"There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big that I don't know how many miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. The back of the Peng is so big that I don't know how many miles it is; when it flies in anger, its wings are like Th

2024/06/2022:34:34 housepet 1003

"There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big that I don't know how many miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. The back of the Peng, I don't know how many miles it is; when it flies in anger, its wings Like the clouds hanging from the sky. "

When the vegetable farmer saw this unknown bird for the first time, the poem in " Xiaoyaoyou" by Zhuangzi came to his mind.

This bird is as ferocious and mysterious as the legendary Kunpeng.

When the expert saw this bird, he said: "Fortunately, this bird was not released into the wild casually, otherwise something big would have happened."

What kind of bird is this? What's the origin?

"Uninvited guests" in the vegetable field

At 9 a.m. on June 15, 2017, Brother Yan from Henan went to work in the vegetable garden as usual, weeding the vegetables and watering the vegetable field.

Then he heard rustling sounds coming from the garlic field. At first he thought it was a hare or pheasant eating garlic sprouts.

But he walked closer to the garlic seedlings and took a closer look. It was a bird he had never seen before, hiding in the garlic seedlings and flapping its wings.

When the bird saw someone approaching, it flapped its wings faster, but it never took off.

The bird stared at Brother Yan warily, seeming to warn him not to get close.

This bird has brown feathers, a long pointed beak and sharp claws.

obviously only weighs 3 pounds, but when it spreads its wings, it is 80 centimeters long.

Seeing the bird struggling but unable to fly, and looking dull, Brother Yan guessed that it might be injured or sick.

So he avoided the bird's claws and long beak, grabbed its wings, and caught it.

After this bird was caught, his temper immediately became violent. He kept waving his wings and struggling, and even scratched his arm.

The vegetable farmer took the bird home, and the ferocious bird soon attracted the attention of the neighbors.

He asked the crowd of onlookers if they knew this kind of bird, but no one knew what kind of bird it was, so they started to guess.

Some people say it is an eagle, some say it is a vulture, some say it is an owl, and some say it is a spotted thrush and so on. Everyone started discussing it, but they couldn't come to a conclusion.

Facing this strange bird, Brother Yan wonders what it eats and what kind of living habits it has? How to place it has become the most troublesome problem for Brother Yan.

The neighbors around him began to give Brother Yan ideas again and expressed their opinions one after another.

Someone said: "This bird looks very strange. I don't know if it tastes good or not. Why don't you eat it? You can try braised it or make soup."

Another person retorted: "This bird looks good." It looks like a nationally protected animal, and it would be illegal to eat it. It would be better to let it fly away on its own."

Others said: "How about selling this bird in the market? It looks very valuable, it should be sold for four to five hundred yuan!"

Everyone was talking more and more, but Brother Yan finally didn't listen to everyone's opinions, so he decided to buy it. The bird was handed over to the relevant animal protection department in the county.

Brother Yan dialed the number of the county forestry bureau: "Comrade, I picked up a bird that couldn't fly in my vegetable field. I don't know if it was injured. I don't know the species. Come and pick it up." "

After hearing the news, the Zhongmu County Forestry Bureau immediately sent two comrades to Brother Yan's house to pick up the birds.

When these two comrades saw this bird, they were a little confused because they had never seen a bird like this before.

These two comrades told Brother Yan that they did not know what kind of bird it was. They would take the bird back to the unit first and wait for the experts in the unit to discuss it together. They would contact him when the results are available.

Wildlife rescue station rescues strange birds

Comrades from the Forestry Bureau heard that a new bird had arrived in the unit, and came to watch one after another.

Although they often rescue wild animals and have rescued many birds, no one has seen or recognized this bird.

A comrade who often rescues birds fed the bird some food and water.

After eating and drinking, the bird gradually regained its energy and began to observe its surroundings vigilantly again.

Then, the leader of the Forestry Bureau called the comrades at the Zhengzhou Wildlife Rescue Station to inquire. He also took a photo of the bird and sent it to the rescue station. Soon he got a reply from the rescue station.

Webmaster Dong Chaowei recognized it immediately after seeing the photo : "It turned out to be a national second-level protected animal, Mongolia national bird hunting falcon . Judging from the appearance of this bird, it is still a An underage baby falcon. "

Since the Forestry Bureau had no experience in rescuing falcons, it decided to send the little falcon to the Zhengzhou Wildlife Rescue Station and let the comrades there help rescue the little falcon.

At 16:30 that afternoon, when the comrades at the rescue station received the little falcon, they were immediately attracted by its appearance. Although the falcon is not yet an adult, we can already imagine it. Soaring in the sky with majesty.

Because of the change to a strange environment, the little falcon became very nervous. It clutched the cage tightly and cautiously opened its eyes to stare at the movement around it.

The bird expert at the rescue station told the comrades of the Forestry Bureau: "The food of the hunting falcon is birds and small animals, and it will also attack golden eagle and other large raptors. Fortunately, the villagers did not sell it or release it randomly." , otherwise it will seriously affect the local ecological environment. "

The comrades at the rescue station conducted a physical examination on the little falcon, measuring and examining various parts of its body.

This small falcon weighs 1.5 kilograms and has a wingspan of 80 centimeters. After preliminary examination, it was found that his mental state was poor, the fourth and fifth flight feathers of his right wing were broken, his right paw was slightly bruised, and he suffered from very serious enteritis.

Webmaster Dong Chaowei speculated that escaped after being illegally raised. Due to his poor hunting ability in the wild, he was too hungry to fly.

The rescue station arranged a separate room for the little falcon. After disinfecting the room, it sent a specialized bird expert to take care of it.

