Neutering a cat is also an operation, so you still need to take careful care after neutering to prevent various postoperative problems.

Cat neutering size is also an operation, so you still need to take careful care after neutering to prevent various postoperative problems.

1. Precautions in pet hospitals

After sterilization, cats will generally be observed in the pet hospital for a period of time. This period is the most dangerous period for cats after sterilization.

Therefore, at this time, pet hospitals will generally stay for observation for a period of time. Let her go home. Of course, the owner can stay with her during this period (some hospitals have dedicated personnel to take care of her and the owner cannot enter).

If the owner can enter, there are still some things to pay attention to.

1. Do not move the cat's body arbitrarily.

After the sterilization operation , the pet hospital will usually let the cat lie flat in a cage or mat.

At this time, the cat cannot be moved to change its lying posture. This posture needs to be maintained for a period of time. Wait until the cat gradually wakes up before changing.

So don’t hold the cat or flip the cat as soon as you enter, thinking that you have made a comfortable position for the cat.

This is very dangerous. Just stay with the cat silently after entering, and don’t flip it.

2. Do not stuff the pulled out cat's tongue back.

Some cat owners just see the cat after sterilization.

think that the cat's tongue hanging out is not good-looking, just like getting the cat's tongue inside.

This is very dangerous, because after the cat is anesthetized, the whole body is loose, including the cat’s tongue.

If it is stuffed into the mouth, it may cause the cat’s tongue to block the respiratory tract and cause suffocation. ,

So the cat anesthesia is Before passes, the tongue is going to flow outside of me.

3. Just wait quietly during the anesthesia recovery period.

Cats are operated after being anesthetized.

Generally, the recovery time from anesthesia is 5-10 minutes. The female cat has grown up, which may be about 30-50 minutes.

During this period, you must be able to move the cat and just wait quietly.

If the cat turns over or wanders, you can take care of it to prevent the cat from falling.

You can gently stroke the cat's fur (head or back).

You can also gently rub the cat's flesh points to stimulate the cat's early recovery.

4. Observe the fasting of food and water during this period.

Because it is generally required to fast for several hours before surgery to prevent cats from vomiting and blocking the trachea after anesthesia.

Therefore, most cats who have undergone surgery may not eat for several hours. No more water to drink (you can drink a small amount of some water).

Some people think that after surgery, can they give the cat some water, some food, nutritional cream, etc. Well, I have also seen stuffing ham sausage,

These are all wrong practices. At this time, the cat is still Under anesthesia, you cannot drink or eat normally.

Because the cat has been fasting and deprived of water for a period of time, the cat will definitely be hungry and thirsty,

but it still has to persist for a while before eating or drinking. This usually happens after arriving home.

5. If you find that the cat is abnormal, call the doctor immediately.

The abnormality here does not mean that the cat cannot stand up, staggers and falls just after anesthesia.

These are normal phenomena of gradually waking up and feeling dizzy after anesthesia.

Symptoms found to be abnormal usually include sudden difficulty in breathing, vomiting, scratching, nose picking, which turns dark red and then turns purple,

and the wound bleeds more, or the cat has other natural movements, suddenly shaking violently all over the body, etc. .

If a problem occurs, call a doctor as soon as possible.

Let the doctor come and deal with it. Do not do it yourself (unless you have professional knowledge).

6. Pay attention to protection on the way home

Generally, cats fully recover from anesthesia 1-2 hours after surgery (basically one hour for male cats, longer for female cats),

can gradually walk normally, and can also curiously observe various places. Then you can take it home.

It is best to use a flight case to carry your cat on the road. Cat bags are not suitable regardless of whether they are soft or hard. The

flight case is very large inside, and it is very comfortable for cats to crawl inside with a mat. The

cat bag is not good. The cat bag is designed to be carried by people, so it is not too big. The space inside the

is small. A cat that has just undergone surgery will even have to curl its body inside, which will press the wound, and the anesthetic effect has just worn off...

2. Precautions after the cat is neutered and returned home

The cat can go home after being observed in the pet hospital for a period of time (different pet hospitals have different observation times, some are 1-2 hours, some are 2-3 hours) ,

After arriving home, the cat will have to be observed at home for a period of time until the wound has fully recovered.

1. Prepare a quiet, warm (cool in summer), and dry environment for the cat in advance.

It is a bit late to prepare this environment after returning home.

Generally, it should be prepared before departure for sterilization, and it can be used directly after returning.

However, most people who sterilize cats are neutering them for the first time (or neutering a cat of a certain gender for the first time).

There is always a lack of preparation, so some people find that they need to make some changes after they get home.

My family prepared a new, very soft and very large bathtub mat (the kind with an opening on one side).

As a result, the cat came back and went directly into the cat tent on the side and could not come out, so as an emergency, I rushed downstairs to the pet store to buy some. Place a clean medium-sized mat (the large one won’t fit in) inside the cat tent.

2. You can eat and drink within a specified time after the operation.

You can only drink water and eat after a certain period of time after sterilization.

Generally, it takes about 4 hours for male cats and about 6 hours for female cats. It can be extended appropriately according to the actual situation.

However, the cat felt dizzy for a long time after anesthesia, so the appetite was not good. Drinking water would be better.

