Recently, a reporter from received news that Mr. Song from Haidian District, Beijing, said that he inexplicably received an SF express. The content of the express delivery showed that it was a shirt, and it came in a package of two.

"You can lie to me, but you can't do it a second time!"

Recently, a reporter from received news that Mr. Song from Haidian District, Beijing, said that he inexplicably received an SF Express express. The content of the express delivery showed that it was a shirt, and it was Two pieces in a pack. The mail is payable on delivery, and the express delivery can only be opened after payment has been made.

However, Mr. Song said frankly that he had never placed an order to buy a shirt before. It cost several hundred yuan to pay on delivery. It was impossible to pay without seeing the goods. If he was cheated once, he would choose to refuse them directly in the future.

Mr. Song has encountered this situation more than once, and Mr. Song's experience is not an isolated case. Previously, Weibo CEO Wang Gaofei posted on Weibo that he received an unknown express package worth more than 1,000 yuan, which was suspected of fraud. The express package was sent from "Room 5566, first floor, Building 404, Sanda Industrial Zone, Huaqiang North Street, Huaqiang North Street."

Regarding this, the reporter consulted the person in charge of the North China region of a domestic express delivery company with a franchise model. He said that this may be caused by the leakage of user information, but it is not ruled out that someone uses express delivery to cheat.

A new type of scam using express delivery?

html On June 9th, Weibo CEO Wang Gaofei posted a screenshot of the express delivery order, which showed that the name of the consignment was "high-end flagship model i13", the product type was "Electronic Trademark Express", and the billing weight was "1kg". Wang Gaofei wrote that he had rejected a similar package before.

At the same time, Wang Gaofei also said in the Weibo @SF Express Group, "Excuse me, what does it mean to send a package now and pay more than 1,000 on delivery? Is it a scam? Who would be so stupid not to pay after delivery? Money..."

Weibo CEO Wang Gaofei @ coming and going screenshot

In response, some netizens said that the payment method is: send monthly balance - "registered" customer of SF Express . The sender’s address and phone number above may be fake, but the monthly statement number with SF Express can lock the sender!

Many netizens also posted in the comment area that they encountered similar situations.

The matter also took a turn for the better on June 10. Wang Gaofei revealed on Weibo that SF Express called him back and said that it had stopped the delivery and settlement of the customer and had reported it to the police to verify whether it was a fraud.

Weibo CEO Wang Gaofei@Screenshot between coming and going

The person in charge of the North China region of a domestic franchise model express delivery company told a reporter from that the express delivery company will indeed provide a pay-on-collect service, and the pay-on-collect service is also compliant. However, if the customer does not agree to pay on delivery, the courier cannot sign for it and accept any fees. In addition, the express company can trace the origin of the sender to the place of origin and ensure the source of the express delivery. If it is found that the shipping location is unfamiliar to the consumer, it is recommended not to sign for it to avoid financial losses.

In addition, some netizens said that the target of the sender may be the business owner. They bet that the secretary, front desk, and doorman will collect and pay on their behalf, taking advantage of the agency model and communication information gap between the boss and the secretary. To defraud fees.

In this regard, Beijing Jingshi Law Firm partner and lawyer Zhong Lanan pointed out that this blind express delivery behavior is in line with the characteristics of fraud crimes, fabricating facts and concealing the truth, and should fall into the category of fraud crimes.

Regarding whether the express company should bear legal responsibility, Zhong Lan'an said that it can be divided into two aspects. The first aspect is that if the express company does not know about this, it will not bear the corresponding legal responsibility. The pay-on-delivery business itself is not illegal. In the second aspect, if the express delivery company knows or knowingly sends the express delivery blindly, it is an accomplice of the fraudster and must bear corresponding legal responsibility for the crime of fraud. The relevant personnel or principal persons in charge shall bear corresponding criminal liability.

As of press time, SF Express had not issued any response through public channels.

618 Big Sale is coming, express delivery scams are emerging

With the mid-year shopping festival 618 big sale approaching, more and more people are choosing to shop online, but fraudulent text messages and fake customer service have already arrived one step ahead of express delivery.

According to a recent report by People's Court newspaper , Mr. Lin, a citizen of Wuxi, Jiangsu, purchased a mobile phone online. The website showed delivery, but a few days later it showed "collected by the guard". Mr. Lin was confused about this. He placed the order. There was no doorman at the address, and the mobile phone showing the receipt was still missing.Mr. Lin contacted the seller, but there was no reply from the seller, so Mr. Lin called the police. Recently, the People's Court of Liangxi District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province pronounced a verdict on this express "empty package" case.

After trial, the court found that between November 2018 and July 2020, the defendant Li, alone or together with Xiao Li, Chen and others, purchased "empty package" express delivery tracking numbers from multiple express delivery companies. The "empty package" express delivery tracking number sales website he established and operated sold "empty package" express delivery tracking numbers, or sold them directly to lower-level agents. Li made an illegal profit of more than 6.8 million yuan, and Xiao Li made an illegal profit of 50,000 yuan. Chen made an illegal profit of 20,000 yuan. Li, Ou and Cai, relevant personnel of the

express company, together with others, used the information network to set up websites for committing illegal and criminal activities, and released information for the purpose of committing illegal and criminal activities. By selling "empty package" express delivery tracking numbers, Li illegally obtained The profit was more than 3.2 million yuan, Ou made an illegal profit of more than 950,000 yuan, and Cai made an illegal profit of more than 80,000 yuan.

The court held that the above-mentioned six people constituted the crime of illegal use of information networks, and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from two years to four months of criminal detention. They were all sentenced to probation and fined from 500,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan. They were illegal. The proceeds shall be recovered.

Judge Li Peng said that the popularity of online shopping has allowed the express delivery industry to expand rapidly. Some criminals will sell express delivery tracking numbers, send "empty parcel" express delivery, and use "empty parcel" express delivery orders as a new means of profit-making. To a certain extent, "empty parcel" express delivery tracking number sales, resale, and agency delivery have been formed. Gray industrial chain.

In addition, some criminals even use "empty package" express delivery as a new criminal tool, using "empty package" express delivery to commit fraud, money laundering and other criminal activities.

Zhong Lanan also said that when receiving express delivery, consumers must pay more attention to the sender and recipient information to see if it is the product they purchased to prevent becoming the target of such fraudsters. Express delivery that is not yours will be firmly rejected. In addition, personal information in our lives must be kept confidential and prudent measures must be taken to prevent the leakage of our personal information. If encountering this situation, consumers should call the police promptly to prevent others from being deceived.

Source: WeChat public account