The French Bulldog is a very quiet dog and is docile to its owner. Do you know why it likes to show its belly in front of its owner? In fact, this is just what the French Bulldog wants to say to you. Let’s take a look!

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French Dou is a very quiet dog and is docile to its owner. Do you know why it likes to show its belly in front of its owner? In fact, this is just what Fa Dou wants to say to you. Let’s take a look!

"I like you, I swear on my belly!"

If your French Bulldog suddenly shows his belly to you and acts like he loves you very much, then don't doubt it, this is indeed the French Bulldog expressing that he likes you. .

Because it likes you, it swears by its belly. After all, the belly is a part that needs protection for Fa Dou and will only be exposed in front of the person he likes.

"Master, the weather is too hot. I can't stand it anymore."

French Dou is very afraid of heat because of its short respiratory tract. In addition, the weather is hot in summer, so sometimes it can't stand the weather. , exposing your belly means you are too hot.

Therefore, when pet owners find that their French Bulldogs often show their belly, they should pay attention and quickly give the French Bulldogs a fan or air conditioner to prevent them from getting heatstroke.

"Master, my stomach is a little itchy..."

Many pet owners take French Dou out for exercise, walking, etc. every day, so it is inevitable that they will be infected with parasites, causing itchiness in the body, and French Dou cannot scratch their stomachs. .

At this time, the French Dou may show its belly to you and show an uncomfortable look. At this time, the pet owner remembers to scratch it and deworm it.

"You punish me, I will accept the punishment!"

Although Fa Dou is very obedient, it is inevitable that he will make mistakes. At this time, the pet owner may feel angry and want to punish Fa Dou. At this time, some Fa Dou will appear in front of you. Belly, this is actually Fa Dou showing weakness and admitting his mistake.

At this time, the pet owner can give Fa Dou a small punishment to let Fa Dou know that it cannot do this. It is also necessary to strengthen its obedience training to avoid making mistakes again. It is best to pair it with snacks during training.

"Watch me show you my belly, and hurry up and pay attention to me."

Some French Bulldogs like to show their belly in front of you. It is probably just a behavior that they want you to pay attention to, especially if you haven't played with them for a long time. when.

Because dogs are social animals, they need the companionship of their owners, otherwise the relationship between you will deteriorate a lot. If you want to maintain your relationship, in addition to spending more time with Fa Dou, you can also prepare some delicious dog food for him, so that Fa Dou will be very happy.

Conclusion: Does your French Dou like to show his belly in front of you?