There is a text called "Kingfisher" in the primary school textbook. I wonder if you still remember it? The image of the agile fishing master in the bright green coat described in the text has always been imprinted in my mind. When passing by streams, ponds, and lakes, I can’t hel

2024/06/0314:22:33 housepet 1166
There is a text called "Kingfisher" in the

primary school textbook. I wonder if you still remember it? The image of the agile fishing master in the bright green coat described in the text has always been imprinted in my mind. When passing by streams, ponds, and lakes, I can’t help but look to see if I can find this cute little guy. .

Look, this is Ordinary Kingfisher

There is a text called

Don’t ask why it is ordinary, are there any uncommon kingfishers? Because common kingfisher is its scientific name, but it is generally called kingfisher directly, and also called Xiaocui, fisherman, etc.

Common kingfishers are widely distributed in my country and are often found in streams, ponds, lakes, canals and other waters. The predatory kingfisher will stand on the branch and observe patiently. When it sees a small fish about to surface, it will fly up, swoop down to the water like an arrow, pick up the small fish and fly back to the branch.

There is a text called

Xiaocui will not eat the small fish he catches immediately, but will shake his head hard to knock the fish out and then swallow it. Therefore, where the kingfisher often stands, you can find many fish scales , which were all shaken down by the kingfisher knocking on the fish.

There is a text called

When male kingfishers court, they will bring small fish as betrothal gifts to please the female. If the female feels satisfied, she will accept the small fish given by the male. The male kingfisher will also considerately turn the head of the small fish towards the female to facilitate her swallowing.

There is a text called

After the Qin and Jin Dynasties achieved good results, kingfishers would dig holes on the mud cliffs and lay eggs and raise their young in the caves. In most cases, kingfishers are monogamous, but there are also males who are more adventurous and may cheat.

There is a text called

Kingfishers are favored by humans because of their bright feathers. They once had a bloody and dark history. Ancient Chinese gold and silver jewelry had a jadeite process, which was to inlay the bright feathers of the kingfisher on the metal. This craft reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty , and the ornaments made of green dots became a symbol of status. In Qing palace dramas, such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the flag head of the Concubine Hua is brightly colored and beautiful, and is made by Diancui craftsmanship.

There is a text called

Fortunately, this process was no longer used because it was too cruel.

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