequality in Bangladesh extremely serious, serious environmental pollution, and social construction Lack and rubbish everywhere. From independence to today, Bangladesh’s life does not seem to be better because of this. And behind all this is inextricably linked to India. It is hard to imagine where Bangladesh will go if it cannot break free of this shackle.


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