Experts injected some cephalosporin into the little falcon and fed it oxytetracycline . After the little falcon recovered a little, I fed it some water and meat. The little falcon was in good spirits, had a better appetite, and ate a lot of food.

After careful care by the comrades at the rescue station, the little falcon recovered soon after and is now ready to be released into the wild.

Comrades have been living with the little falcon for a while, and they all like this little guy. Although is reluctant to part with it, everyone knows that the little falcon belongs to nature, and it must soar freely in the blue sky.

The comrades at the rescue station found a grassland (specific area) with sufficient food for the little falcon, and repeatedly confirmed that releasing the falcon would not damage the ecological environment here.

On a sunny morning with clear skies, the comrades at the rescue station released the little falcon back into the wild. Everyone watched the little falcon fly under the blue sky, and then slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Although the young falcon has been released into the wild, there are still some mysteries about the matter that have not yet been solved.

National first-level protected animal - Saker falcon

According to bird experts, this little falcon in Henan may have been illegally raised by exotic pet enthusiasts, and then the little falcon escaped. fell into the vegetable patch of Brother Yan's house because he was too young and had not yet mastered hunting skills.

The Saker Falcon is a first-level protected animal in our country. It is distributed in northern my country, but mostly in Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and other regions. There is no Saker Falcon in Henan.

The hunting falcon is a summer migratory bird . It is a very precious wild animal and an endangered species by the World Conservation Union.

At the same time, the falcon also has a very special identity. It is the national bird of Mongolia.

Every summer, more than 6,000 hunting falcons pass through Mongolia and stay in Mongolia to reproduce and reproduce.

Mongolia takes advantage of this opportunity and sells about 100-200 hunting falcons overseas every year. Each hunting falcon is sold for US$12,000.

Although the price is expensive, the demand for hunting falcons exceeds the supply every year. From 2000 to 2013, Mongolia has sold approximately 1,000 hunting falcons overseas.

In Middle Eastern Arab countries, wealthy people raise various birds of prey as a symbol of status, especially domesticated falcons.

Under the influence of such an atmosphere of comparison, the enthusiasm of the rich for the Falcon remains high.

Once at an auction, a hunting falcon was sold for more than 5 million US dollars.

The hunting falcon is easy to tame. Once successfully tamed, it can help its owner hunt.

Saker Falcon cannot be purchased through regular channels, so some people buy it from the black market. Therefore, the price of Saker Falcon on the black market is very high.

Domestic criminals are driven by profit. In order to make a profit, they engage in the work of catching falcons and illegally smuggle falcons. This has led to a large decline in the domestic falcon population and seriously damaged the ecological balance.

In our country, the falcon is a first-level protected animal and individuals are not allowed to raise falcons for any purpose. Breeding, selling, and harming hunting falcons are illegal.

In order to commend Brother Yan, a vegetable farmer, for promptly reporting to the Forestry Bureau and protecting the hunting falcon, Zhongmou County Forestry Bureau specially customized a banner for Brother Yan.

After hearing the news, the villagers gathered in front of Brother Yan’s house to watch the excitement.

The leader of the Forestry Bureau solemnly handed the banner to Brother Yan in front of all the villagers.

The leader said to Brother Yan: "Today our Forestry Bureau specially issued a banner to Comrade Yan. After he found the falcon, he immediately reported it to the Forestry Bureau and promptly protected the safety of the falcon. Everyone should learn from Comrade Yan and care for wild animals in the future. !”

After hearing these words, the villagers applauded Brother Yan and praised his behavior.

Some villagers also curiously asked Brother Yan: "Brother Yan, the price of this hunting falcon is extremely expensive. If you were given another chance, would you report it to the Forestry Bureau?"

Brother Yan smiled and replied: " It is the responsibility of every citizen to care for wild animals. I am just doing what I should do. No matter how many opportunities I am given, I will choose to protect the falcon."

Some villagers asked him: "A falcon. The highest price is 5 million US dollars. How does it feel to miss 5 million? "

Brother Yan replied seriously: "First of all, no one is allowed to sell falcons in our country; secondly, falcons belong to nature. You shouldn’t be trapped in someone’s home; in the end, Falcon’s life is priceless and cannot be measured by price.”

After hearing Brother Yan’s words, the villagers’ admiration for him increased.

Although the little falcon has been released into the wild, every time Brother Yan goes to work in the vegetable field, he will remember the first time he saw the little falcon hiding in the garlic field.

Every time he saw birds flying in the sky when he was resting, he would wonder if the little falcon was back.

Although Brother Yan has never seen the little falcon again, he still feels happy when he thinks of the little falcon living freely in the wild.

Brother Yan also began to actively participate in wildlife protection in his spare time, doing his best to help the wild animals he encountered.

After the small falcon incident, villagers in Yanjia Village, Zhongmou County, whenever they see injured wild animals, they will report it to the Forestry Bureau as soon as possible, or rescue the wild animals.

On May 20, 2022, Zhengzhou Wildlife Rescue Station rescued a Peregrine Falcon . The staff summarized the experience of rescuing the Peregrine Falcon last time and quickly cured the Peregrine Falcon. Now more and more people Birds of prey make their home in Zhengzhou.

Although humans are at the top of nature's food chain, this does not mean that we want to harm other wild animals.

Protecting wild animals is actually protecting humans themselves. The most ideal state is the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Protecting wild animals and protecting ecological balance is the obligation of every citizen. Creating an environment where humans and animals coexist harmoniously and building a beautiful home together is a goal that each of us must strive to achieve.

Reference materials:

"Analysis on the case of a lost Satellite Tracking Falcon" - Zoology Magazine

"The Rescued Falcon" - Impression.com News

"The rare Falcon was in trouble, and the villagers of Zhongmu rescued it in time after discovering it" - —Dahe Daily

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