“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs!

2024/07/0303:54:33 housepet 1798

"My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn't want to keep a dog anymore!"

"When I was a child, my family had a Chinese garden dog . It was big and lived a long life. I When I was in elementary school, I picked up a puppy that was just one month old from a neighbor's house. I kept it until I got married and had my own child. All the old teeth were lost. The family loved it very much."

"My dog ​​is a fox terrier. is 15 years old this year. He has lost his teeth, lost his ears, and has cataracts in his eyes, so he can’t see clearly. But I love my dog ​​very much and hope that my dog ​​will live longer! ”

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

If you are a dog owner, Are you also most afraid of seeing this scene?

Many people have asked: Why is the life span of a dog so short? Why can’t it stay with me longer?

So, why do dogs have shorter life spans than humans? Do you know the reason?

Dogs have a short life span and cannot do without these 6 reasons!

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

1: The "metabolism" of dogs is faster than that of humans.

Fast metabolism means that the rate of aging will be accelerated.

One day for a human is approximately equal to 3 days for a dog.

Therefore, in comparison, the metabolic rate of dogs is almost several times that of humans.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

Therefore, every time you go out in the morning and then come home, in terms of dog calculations, it is equivalent to waiting for you for several days, so they are so excited.

Of course, a fast metabolism may not be a good thing for a dog's life span, which means that its life will end faster.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

2: The length of a dog’s life will be affected by many factors.

Just like the following factors:

①: Body size factor

The size of dogs can be simply divided into small dogs and large dogs , and the length of their lives will also be different.

Compared to small dogs, large dogs have a shorter life span than small dogs due to their physique and metabolism.

Generally speaking, the lifespan of large dogs is 8-12 years, while the lifespan of small dogs is 12-15 years, or even longer.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

②: The purer the dog’s bloodline, the more defects it will have

If a dog wants to ensure the purity of its bloodline, it also has to pay a price.

Inbreeding : In order to obtain the so-called advantageous breeds, most dogs will undergo inbreeding.

However, inbreeding is very harmful and can also lead to many genetic diseases.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

is used for competitive competitions : Nowadays, the so-called competition-level dogs we see, the breeding process behind it is actually very complicated. In order to pursue a better body shape or standard, the dog needs to be tortured more . The most obvious example of

is German Shepherd . Today's East Germany is almost abandoned, with gait disorder and even walking unsteadily.

serious, even life threatening for me.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

Three: Dogs are more like “toys” and are not taken seriously.

Why did you decide to raise a dog? Is it simply because it's cute, or because you really like it?

The reason why the abandonment rate of today's dogs is so high is because many pet owners are three-minute fans. If the abandonment rate is high, life and health cannot be guaranteed, and the life span will naturally decrease. Therefore, before raising a dog, you must think carefully. If you raise a dog, you will be responsible for your whole life.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

In fact, the longer you keep your dog, the cuter it will be, and it will become like a family member over time, so please cherish it. Moreover, your dog will love you even more after being with you for a long time.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

Four: The medical level of dogs is not as developed as that of humans.

The pet industry has only become popular in the past few years. Now it is in the boom period.

However, the process of pet medical care is far less developed than that of human medical care.

On the one hand, there is not much investment in medical care for pets. Many pets have serious diseases and no breakthrough results have been achieved, so medical treatment will be hindered.

Furthermore, pet medical care has not received real attention nowadays, and the lives of pets cannot be effectively protected.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

Therefore, it is a big threat to dogs if their health is not guaranteed.

Therefore, in order to reduce the threat of diseases to dogs, owners need to put some thought into taking care of their dogs.

Especially in diet, as the main food, you must be careful when choosing. In recent years, incidents of inferior dog food have occurred frequently, which really worries pet owners and will directly endanger the life and health of dogs.

Therefore, if you want your dog to be healthier, a nutritious and high-quality dog ​​food is very important for your dog.

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

Conclusion: How old is your dog this year?

“My Lala was 10 and a half years old. She fell ill and passed away half a month ago. She was very sad and didn’t want to keep any more dogs! - DayDayNews

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