So I saw that the cat hadn’t eaten for seven or eight hours or even longer. If he still didn’t eat, he thought there was something wrong. , don't worry, this is normal.

3. Some cats will vomit when they first start eating and drinking.

It is also a problem of anesthesia.

Cats who have just woken up after anesthesia will be dizzy and nauseous.

But the cat has not eaten or drank water for several hours, and is still a little thirsty and hungry.

Some cats will eat something at this time, but they will vomit after a while.

Don’t worry, this is also a normal phenomenon.

recommends feeding your cat some probiotics first, which can greatly relieve nausea symptoms.

4. There is a huge difference in the recovery of male and female cats

Some people think that they have experience in taking care of male cats after sterilization and think that female cats are the same.

This is completely wrong. There is a huge gap between the sterilization of male cats and the sterilization of female cats.

Male cats usually recover in about 2 hours after sterilization.

They are alive and kicking when they get home, and some even get better in the pet hospital.

Female cats are not suitable because the sterilization surgery for female cats is more difficult and the wounds are larger and deeper.

The recovery time is very long because the wounds are uncomfortable and the female cats are very irritable in the first two or even three or four days.

5. As long as the topical medicine is still applied, the Elizabethan ring must be worn before the wound heals.

After sterilization, both male and female cats must wear Elizabethan rings,

but the length of wearing them is different.

I read a lot of tutorials directly stating how many days it should be worn,

and the time is different in different tutorials, ranging from 4 to 15 days...

Such a fixed number of days is definitely incorrect. There are two factors to judge when wearing an Elizabethan ring,

One is whether to use external medicine or not. If you use it, you must wear it to prevent the cat from licking the medicine and getting poisoned .

One is that the wound has not healed yet, so it must be worn to prevent the cat from licking the wound and causing wound infection.

If the cat no longer needs external medicine and the wound has healed,

it can be removed even if it has just been worn for 2 days. If the wound continues to have problems and does not heal (very few wounds are infected), it cannot be removed even for a month.

6. If there are other cats at home, other pets should be isolated.

If it is a multi-cat family, there are many cats in the home, or there are other free-range pets in the home,

then it is recommended to keep this neutered cat in isolation and not have contact with other cats for the time being. and pets.

It prevents licking each other from poisoning other cats or pets or infecting the wounds of neutered cats.

It also prevents wounds from being pulled by fighting with each other.

7. Disinfect and deworm the breeding environment in advance.

The breeding environment must be dewormed and disinfected before sterilization.

It is recommended to disinfect 1-2 times a day after arriving home, using a disinfectant that is harmless to cats.

Even if the disinfectant is non-toxic to cats,

when disinfecting, the cat should be temporarily allowed to leave the room before disinfecting.

8. Eat less and more frequently in the first few days after sterilization.

The first few days after sterilization are a critical period.

This period is not suitable for cats to eat too much to prevent the cat from defecating too many times and causing the wound to open...

Do this It’s not that I don’t want the cat to be full,

but instead of feeding the cat twice a day, feed it four to six times a day, and even add a little bit more to the total amount (the body needs more nutrients to recover).

9. Let the cat bask in the sun for a period of time every day.

The UV disinfection effect of sunlight is very good.

Therefore, letting the cat bask in the sun for a period of time every day is very good for the cat’s recovery.

Cats themselves also like to bask in the sun.

Of course, when the weather is not too hot, and respect the cat’s wishes, don’t force it if you don’t want to bask in the sun.

10. Do not give climbing frames and any toys during the recovery period after sterilization.

During the recovery period after sterilization,

collect all the cat climbing frames and all cat toys.

Prevent the cat from causing wound problems during play.

During this period, the cat mainly rests, and also allows them to do a small amount of exercise.

11. Cats will gain weight after sterilization. Please pay attention in advance

Almost all cats will gain weight after sterilization,

and the weight will be particularly obvious.

So after the cat is neutered, as long as the wound has recovered,

we must consider controlling the cat’s diet and reduce high-calorie, high-fat, and high-sugar water compound snacks.

If possible, you can choose a temporary sterilization food for the cat.

It is best to change the food before neutering to prevent the cat from being stressed after changing the food.

12. It is best not to take a bath for half a month after sterilization.

It is generally recommended not to take a bath for half a month after sterilization.

To prevent wound infection caused by bath water.

In fact, male cats can be bathed earlier,

female cats should be more cautious and insist on waiting until the time is right before taking a bath.

If the cat gets dirty,

you can consider using dry cleaning foam, dry cleaning powder, wet towel and other methods to solve the problem.

13. If you encounter any problems after getting home from neutering, seek medical attention immediately.

If the cat develops any symptoms while being cared for at home,

such as wound infection, fever, lethargy, vomiting, etc.

It is necessary to discover it in time and send it to the pet hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

Don't take chances and think that nothing will happen until you wait. Sometimes, the cat's life will be lost.

Well, that’s all. This is more than 3,000 words written.

Cat sterilization is a hurdle that almost every pet cat has to go through.

However, medical technology is becoming more and more advanced now,

more and more cats and dogs are being sterilized, and pet doctors are also skilled in technology.

So sterilization surgery has become a daily minor surgery, so you don’t need to worry so much.

However, the things that should be paid attention to are not careless at all, otherwise it is still very dangerous.