According to news on July 7, pet medical research and anti-healing brand Beizhenbao completed two rounds of Pre-A and Pre-A+ rounds of financing within half a year, with a total amount of tens of millions of yuan. The investors are Baojiehui Innovation Consumption Fund and Listed

According to news on July 7, pet medical research and prevention brand Beizhenbao completed two rounds of Pre-A and Pre-A+ rounds of financing within half a year, with a total amount of tens of millions of yuan . The investor is Baojiehui Innovation Consumption Funds and listed companies Ruo Yuchen, old shareholders Qingsong Fund and Shangcheng Investment continue to increase their investment, and Yuanqi Capital serves as the exclusive financial advisor.

Beizhenbao was established in July 2019. At the end of October 2020, officially launched 6 functional products including Yanweile, Youcangqin, Youcangliang, Miaoningkang, Gastrointestinal Health, and Haisheng Pure Energy Water. Pet health products, provides traceable comprehensive solutions to the health status of pets, solves health problems from the source, creates a high-quality animal medicine brand, and achieves the most cutting-edge technological breakthroughs in the scientific research of pet health medicine.

As for the team, Beizhenbao hired Professor Qi Desheng, the director of the Department of Animal Nutrition at Huazhong Agricultural University, , as the chief nutrition consultant. relies on a professional animal medical research team to develop and produce effective and reliable pet medicine and health. Products, and the products under the brand are developed with the participation of Huazhong Agricultural University, Qingdao Medical Prevention and Disinfection Professional Technology Center and other experts and professors in the pet field. Among them, the Small Animal Medical Laboratory of Huazhong Agricultural University is the only one in China that has GCP for pet drugs. Qualified laboratories.