Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhao Liangchen Zhan Shuzhen Recently, F1 and the Premier League, two top professional events that have been away from CCTV for a long time, have successively confirmed that they will return to CCTV’s screens. After entering the era o

2024/07/0301:48:33 sports 1516

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhao Liangchen Zhan Shuzhen

Recently, two top professional events, F1 and Premier League , which have been away from CCTV for a long time, have successively confirmed that they will return to CCTV’s screen. After entering the era of mobile Internet, mobile terminals such as computers and mobile phones are increasingly taking a share of the traditional TV screen. However, with the rapid ebb of the copyright war between Internet companies, TV's right to speak in the broadcast of sports events has begun again. pick up.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhao Liangchen Zhan Shuzhen Recently, F1 and the Premier League, two top professional events that have been away from CCTV for a long time, have successively confirmed that they will return to CCTV’s screens. After entering the era o - DayDayNews

TV viewing is still the favorite way for fans

As sports fans, what is their preferred way of watching games now? How have their habits changed? How will this “competition” between TV and mobile phones develop?

Copyright vs. No copyright, a "hate" for sports fans

Sun Jing's favorite event to watch is F1. In 2005, he started watching racing on TV with his father. In his opinion, the experience of watching F1 has been compromised due to various reasons. “The viewing method on TV is affected by copyright on the one hand and scheduling on the other. In addition, F1 is not a popular event in China, so even if Sometimes when CCTV obtains the copyright, it may not be able to schedule it, so it will postpone the broadcast or only broadcast part of it. "

In the past two years, the channels for watching F1 have become more diversified. In addition to TV platforms such as local channel Guangdong Sports and Five-Star Sports , which have long broadcast F1, Internet platforms have also joined the official broadcast, but the good times did not last long. The latter failed to renew the broadcast rights of F1 this year due to various reasons. What is gratifying is that CCTV, which had been somewhat "indifferent" to F1 before, finally accepted the olive branch extended by F1.

"What is gratifying is that there are Chinese drivers in F1 this year. Zhou Guanyu 's performance in the competition is very eye-catching, so the influence of racing in the country has expanded." Sun Jing said that through the development in recent years, domestic Racing fans have formed a more stable group, and they also have relatively stable and reliable channels to watch races. Now that CCTV has joined again, it gives them another viewing option, which can be said to be a "reassurance".

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhao Liangchen Zhan Shuzhen Recently, F1 and the Premier League, two top professional events that have been away from CCTV for a long time, have successively confirmed that they will return to CCTV’s screens. After entering the era o - DayDayNews

F1 is popular among racing fans

In the past few years, copyright has become a "worry" for Chinese sports audiences. Starting from and LeTV Sports , many Internet platforms have regarded sports event copyrights as financial tools to increase company stock prices and increase financing chips. As a result, the price of broadcast rights for top professional events in China has also increased, and they frequently change hands.

In this regard, veteran fan Xie Tian said quite representatively, "In order to watch the game, I had to download a bunch of APPs on my mobile phone, which was very confusing. Even if some of my friends are willing to pay, they will because it is too Some will go to unofficial authorized platforms with more concentrated content, and some will slowly stop paying attention to the game. "

The Premier League in 2020 and the La Liga in 2022 have both encountered copyright dealers in China. Due to arrears, they parted ways. The Premier League has found a "takeover", but the copyright price has shrunk significantly. This scene will most likely happen in La Liga this year. As a loyal supporter of and Real Madrid , fan Fang Zhen told a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News that the copyright transfer has indeed brought uncertainty to fans, "I just hope to watch every round of Real Madrid's games. After all, looking for unofficial authorization The link to the platform is too troublesome. "

Ritual VS entertainment, TV and mobile terminals are both good at broadcasting sports events.

In the omnimedia era, TV is no longer the only choice. More and more viewers are turning to mobile phones. , tablet computers and other mobile terminals are migrated. However, now the two seem to have more of a complementary relationship in which each is good at winning, rather than a zero-sum competition of "life and death".

Some people like the experience of watching games anytime and anywhere brought by mobile phones, while some people prefer television as a medium. In Wang Yiyi's view, when watching a game on a mobile phone, once there is interference from other information, it will greatly affect the viewing experience. "Watching the game requires concentration. Human attention is limited, and once it is interrupted, it will be difficult to enter the game state." On the other hand, she believes that the screen of the mobile phone is too small, which also affects the viewing experience.

Wang Yiyi said that TV gave her the "ceremonial sense" of watching the game. "Watching TV is actually a very expensive activity. It means that you must first have a space to watch TV, as well as the time to sit down and watch a game without pausing, as well as a limited selection of channels and events, all of which will It makes me feel relaxed." Wang Yiyi is a migrant worker away from home. She likes to watch NBA the most, but she is not so fanatical that she must watch every game. "There are too many things on the online live broadcast, and all kinds of barrages are flooding the screen, but I just want to sit down comfortably and watch a game quietly."

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhao Liangchen Zhan Shuzhen Recently, F1 and the Premier League, two top professional events that have been away from CCTV for a long time, have successively confirmed that they will return to CCTV’s screens. After entering the era o - DayDayNews

NBA FinalsThe ratings are quite high

However, sitting The "ceremonial feeling" of watching the game is still a bit luxurious for many people. They need a more convenient way to watch the game anytime and anywhere. Mobile terminals provide them with a freer choice and they can "walk" to watch the game.

