I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death? Why do female dogs kill puppies? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look!

2024/05/1707:55:32 housepet 1103

I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death?

Why do female dogs bite their puppies to death? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look!

I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death? Why do female dogs kill puppies? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

〖Protect other children〗

In fact, it is sometimes a helpless act for a female dog to bite her puppies to death. Some puppies are sick when they are born, and other newborn puppies are already weak and have poor resistance. Female dogs The sick puppies are afraid of transmitting their illness to other dogs, so they can only kill them. This is also to protect other children.

I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death? Why do female dogs kill puppies? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

〖Thought they were not their children〗

Many pet owners cannot help but pet cute puppies when they see them, but doing so will make the puppies infected with your scent. When you put the puppy down, the female dog smells a scent that does not belong to the puppy or herself, and will think that this is not her child. In order to prevent her child from being harmed, she will "strike first" and bite the puppy to death. .

This is actually a sign that the female dog does not trust you. If you are close, she will take the initiative to bring the puppies in front of you.

I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death? Why do female dogs kill puppies? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

〖Bitch has postpartum depression

During pregnancy and childbirth, under the influence of hormones in the body, female dogs will become naturally suspicious, sensitive, and easily stimulated. Once a female dog is stimulated, she will do some abnormal things, such as bite her own puppies to death.

Therefore, after the female dog gives birth, you must create a safe and comfortable environment for her, try to make her as comfortable as possible, and calm her emotions in a timely manner. You can occasionally reward her with delicious snacks to divert her attention.

I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death? Why do female dogs kill puppies? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

〖Some female dogs don’t have maternal instincts〗

Maybe many people think that whether they are humans or animals, they are born with maternal instinct? In fact, it is not true. Some female dogs do not have maternal instincts, or they have been abused and lost their maternal instincts.

If a female dog does not have maternal instinct, after she gives birth to puppies, she will have cognitive deviations and bite her own children to death. At this time, she will generally not feel regretful or sad. .

I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death? Why do female dogs kill puppies? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

〖Milk is not enough to feed all the puppies〗

Some female dogs do not take in enough nutrients during pregnancy, or give birth to too many puppies in a litter, resulting in insufficient milk to feed all the puppies. At this time, the female dog will bite the weaker puppies to death so that she can concentrate on feeding the stronger children. This is a kind of "resource integration" and also for the survival rate of the puppies.

Although this is cruel, it is the survival law of nature.

I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death? Why do female dogs kill puppies? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

Conclusion: What do you think is the reason why a female dog kills her puppies?

Welcome to express your opinions in the comment area~

I wonder if you have ever seen a female dog bite her own child to death? Why do female dogs kill puppies? It turns out there are these reasons behind it, let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

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