What do you do when you meet a stray cat in need of help? Stray cats can be seen everywhere in life. They are either abandoned because they are sick; or they are in danger because they are looking for something to eat. It is not easy for them to survive. Under the 4-meter-high ri

2024/06/3011:41:32 housepet 1049

How would you choose when you meet a stray cat in need of help?

Stray cats can be seen everywhere in life.

They are either abandoned because they are sick; or they are in danger because they are looking for something to eat. It is not easy for them to survive.

html Under the 14-meter-high river embankment, there was a fallen cat

"Meow Meow Meow". Under the river embankment on the side, there were waves of meows.

When a curious passerby walked over and looked down, he found a drowned cat in the water.

What do you do when you meet a stray cat in need of help? Stray cats can be seen everywhere in life. They are either abandoned because they are sick; or they are in danger because they are looking for something to eat. It is not easy for them to survive. Under the 4-meter-high ri - DayDayNews

I saw it was soaked in water with one head exposed.

Although he had swam to the shore, the river embankment was about 4 meters high, which was a height that it could not reach.

As far as it is concerned, if it cannot be saved by people, then it will die.

More and more passers-by were watching, discussing strategies to save it.

After a while, the cat’s meow attracted many people to watch.

Although it is just a stray cat, everyone cannot sit idly by and discuss rescue strategies.

Because the river embankment was too high, we could only try to rescue by putting down objects.

Everyone first thought of the trash can.

What do you do when you meet a stray cat in need of help? Stray cats can be seen everywhere in life. They are either abandoned because they are sick; or they are in danger because they are looking for something to eat. It is not easy for them to survive. Under the 4-meter-high ri - DayDayNews

Tie a rope on the trash can and put it down, and then the cat sits in the trash can, so that the cat can be rescued smoothly.

But although the imagination is beautiful, the reality is very "skinny".

When the trash can was put down along the river embankment, the cat did not go in as everyone thought, but was a little repelled.

People on the street are also full of questions: What is going on? Why doesn't the cat go in?

Later someone suggested that the cat might be so repulsive because the trash can is too big.

Use a vegetable basket to replace the trash can

After thinking about this, everyone found a vegetable basket again.

What do you do when you meet a stray cat in need of help? Stray cats can be seen everywhere in life. They are either abandoned because they are sick; or they are in danger because they are looking for something to eat. It is not easy for them to survive. Under the 4-meter-high ri - DayDayNews

Sure enough, after the vegetable basket was put down, the cat was not so repulsive.

It understood everyone's intention, swam into the vegetable basket, and was successfully rescued.

Looking at the successfully rescued kitten, everyone who was nervous finally breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that it would never fall down in the future. How dangerous it is.

is grateful to the kindhearted people who "struggled wits and courage" to rescue the cat and gave it a chance to continue living.

What do you do when you meet a stray cat in need of help? Stray cats can be seen everywhere in life. They are either abandoned because they are sick; or they are in danger because they are looking for something to eat. It is not easy for them to survive. Under the 4-meter-high ri - DayDayNews


Although there are many stray cats and they are not valuable, in the end they are still life.

And the proliferation of stray cats is also inseparable from us humans.

So I hope everyone can be more tolerant when dealing with stray cats, and when you see them in need of help, you can also lend a helping hand to make the world warmer and better.

pictures come from the Internet. If you have any questions, please contact veterinarian Xiao Ming.

If you have questions about pet health and pet care, please follow veterinarian Xiao Ming for consultation.

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