There is an osmanthus tree less than two meters high at the entrance of Shenzhen FAW Repair Factory. For some reason, this small tree was spotted by a couple of red-eared bulbuls. They built nests on the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, laid eggs, and hatched the birds. The young b

2024/07/0305:55:32 housepet 1111

There is an osmanthus tree less than two meters high at the entrance of the Shenzhen FAW Repair Factory. For some reason, this small tree was spotted by a red-eared bulbul couple. They built nests on the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, laid eggs, and hatched the birds. The young bird also successfully left the nest on the morning of July 15th. Recalling the time spent together day and night for the past month, Pan Bangping, the owner of the auto repair shop, has mixed feelings.

Surprise: The bird's nest appears in the sweet-scented osmanthus tree

Pan Bangping's auto repair shop has been operating in a compound on Meiqing Road, Meilin Street for more than ten years. The factory area is not large and can park four or five cars. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree was planted by Boss Pan, just outside the roller shutter door . It is nourished by natural rain and dew and is growing well.

html On the morning of June 20, an employee at the auto repair shop told Pan Bangping about the bird nesting. Pan Bangping didn't believe it at first. In my impression, bird nests are usually built on high branches. A tree like the one he planted, which is about the same height as an adult, would be difficult to attract birds to build a nest. But when he looked through the gaps in the branches and leaves, he clearly saw the bird's nest close at hand. The bird's nest is the size of a bowl, and there are three eggs in the nest. The scene before him made the stout man feel a little more doubtful. Of course, Pan Bangping was more happy. He thought: "Good birds choose trees to roost in!"

Pan Bangping, who had raised birds before, knew a little about birds, and he recognized that the owner of the bird's nest was a pair of red-eared bulbuls. Pan Bangping asked his colleagues in the auto repair shop to try not to disturb them during work. When customers come to the repair shop to repair their cars, he will also tell them not to watch and try to create a good ecological environment for the birds.

There is an osmanthus tree less than two meters high at the entrance of Shenzhen FAW Repair Factory. For some reason, this small tree was spotted by a couple of red-eared bulbuls. They built nests on the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, laid eggs, and hatched the birds. The young b - DayDayNews

ā–²Hearing the cry of the baby bird, the parent bird has been guarding the baby bird. Photographed by Shenzhen Evening News reporter Luo Ming

Happy: The baby bird was born

The small bird's nest has brought a lot of happiness to the garage and Pan Bangping's family, and also made them a little more concerned.

In their spare time, employees at the auto repair shop often go to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree to look at the bird's nest and watch the adult birds lay their eggs. Some time ago, there was abundant rain in Shenzhen, and Typhoon " Siamba " also brought strong winds. A young man at the auto repair shop was worried that the bird's nest could not withstand the wind and rain, so he found a plastic bag and wanted to put a protective cover on the bird's nest. But unexpectedly, this red-eared bulbul couple did not appreciate it. As long as people approached the nest, they would use their wings and claws to drive away people. In order to put on this protective shield, several employees have suffered a lot.

html On July 7, Pan Bangping discovered that three baby birds hatched out of their shells. He immediately told the news to his daughter, who was in kindergarten. This was her daughter's "order". She had always paid attention to the bird's nest, and she had already made an agreement with Pan Bangping to inform him of the birth of the baby bird as soon as possible.

Seeing his daughter cheering and cautiously, Pan Bangping felt as if he had eaten honey. The bird's nest in the auto repair shop has already successfully attracted fans to his lover and daughter. Every time my daughter comes to the factory, her father has to hold her in his arms to see the bird's nest. Pan Bangping's lover turned into a bird-watching expert and carefully recorded every detail of the bird's nest with pictures and videos.

Everyone was very happy to see the red-eared bulbul couple flying back to the bird's nest with bugs in their mouths from time to time, and the three baby birds chirping and eating. Letting the young birds grow up healthily is no longer just the wish of the red-eared bulbul couple.

There is an osmanthus tree less than two meters high at the entrance of Shenzhen FAW Repair Factory. For some reason, this small tree was spotted by a couple of red-eared bulbuls. They built nests on the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, laid eggs, and hatched the birds. The young b - DayDayNews

ā–²On July 7, three red-eared bulbuls emerged from their shells. Picture provided by Pan Bangping

Disappointment: The last baby bird flew away

html On July 9, Pan Bangping specially shot a video and posted it on WeChat Moments as a souvenir. In the accompanying text, he wrote: It is a blessing for the repair shop that the red-eared bulbul can build a nest in the small tree at the entrance of the repair shop. I hope the baby bird will grow up safely.

But it backfired. On July 12, Pan Bangping suddenly discovered that there was only one baby bird left in the nest. He searched up and down the sweet-scented osmanthus tree for a long time, but found no trace of the other two baby birds. Pan Bangping guessed that it might have been eaten by wild cats or mice. After all, the height of the bird's nest would not be too difficult for greedy coveters.

While feeling sad, Pan Bangping and his staff took even closer care of the bird's nest. They hope the remaining baby bird will grow up quickly.

html On the morning of the 114th, Pan Bangping discovered that the fledgling baby bird was flapping its wings and trying to stand up. Pan Bangping realized that the bird was leaving the nest. While he was happy for the baby bird, he also felt a bit of sadness in his heart.

The process of the baby bird leaving the nest is also full of twists and turns. At first, the baby bird fluttered, but it fell to the ground before it flew half a meter. Pan Bangping put the baby bird that fell on the ground back into the nest. The red-eared bulbul couple seemed to know his kindness and did not attack. Within two hours, the young bird tried to fly twice more, the furthest one flying nearly 4 meters. Finally, on its fourth flight, the baby bird, accompanied by its parents, flew to a big tree outside the fence.

There is an osmanthus tree less than two meters high at the entrance of Shenzhen FAW Repair Factory. For some reason, this small tree was spotted by a couple of red-eared bulbuls. They built nests on the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, laid eggs, and hatched the birds. The young b - DayDayNews

ā–²On the afternoon of the 14th, after the baby bird failed to leave the nest, Pan Bangping put it back on the sweet-scented osmanthus tree again. Photo by Shenzhen Evening News reporter Luo Ming

Just when everyone thought that the baby bird would never appear again, or perhaps to make up for the regret that the Shenzhen Evening News reporter could not "interview" face to face, the baby bird was discovered by employees that afternoon. At that time, it got under the chassis of a car. For the safety of the baby bird, Pan Bangping picked it up again and placed it next to the nest. The young bird stood on the branch for a long time. Maybe it was learning to fly and spent too much energy on it.

html In the early morning of the 115th, Pan Bangping, who rushed to the auto repair shop early in the morning, sent a message to reporters late at night: The bird finally flew away.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Luo Ming

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