Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci

2024/06/0612:14:33 housepet 1961

Some people say that raising dogs is good, while others say that raising dogs is bad. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Benefit 1: Loneliness has reduced a lot

Nowadays, many young people go to big cities to work and live alone. They have high life pressure and mental pressure. When they return home to an empty home, they will feel particularly lonely.

If you can raise a cute dog, when you come home from get off work every day and watch it happily welcome you home, you will feel warm and happy in your heart, and your loneliness will be reduced a lot.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

In addition, some elderly people have children who have gone out to work and are bored at home. They are also very lonely. If you can raise a well-fed dog and have a companion, it can also alleviate loneliness.

Of course, the most perfect thing is to be able to live happily together as a family and raise a cute puppy.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Benefit 2: There is an "emotional trash can", and the mood suddenly becomes much better

The pace of life is getting faster and faster, and life is full of all kinds of pressure and unhappiness. There will be friends around, but not all friends can share worries.

At this time, the dog is your "emotional trash can". You can reveal all your negative emotions in front of it. It will not blame you for sending it negative energy. Instead, it will accompany you quietly and heal your bad emotions. .

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

A foreign study in 1980 showed that playing with dogs can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, relax muscles, and relieve stress.

Keeping a dog for a long time can make people feel more relaxed and reduce negative energy, which is very beneficial to mental health.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Benefit Three Makes Children’s Childhood More Meaningful

In the rapidly developing 21st century, children’s childhood is full of the temptation of various electronic products. Many children are addicted to games at a young age and are highly myopic. Parents feel distressed but don’t know. How to discipline.

Moreover, today’s children have fewer brothers and sisters, lack playmates, and spend more energy on electronic products. If there is a dog at home, the child's curiosity will be more about the dog and he can interact with the dog.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Student A: After getting a dog, my children no longer play games at home, and they always say they feel happy when they come back from school and pet the dog.

Shit Officer B: I have had a dog since I was married. Now the baby is 5 years old. They get along like brothers. They have a great relationship.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Benefit Four: Cure "Lazy Cancer"

After raising a dog, it is inevitable to walk the dog every day. The more diligent dog owners will walk more than 3 times a day. If you don't walk, the dog will keep urging you.

Many dog ​​owners said that after raising a dog, they have completely cured the "lazy cancer". In the past, when they got home during the workday, they just wanted to lie down, and they didn't want to go out on holidays. Now, they get up at 6 or 7 o'clock every day to walk their dogs and go home at night. It needs to go out again.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Because dogs are animals with very regular schedules, once they get used to when they go to bed, when they get up, and when they go out, it is difficult to change them.

If the owner is too lazy to go out one day, or goes to bed late and gets up late, the dog will be there to supervise you.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Benefits 5: Reduce the chance of allergies

Some people always say that raising dogs is so dirty and dirty, and you don’t know how much dog hair has been inhaled into your lungs, which is very bad for children. In fact, raising a dog is not as dirty as you think.

Nowadays, when people raise dogs, they treat them as part of the family. They bathe, comb, deworm and keep them clean.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

More research shows that children who live with dogs for a long time are 20% less likely to be allergic than children who have never been exposed to dogs.

It can be seen that keeping a dog for a long time has considerable benefits for the health of children. Of course, it also has a certain effect on improving the immunity of adults.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Benefits 6: Expand your circle of friends and get to know more people

Walking your dog is a good time to make friends.When walking their dogs, many owners will unconsciously strike up conversations with other dog walkers and chat about your dog or my dog. It is very pleasant.

Maybe you work in different fields and come from different cities, and you don’t have the opportunity to interact with each other at ordinary times, but walking your dog can build a bridge between you and give two strangers a chance to communicate.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

In this society, we cannot survive alone. We need friends and we need to know more people. We may not necessarily become close friends, but you also expand your circle of friends and learn some new knowledge.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

After raising dogs for a long time, I can realize the fun and meaning of raising dogs. There are really many benefits. However, this is the time when someone is definitely going to raise the issue: raising a dog will make you happy, but it will bring harm to others!

You don’t have to like dogs, but please don’t hurt others with your words. Although there are still many people who need to improve their quality, the overall development is in a good direction. More and more people know how to raise dogs in a civilized manner and know not to cause trouble to others.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

I hope that dog owners can pay more attention to the following issues when raising dogs, not only for their own convenience, but also to contribute to improving the quality of dog owners.

1. When walking your dog, shovel the poop in time. Even if the dog poops on the lawn, you must take it away. Otherwise, dog poop all over the grass will only cause trouble.

2. Keep your dog on a leash when you take your dog out, and don’t let it go casually. We don’t know who is afraid of dogs on the street, and we don’t know what unexpected things may happen. Keeping your dog on a leash can protect your dog. One life.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

3. Dogs should be taught not to bark randomly on a daily basis. Some people hate dogs because they are barked by dogs for no reason. They feel unhappy and think dogs are aggressive. In fact, we also know that most pet dogs have relatively stable temperaments and are friendly to humans, but accidents are inevitable, so what owners can do is to train their dogs well.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

4. Don’t give up on raising a dog. Since you choose to raise a dog, you must be responsible for it to the end. Just throwing it on the road is irresponsible to both the dog and society.

Some people abandon their dogs because they don’t want to see a doctor because they are sick. This is very cruel.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

In fact, dogs are not that fragile. Don’t feed them randomly when raising them. Let them eat nutritious and healthy food, especially dog food . It can grow well and the owner does not need to worry too much.

If you always eat and drink randomly and feed your dog low-quality dog ​​food for a long time, it is expected that it will get sick. For the health of dogs, it is recommended that dog owners choose some high-quality dog ​​food for their dogs, such as the ones in the picture below.

Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

Conclusion: What do you think are the benefits of raising a dog?

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Some people say it is good to raise dogs, some people say it is bad to raise dogs. But it turns out that there are some benefits that only long-term dog owners can experience. Don’t believe it. Benefit 1: Loneliness has been reduced a lot. Nowadays, many young people go to big ci - DayDayNews

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