After the "Legendary Queen" Maqili, a Siberian tiger named Christine frequently appeared in people's sight. According to data from the satellite locator worn around Christine's neck, in just a few months, Kristen Ting set an "amazing hunting record" by killing 26 wild boars, 19 d

2024/06/0403:28:33 housepet 1525

Speaking of Siberian tiger , the first thing that people think of must be the "Legendary Queen" Ma Qili, which once set a world record of killing 13 crocodiles alone! Its lifespan is also longer than that of ordinary Siberian tigers. It lives for a full 20 years, which is equivalent to 100 years of human life!

Following the "Legendary Queen" Maqili, a Siberian tiger named Christine frequently appeared in people's sight. According to the data from the satellite locator worn around Christine's neck, in just a few months, Gram Ristin set an "amazing hunting record" by killing 26 wild boars, 19 deer and 11 roe deer.

After the

Perhaps because it is too "rampant", greedy poachers have targeted this majestic "tigress".

The "Queen" of the Siberian tiger fights to the death with the hound. The majesty of the king cannot be underestimated!

On December 11, 2010, it was a sunny morning in Udgetskaya National Park. As usual, "Queen" Christine was looking for her "breakfast". Just as she was looking for a wild boar, she was about to fill herself up. When she was hungry, several "bang bang" gunshots interrupted Christine's hunting.

's keen observation skills made Christine quickly aware of the approaching danger. Facing the gun-wielding hunter and the well-trained dog, Christine quickly reacted and ran away. The strong body climbed over dozens of kilometers of jungle in just a few minutes. Kristen looked around, "it seems to be safe", and it gradually relaxed its vigilance.

After the

The greedy hunters did not give up looking for this "tempting" prey. With the keen sense of smell of the two hounds, they quickly found Christine's traces.

Under the double attack of the hound and the shotgun, Kristen did not choose to escape again. Instead, she fought back and killed the hound. However, she was unable to avoid the shotgun. The hunter hit Kristen on the buttocks. She was furious. Christine turned around and bit off a few of Hunter's fingers.

Christine used her last bit of strength to gradually leave the poacher's sight. After staggering a few steps, the "Queen" finally fell. Fortunately, her life was not in danger, and she was only injured in the struggle. Somewhat "too much", it lay on the snow for a long time without moving. When it was getting dark, she finally got up and walked a few hundred meters to find a cave, where she lay down all day.

After the

A gunshot wound is fatal even to a tiger, the king of the forest. Staff from the Russian Animal Protection Organization rushed to the scene after Christine was injured. After analyzing the blood on the ground, they found that the gunshot wound was not fatal. But according to satellite locator records, Christine took a full two weeks to recuperate. During its recuperation period, its food intake dropped significantly, from 7.8kg to 2.8kg, and its daily walking path did not exceed two kilometers.

After the

Fortunately, Christine survived the cold winter this year. When spring came, the "Queen" came out to hunt again, and she decided to create greater glory for herself.

Queen's past "brilliance" - fighting with black bear , but letting its cubs go

Speaking of Christine's record, this can make her brag for a lifetime. In addition to the deer, roe deer and wild boar mentioned at the beginning, the battle with the black bear made him most proud.

As one of the huge animals, most animals dare not approach it within five meters. Compared with other animals, although its movements are relatively slow, its strength cannot be underestimated. However, Christine, the "Queen" of the Siberian tiger, doesn't take this animal seriously at all.

One morning, the "Queen" was "inspecting" her territory as usual, and a black bear came into view with several cubs. This is the third time Christine has encountered this black bear. The "hostile" gaze of the mother bear is undoubtedly a provocation to Christine. The mother bear protects the cubs behind her, seeming to tell the children " Run away”! Christine slowly approached and fought head-on with the black bear.

After the

I saw Christine swooping down and wrestling with the black bear in the snow; the black bear did not show weakness when it saw this. In order to protect the child, it used all its strength to resist.

After a fight, the black bear still couldn't defeat the power of the "Queen". The victorious Christine slowly ate her "trophies". Perhaps because she was tired, or perhaps because of the queen's natural "arrogance", Christine did not continue to pursue the few cubs that took the opportunity to escape.

After the

In fact, the fight between bears and tigers is a common occurrence in the forest. After all, as representatives of powerful animals in the forest, the conflict between the two species cannot be completely avoided. After our "Queen" Kristen set a new record by fighting a black bear, she set her sights on the largest brown bear in the forest.

"combat upgrade"! Challenging the brown bear

, which is bigger than herself, may be because Kristen believes that her record is not "powerful enough", or it may be because after tasting the taste of a black bear, she found that this delicacy "just suits her taste". Christine set her goal this time to be the largest brown bear in the forest.

After the

Speaking of brown bears, you may think that Kristen has easily won the black bear, so what's so difficult about the brown bear?

However, black bears and brown bears not only have certain differences in body shape, but their combat power index is not of the same "level". The Asian black bear weighs more than one hundred kilograms, the brown bear weighs about 350 kilograms, and the largest Kodiak grizzly bear can weigh six to seven hundred kilograms! In terms of bite force, the bite force of a tiger is generally more than 500 kilograms, while the bite force of a brown bear is generally more than 800 kilograms. It can be seen that the bite force of a brown bear is more than half greater than that of a tiger.

After the

However, facing such a "powerful" opponent, Kristen became more and more courageous as she fought. It has been lying in ambush near the brown bear. After observing it for a few days, it decided to find the right "opportunity" to kill the brown bear "by surprise"! Christian did not approach slowly this time, but chose to attack directly. It knew that its "opponent" was taller and stronger than it, so it could only win with speed.

The fighting power of the brown bear is indeed not at the same level as that of the black bear. Soon, Kristen was pinned down by it, and a palm came towards her. Kristen had no time to avoid it, and the "Queen" was injured! This blow completely angered Christine, who roared angrily, and bit the brown bear's throat in a moment of "surprise".

After the

The fight with the brown bear also injured Christine. She found a quiet cave and slowly licked her wounds, which was a "symbol" of her heroic achievements. From then on, it will become another legend besides the "Legendary Queen" Maqili.

After the

"Queen" recovered from her injury and took on the "responsibility of childbearing"

After Christine's injury recovered, the staff of the Animal Protection Association began to worry about Christine's "marriage issues." When searching for a habitat for Christine, we found that she was in the "golden age" of childbearing, so we chose to place Christine in Udgaitskaya National Park in Primorsky Krai in southeastern Russia. The species resources here are extremely rich and are very suitable for the development and reproduction of Siberian tigers.

After the

Speaking of Siberian tiger reproduction, the number of Siberian tigers in our country is very rare. According to the latest data, including newborn tiger cubs, the number only reaches about 50. Therefore, the strong and healthy "Queen" Christine can be said to have shouldered a very huge "reproductive responsibility."

Siberian tigers have a difficult reproductive process and their reproduction numbers are small. Each female tiger will only give birth to 7 or 8 cubs in her lifetime. The number of each breeding is between 1 and 5, and most of the time there will only be two; the cubs will not go into heat again until they grow up. , this period will take 2-4 years. The average age of a Siberian tiger is less than 20 years old, so the breeding number of Siberian tigers has always been one of the key concerns of the my country Wildlife Conservation Association.

After the

Finally, I hope that our "Queen" can find a matching bear and tiger as soon as possible and add a few more "members" to our country's Siberian tiger family.

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