In the prologue of Little Five Thousand Years, Brother G talked with everyone about the strategic level of clearing Devouring the World in about 7 days. Next, we need to discuss the tactical level.

2024/07/0301:45:33 game 1143
In the prologue of

Little Five Thousand Years, Brother G talked with everyone about the strategic level of clearing and swallowing the world in about 7 days. Next, we need to discuss the tactical level. The first problem that needs to be solved at the tactical level is the generals. If it were not for the "Defense Super Krypton", it would be almost impossible to achieve the awakening of all generals. Considering that the matter of drawing generals in the five thousand years is relatively random, no one can We can't be sure who we will get, how many stars we will achieve, or whether we can put together a strong lineup, so we need to be more targeted.

In the prologue of Little Five Thousand Years, Brother G talked with everyone about the strategic level of clearing Devouring the World in about 7 days. Next, we need to discuss the tactical level. - DayDayNews

The generals of the Three Kingdoms can be obtained by chance

In the prologue, Brother G told everyone about the Golden Tiger Talisman. After getting it, you don’t need to think too much. You can directly draw the generals of the Three Kingdoms. Whoever you draw counts. Save up the red tiger talisman and ingots to draw Hanhe. Hanwu. Compared with the military commanders of other dynasties, the generals of the Three Kingdoms, in addition to appearing to be brave in terms of bonds, will be crushed by the Chu and Han military generals and the Han military generals that were introduced later in actual battles. Then the problem is simple. In fact, in the process of conquering the world At around the halfway point, everyone will be able to reach level 65 and draw generals from the Han camp, and then in another 2 to 3 days, they can reach level 80 and draw generals from the Han and Wu camps.

In the prologue of Little Five Thousand Years, Brother G talked with everyone about the strategic level of clearing Devouring the World in about 7 days. Next, we need to discuss the tactical level. - DayDayNews

Under this tone, friends need to make a simple plan for the use of resources. If there is a surplus in the general experience book, then it will be left for the use of new generals in the Han camp and the Hanwu camp, so that they can quickly form combat effectiveness. The levels, equipment, tactics, official residences, etc. of the generals of the Three Kingdoms are set up. As long as they can cope with the push map without getting stuck, it will be considered a success. After the generals of the Han camp and the Hanwu camp are drawn, resources can be invested first in the Hanwu generals, and then Investing in the generals of the Han camp, it is too late to train the generals of the Three Kingdoms after there is a surplus in the future.

In the prologue of Little Five Thousand Years, Brother G talked with everyone about the strategic level of clearing Devouring the World in about 7 days. Next, we need to discuss the tactical level. - DayDayNews

Single improvement and overall improvement

Everyone can see that military commanders are the key to improving combat power. The individual improvements of multiple military commanders are eventually brought together into an overall improvement. However, in the player design of Little Five Thousand Years, aiming at overall improvement There is a certain conflict between the settings and the settings for single-target improvement when resources are insufficient. Brother G would like to suspend the discussion on generals and first talk about single-target improvement and overall improvement. The exploration of cultural relics in Taixue is inconspicuous in the early stage, but in the later stage, the combat power will grow rapidly; the improvement of characteristics in Five Elements Taichung is similar to the improvement brought by cultural relics, both benefiting the whole. In addition, there are also the overall improvements brought by the three major buildings of weapons, armor, and horses, as well as the overall improvements brought by various barracks. If you have the resources, you might as well consider the overall situation first. It is enough for a single military officer's official residence to reach level 1. , if there are surplus resources, it is not too late to increase the gains of various individual units.

In the prologue of Little Five Thousand Years, Brother G talked with everyone about the strategic level of clearing Devouring the World in about 7 days. Next, we need to discuss the tactical level. - DayDayNews

Who are the four generals of Han and Wu Dynasties?

In the prologue, Brother G once said that the generals of the Han camp were greatly inflated in numerical value, directly comparing the generals of the Three Kingdoms to the generals of the Han camp. However, considering the famous Emperor Wu of the Han Liu Che and the Xiongnu directly The reputation and past of the three solved Huo Qubing , and Huo Qubing's uncle General Wei Qing , there is no problem if the values ​​​​are inflated. If there must be a problem, maybe the launch of Hanwu is a little too early. Brother G needs to add a little reminder here. After all the red tiger talismans and ingots are invested in the generals of the Hanwu camp, you can go directly to clear the Hanwu script. Not only can you get generals, tactics, and cultural relics, but you can also continue to get ingots to draw generals. .

