China Gansu Net, July 15 (our reporter Liu Shan) On July 13, the Forest Police Brigade of the Dangchang County Public Security Bureau received a call from the masses, saying that a suspected eagle owl (commonly known as the owl) was found in Gangou Village, Hejiabao Township. Wil

China Gansu Net, July 15 News (our reporter Liu Shan) On July 13, the Forest Police Brigade of Dangchang County Public Security Bureau received a call from the masses, saying that a suspected eagle owl (common name) was found in Gangou Village, Hejiabao Township. The wild animal (owl) accidentally broke into the farmer's house and asked for help. After receiving the alarm, the forest police brigade policemen and the staff of the wildlife protection station immediately rushed to the scene for rescue.

It is understood that Mr. Song, the owner of Shanyuan Breeding Farm in Ganggou Village, Hejiabao Township, found an owl under the tree in the yard when he was cleaning the pen in the early morning. It suddenly probed its head and spread its wings to fly. This type of wild animal is diurnal. The type that goes out at night, seems a little sleepy. It happened that Mr. Song's daughter was also a forest police officer. Mr. Song was well aware of the importance of ecological resource protection, so he safely protected the "owl" and contacted the Forest Police Brigade of Dangchang County Public Security Bureau and related units to promptly report the situation. processed.

After identification by personnel from the Wildlife Conservation Station, the wild animal is an eagle owl, commonly known as an owl, and is a national second-level protected animal. In recent years, as the forest environment has been effectively improved, the types and numbers of owls have continued to increase, playing a vital role in maintaining the entire ecological balance. To ensure the safety of wild animals, forest police and wildlife protection law enforcement officers released the owls into forest areas suitable for survival and reproduction.