The producers were afraid that it would become "cannon fodder" so they changed the schedule. This also reflects to a certain extent that director Zhu Yanping is not confident enough in his work. However, the "Chinese Dragon" and "Oolong Courtyard" series he has produced are still

A while ago, the news that "新武龙院" was announced to change its schedule went viral on the Internet. Some people said that it was because the film ran into "I'm Not the God of Medicine" and the producers were afraid that it would become "cannon fodder", so they changed the schedule. This can also reflect to a certain extent that director Zhu Yanping is not confident enough in his work. However, the "Chinese Dragon" and "Oolong Courtyard" series he has produced are still worth watching. After all, they have left happy memories for countless people born in the 1980s and 1990s. In fact, in the 1990s, while Zhu Yanping successfully made two child stars, Shi Xiaolong and Hao Shaowen popular, he also made five other young actors popular. However, due to various reasons, they were not as popular as the above two. good luck.

1, Shi Xiaobao

Zhu Yanping was overjoyed by Shi Xiaolong's popularity, so he discovered Shi Xiaobao from Songshan Shaolin Temple as his "successor" and became Hao Shaowen's new partner in " Ninja Soldiers ". The experiences of Shi Xiaobao and Shi Xiaolong are somewhat similar. They both started practicing martial arts at a young age. His Kung Fu foundation can be seen from the battle at the beginning of the film. However, perhaps it is because it is not as cute and cute as Shi Xiaolong, and the latter's image of a kung fu boy has been deeply ingrained in the hearts of the audience. If it is copied again, it is destined to fail. Sure enough, Shi Xiaobao failed to become the second Shi Xiaolong in the end. It is said that after filming "Ninja Soldiers", he returned to the Shaolin Temple and is now a main member of the monk corps.

2, Chou Mei (Cao Zheyuan)

"Chou Mei" is an indispensable golden supporting role in Zhu Yanping's comedy movies in the 1990s. She has partnered with Hao Shaowen many times, either playing the role of his companion reading boy or his "preparation". fetal". In many movies, the "ugly girl" has a soft spot for Hao Shaowen, but because she often makes some ugly actions, she attracts his disgust. But if you think about it carefully, this character is indeed the most loyal to Hao Shaowen. Regardless of her appearance, the ugly girl is still quite kind in her heart, so she has been silently accompanying him and never leaving him. The ugly girl is actually a "man dressed as a woman", her real name is Cao Zheyuan, and she is Zhu Yanping's nephew. Later, she did not continue to stay in the film and television industry, but became an ordinary person around you and me.

3, Ren Ying ( Zhou Renying )

I believe that viewers who have watched "Ninja Soldiers" must still remember Xiaoying who is full of clever ideas in the film. Her actor is called Ren Ying. In fact, "Ninja Soldiers" is not her first movie. As early as 1995, she participated in "The Face of the Phoenix" directed by Wu Tianming and played the leading role in the film. "Dog Baby", it was not until last year that the main creators of "Face" revealed some information about her, but it was still limited to the fact that she was a student of acrobatics, and she disappeared after filming a few movies, etc. Later, " The producers of "Face" also searched for her whereabouts through the media, hoping to hand the "Best Actress" trophy to her hands in person.

4, Yang Xiaoli

When he was only 4 years old, Yang Xiaoli was discovered by a talent scout to shoot commercials and entered the industry. He was later recommended to Zhu Yanping. At the age of 8, he played the role of Xiao Cui in the "Big Soldier" series. He was also Hao Shaowen's "dream" in the film. The relationship between him and Xiaocui is like a boy today who is still infatuated with the girl he loves even if he is badly injured. However, this character can only be said to be ordinary in the movie, and it is expected that he is not popular. After growing up, Yang Xiaoli chose to return to the entertainment industry to start over. Now she has multiple identities such as a voice actor and a host. Because her body is easy to gain weight, Yang Xiaoli has been exercising for a long time and has maintained a good figure. She has truly achieved the "eighteen-year-old female transformation". "She can be considered a goddess now, what do you think?"

5, Zhang Yuhao

"Jia Zhengjing" in the "Big Soldier" series is good at learning and has good looks. He is a strong rival with Hao Shaowen for Xiao Cui. His actor Zhang Yuhao was already a well-known child star in Taiwan before starring in this film. He is well known for "Daddy" and "The Sky Has Eyes", and later starred in the childhood version of Ji Qingchuan in "Lavender".In fact, Zhang Yuhao did not appear in many movies. He mainly developed in the television industry. Later, he quit the entertainment industry for a time due to academic problems. However, a few years ago, he and his brother Zhang Yuwen, who was also a child star, were revealed to be involved in drugs." "Bad entertainers". Now the two brothers have opened their own toy store and are rarely seen in front of the scenes. People can't help but guess that the "drug-related" theory may not be groundless.

In addition, the "Good Boy" series created by Zhu Yanping also launched many child stars such as Zuo Xiaohu, Yan Zhengguo and Chen Chongrong. It even became popular in the mainland for a time. However, after entering the 1990s, they He was robbed of the limelight by Shi Xiaolong and Hao Shaowen, and gradually became forgotten. But the success of "Good Boy" undoubtedly provided Zhu Yanping with richer experience in creating child stars, which led to the subsequent successes of "New Oolong Yuan" and "Chinese Dragon" and so on. Among the young actors in Zhu Yanping's movies, some are firmly remembered, while others are gradually buried in the world. It can only be said that apart from their own conditions, it is more a matter of fate.