On the other hand, some people like the "immersive viewing" brought by TV, while many young people are not very accepting of the one-way communication method of TV. For example, Xie Tian prefers mobile terminals that can communicate and interact in real time, "while watching the game." , while watching people making jokes and making complaints based on the content of the game, the fun of watching the game will really double. In many cases, the barrage is better than the game. "The broadcast of focus events on

mobile terminals often provides multiple different commentators. The audience is free to choose according to their preferred language and narration style. Nowadays, there are innovations in this method. For example, in the recent warm-up broadcast of the Asian tour of Manchester United and Liverpool , a certain platform invited dozens of individual anchors with different styles and vertical fields to broadcast on their own live broadcasts. Occasionally commentating on games - a method of broadcasting that would have been considered "pirating" in the past, has now become the target of official promotion.

Wang Xiao is not only a senior sports fan, but also a "two-dimensional" person. She said frankly that she likes this way of watching games. "Watching games in this way adds a lot of personal perspective and can also incorporate the personal talents of different broadcasters." '——For example, a comedy anchor can create more than a dozen memes in one game, and a second-generation dubbing anchor will use his or her imagination at any time to arrange and interpret the plot on the spot..." She believes that this increases the added value of watching the game," Although there is still so much time for games, people now have to give up more entertainment content in order to watch the games, so adding more entertainment to the broadcast is an effective way to attract young people today."

Xie Tian believes that TV. As a provider of broadcast content, we will also face long-term competition with Internet platforms in the future. “But the TV itself is definitely still the best way to watch the game. The only difference is that I can choose whether to watch the content it provides or to stream it on my mobile phone. The game is projected on the TV to watch. ”

Paid VS Free, online live broadcast, interactive commentary, VR watching... the endless viewing methods give sports fans more diverse options. Choice, and the advancement of technology, convenient payment methods and users' gradually established awareness of paying for content have also allowed operators to see better profit prospects for paid live broadcasts.

However, everything just looks beautiful. Some users have become paying users, some users have switched back to the "free mode" after paying for a period of time, and more people have always stayed at the charging threshold.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhao Liangchen Zhan Shuzhen Recently, F1 and the Premier League, two top professional events that have been away from CCTV for a long time, have successively confirmed that they will return to CCTV’s screens. After entering the era o - DayDayNews

Fans watching various games

Gu Yan, a enthusiast of badminton events, said that her willingness to pay is relatively low. On the one hand, this is because she can always find free game viewing links on various platforms; on the other hand, there are relatively few domestic copyright purchasers of the badminton events she likes. If you sign up for a monthly membership on a certain platform, you can often only watch a few games, which is very cost-effective for her. "Even if the membership fee is tens of dollars a month, I think it is expensive." Gu Yan said.

The same situation also occurs in the top European leagues such as the Premier League and La Liga. Fang Zhen told a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News that he would only buy a single game of Real Madrid before. “I only watch Real Madrid games, so there is no need to buy them in a package for the entire season, which is not cost-effective.If the platform can provide more detailed choices, such as choosing any number of games to watch based on the schedule in a season, maybe I will be more willing to buy it. "

The level of sports commentary will also affect the willingness to pay. Many people expressed their trust in CCTV Sports , "CCTV's commentary is very professional and of a high standard." Some people also prefer some well-known sports commentary from other platforms. Moderator. However, if some sports commentators frequently promote advertisements and ask fans to join the group during the game, it is easy to lose their users.

"I will open the live broadcast of the game on several platforms at the same time and choose the one I like best. Watch the game with commentary. If the explanation is professional, I'm more than willing to pay. "Lin Lin, who just started to get involved in basketball games , said that she could not understand the changes in game rules and strategies, and the professional commentators just made up for this.

CCTV will regain the copyright of top professional events such as F1 and the Premier League, which is bound to It has had a certain impact on the paid live broadcasts on Internet platforms. However, CCTV broadcasts relatively few games and cannot achieve full coverage like the platform.

Moreover, CCTV’s channel resources are limited. Once professional events and national-level teams participate, Due to the conflict in the schedules of important events, the former will most likely make way for the latter. For example, the live broadcast of F1 was delayed by more than an hour in order to broadcast the Chinese Men's Volleyball League. The Dragon Boat Festival gave way to the dragon boat race and switched to delayed live broadcast, causing many basketball viewers to turn to mobile terminals.

The person in charge of a large video website revealed that compared to CCTV, although today’s Internet platform no longer has Although they had a strong financial advantage in the past, they have richer resources of hosts and commentators, and can further tap into "UGC" (user-generated content) content, turning the competition into a background for popular anchors to showcase their talents. Make the form of sports event broadcasting more diversified.

However, he also said that CCTV broadcasting games can expand the audience of the event and enhance the brand value of the event IP in the country. Therefore, event copyright owners are often willing to sell it at a lower price. Part of the copyright is distributed to CCTV.

In addition, the Internet platform is also more timely than CCTV and other TV stations in providing incremental information about the event. For example, in F1 races, many emergencies often require professional interpretation. " Before, you watched a game and it was over. But now with the help of various channels, you can see other people's opinions in real time, you can see the replay of the event, you can watch the competition on the same track from multiple perspectives, and different people can gather together to discuss with the help of the Internet In the same event, this is also an important experience. "Sun Jing said.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Zhao Liangchen Zhan Shuzhen Recently, F1 and the Premier League, two top professional events that have been away from CCTV for a long time, have successively confirmed that they will return to CCTV’s screens. After entering the era o - DayDayNews

This issue's weekend feature layout

(For more news information, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

title picture | Visual China

Editor in charge | Ge Wanli

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