[Source: Yunnan Net] Original title: "Apes" come to the center and grow up in the "10th Five-Year Plan" - Documentary artificial feeding of young apes at the Dehong Prefecture Wildlife Conservancy and Rescue Center. Bask in the sun outdoors.

2024/05/2113:45:33 housepet 1334

[Source: Yunnan Net]

Original title: "Apes" come to the center and grow up at the beginning of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" - A record of the conservation work of young apes at the Dehong Prefecture Wildlife Conservancy and Rescue Center

[Source: Yunnan Net] Original title:

Artificial feeding.

[Source: Yunnan Net] Original title:

Baking in the sun outdoors.

In recent years, the Dehong Prefecture Wildlife Conservation and Rescue Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Center") has actively carried out behavioral analysis and analysis of feeding, singing, movement, and communication in accordance with the requirements of "enriching food sources, improving the environment, and supplementing nutrients in a timely manner" The artificial pairing test has effectively strengthened the protection, rescue and feeding management of wild animals, and has made active efforts to protect wild animals and protect biodiversity . Currently, the center also conserves gibbons 11.

On October 19, 2021, under artificial intervention, the gibbon female ape "Maoqiu" protected by the center successfully gave birth to a baby ape named "Fifteen" after 8 months of pregnancy. The staff of the center continue to monitor and monitor the center 24 hours a day. After 8 months of careful care, various physical indicators of the "15" have changed significantly. The weight has increased from 450 grams at the full moon to 1350 grams now. The body is quite big. After a lap, he can swing his arms forward, and he looks more and more like a "little adult".

Looking back on the eight months of childcare experience, in the first month, "Maoqiu" fulfilled her mother's duties seriously; after the full moon, "Maoqiu" had a good temper, and the baby ape "15" was abandoned by the mother ape. This is terrible The staff at the center were anxious. The center held many special meetings to conduct research, explored and proposed the working idea of ​​"artificial feeding as the main body, natural feeding as the auxiliary, and monitoring and management as the supplement", and formulated the "State Wildlife Conservancy and Rescue Center White-browed Gibbon Juvenile Ape Conservation Plan", which Various problems that may arise during conservation were studied and analyzed, and scientific and feasible conservation measures were formulated. The first is to create a suitable living environment. The center organized a special work team to purchase a crib for the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" and installed and debugged equipment such as air conditioners, humidifiers, and electric blankets. The newly arranged baby room has a suitable temperature and humidity and is convenient for life. The second is to explore the "polyculture" model. According to monitoring observations, every morning, the mother ape will abandon her young apes at a relatively fixed time and leave alone, which provides a breakthrough for the development of the mixed breeding model. However, there is no precedent in China for an abandoned baby ape to return to its mother, because the longer a baby ape is away from its mother, the less likely it is to return. After many attempts and unremitting efforts by the staff of the center, the mother ape finally accepted the situation of being left to be artificially fed during the 10th Five-Year Plan during the day and returned to her at night, which laid a solid foundation for the conservation of young apes. The third is to implement the "mixed culture" model. We actively consulted experts from outside the province on the conservation experience of other apes, combined with the relevant information reviewed in the early stage and the accumulated rescue experience, we determined the plan of using goat milk powder for artificial feeding, and adding complementary food in a timely manner according to the growth situation. No matter how good the milk powder is, it cannot replace breast milk. Every night, the staff will send "Fifteen" back to his mother on time for breastfeeding, which not only promotes the relationship between mother and child, but also keeps "Fifteen" wild. This also marks the first stage of the mixed culture model explored and proposed by the center, and opens up a new path for the conservation of young apes.

After 8 months of care and exercise, his height, weight and other indicators were normal during his "fifteenth year". His ability to sit, stand, climb, jump and other sports were significantly enhanced, and his sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch were all improved. Change, attention and initial memory abilities are gradually built up.

According to reports, the state wildlife shelter and rescue center was established in 1995 with the approval of the former Ministry of Forestry. It has actively carried out wildlife shelter and rescue work. It has sheltered and rescued Asian elephants , white-browed gibbons , pangolins , bees. There are more than 110,000 rare, endangered and protected wild animals such as monkeys, crested hornbills, etc., which play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of Dehong Prefecture and protecting biodiversity.Due to its outstanding achievements, the center has been commended by superiors many times. In August 2019, it was rated as an advanced collective for protecting forests and wild animal and plant resources by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. In November, it was awarded the National Nature Education Award by the Chinese Forestry Society. Base title; in September 2020, it was awarded the title of Yunnan Province Ecological Civilization Education Base by the Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau, Communist Youth League Yunnan Provincial Committee , and the Provincial Department of Education; in February 2021, it was awarded the title of National Forestry and Grass Science Education Base by the Chinese Forestry Society title. (State Wildlife Conservation and Rescue Center)

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