After investing a lot of resources, no matter how bad luck is, the three generals mentioned above, Liu Che, Huo Qubing, and Wei Qing, can at least reach four stars. In addition, with the addition of flying generals and Li Guang, these four generals can constitute For the four C positions in the camp, just invest resources in them first. These resources include equipment, enhancements, star upgrades, official residences, military symbols, general favorability, tactics, and bonds. Regarding bonds, when generals related to Han and Hanwu enter the lineup, you can find that many generals are like "pendants" for the main C. They are good at fighting but can also make the main C more powerful, such as Princess Pingyang , Su Wu, Empress Lu, and even Wei Qing, so the formation of four 30-man legions is easy to handle.

In the prologue of Little Five Thousand Years, Brother G talked with everyone about the strategic level of clearing Devouring the World in about 7 days. Next, we need to discuss the tactical level. - DayDayNews

How to set up the

generals combination? Some friends like to gather the strongest generals in their hands for a while. Each position is their strongest general. Is it the strongest together? Maybe, but maybe not. For example, Ma Teng can improve the strength of all cavalry, and there are generals who can improve the abilities of all archers, such as Xu Huang (and Sun Shangxiang, it seems). However, considering that there are only 30 general positions, the Han camp, the Han Wu camp, and the Shu kingdom are almost All positions are occupied, so there are not many positions that can be maneuvered in one formation.

According to Brother G’s personal understanding, fetters and camps should be considered when matching military commanders. For example, after Cao Cao , Sun Quan, Yuan Shao , Meng Huo received exclusive weapons, they all have the additional strength to improve their own camp’s military commanders. ability, then the combination of the four teams will be clear. The first formation is Han Wu, Han, and Shu, the second formation can be the heroes with Nanman, the third formation is Wei with Shu, and the fourth formation is Wu with Shu; because Brother G is a zero krypton gameplay, currently there is no Han or Han Wu I have drawn them all, but I want to complete Xiang Yu's script, so I can only allocate Yuanbao resources to draw Xiang Yu. I don't know when I will be able to draw Xiang Yu. I have no ability to get involved in the three card pools of Jin, Chu, and Spring and Autumn, so the only way to set up the formation is this . In fact, the heroes and Wei seem to match well because of the bond between Wenpin and Pang De. Nanman has many shield generals, which can make up for the lack of shields in Wu. The final combination depends on everyone's card pool. In fact, the zero krypton gameplay can only be optimized. , there are not many active choices.

In the prologue of Little Five Thousand Years, Brother G talked with everyone about the strategic level of clearing Devouring the World in about 7 days. Next, we need to discuss the tactical level. - DayDayNews

is written at the end

#小小五千# The general system is very large. For example, the improvements in the official residence are all 0.01% level improvements, so when you see some improvements exceeding 1%, don’t think they are mosquito meat. , the combat power of this game is the large numerical pit that is ultimately composed of countless small numerical pits, which is very suitable for the zero krypton harvesting game. At this point, I don’t know if everyone can understand the sentence that Brother G mentioned in the prologue: "Little kryptonians will be happy, big kryptonians will be disappointed." Since military commanders are the focus of krypton gold, but who can be drawn is a matter of Unknown things; Brother G’s first account drew the Jin card pool, which caused no generals in the Han Dynasty to awaken, and the second account awakened Liu Che, and the stars of Li Guang, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and Princess Pingyang were all very high. It has been able to achieve certain results for your reference. The content of

generals has come to an end for the time being, but it is not the end, because Brother G has not said all about which generals are easy to use. Next, I need to discuss each gameplay system with you first, and then go back and make a summary of the general system, so that the effect will be Even better; if you have any special questions that need to be solved, we can chat in the comment area. This article is the second in the series of guides for Brother G’s Little Five Thousand Years. Please check the rest of the guides by yourself.

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