Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers. When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena. Don’t mess with it!

2024/07/0303:53:32 housepet 1224

Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers

When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena, don’t mess with it!

Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers. When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena. Don’t mess with it! - DayDayNews

Phenomenon 1. Pee everywhere

Some owners always like to play pranks on their dogs

Challenge the dog’s bottom line again and again

When you successfully annoy the dog

it will not tolerate you anymore

Will pee everywhere and give you a headache

Many times you can only smell the smell

but can’t find the source

It’s all done intentionally by the dog

Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers. When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena. Don’t mess with it! - DayDayNews

Phenomenon 2. When seeing you, run away immediately

If the dog is not angry

It's done by a random owner.

When you suddenly find that you are close to a dog

, the dog will run away immediately.

It means that it is in an angry state. Yes, it doesn't care.

A dog is so smart.

It must understand its own name.

It doesn't respond no matter what you call it.

It's just because it's angry.

It doesn't want to care about you, so it pretends to be deaf on purpose.

And it's a dog. The hearing is very sensitive

It is impossible that it cannot hear your call

If so

Don't mess with it anymore

Be careful and give you a bite

Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers. When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena. Don’t mess with it! - DayDayNews

Phenomenon 4. Don't let the dog get close, and roaring will scare you away

Dog Instead of letting you get close

, he yells at you to scare you away.

He just doesn’t want to have any contact with you.

At this time, he is very angry. To be against you

Some dogs are very stubborn

When they are angry

They do not want to obey any instructions from their owners

They will not do anything you ask them to do

They just want to be against you

Some dogs even talk back to you.

Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers. When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena. Don’t mess with it! - DayDayNews

Phenomenon 6. The appetite is too small

Sometimes if the dog is too angry, it will also affect the appetite.

If the owner is fine, don’t mess with the dog.

Really, many dog ​​owners like to deliberately annoy dogs.

Just look at them when they are angry. Happy

As a result, if the dog eats less, it will affect the health.

Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers. When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena. Don’t mess with it! - DayDayNews

In addition to paying attention to the emotional changes of the dog,

the physical condition of the dog should also be paid attention to.

The diet should be more comprehensive, so that the body is stronger.

You can choose one. Nutritious dog food feeding

If you are interested, take a look at the following ones

Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers. When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena. Don’t mess with it! - DayDayNews

Conclusion : What does your dog do when he is angry?

Although dogs are very friendly to people, they also have their own tempers. When a dog is angry, there will be these 6 phenomena. Don’t mess with it! - DayDayNews

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