Since the beginning of this year, the Japanese yen exchange rate has entered a downward channel. Especially after June, the Japanese yen exchange rate has hit a record low in the past 24 years. The RMB/JPY exchange rate has exceeded 1:20, and 1 yuan is equivalent to approximately

Since the beginning of this year, the Japanese yen exchange rate has entered a downward channel, especially after June, the Japanese yen's exchange rate has hit a new low in the past 24 years. The RMB against the Japanese yen has exceeded 1:20, and 1 yuan is approximately equal to 20.166 JPY.

The plummeting exchange rate of the Japanese yen has also caused the prices of local goods in Japan to drop a lot. Many foreigners have taken advantage of this opportunity to buy a large number of hand-made toys locally from major manufacturers such as Lego , Wanda , and send them back to China to sell. , make a huge profit. Some more radical foreign consumers even bought more than 50 figures in one day. They don’t know how much money these "bad guys" can make.

(Picture from Apple’s official website)

In addition to toys, the prices of electronic products have also been affected by the sharp drop in the yen exchange rate, including the Apple iPhone, which has the highest sales volume in the world. The Apple official website shows that the price of the iPhone 13 (256GB) currently on sale is 98,800 yen, which is approximately RMB 4,900 when converted. Compared with the average selling price in other countries, the price of is about 1,300 yuan cheaper, and even cheaper than the domestic 618 Shopping Festival.

It is worth mentioning that Japan can support 36 installments. Even if the budget is not enough, you only need to pay 2,411 yen (approximately RMB 119.58) per month. Rounding off is like free money. Now that the 618 Shopping Festival has just passed, friends who have not caught up with the big sales can really consider the iPhone 13 from the Japanese official website.

(picture from Apple’s official website)

However, what you need to know is that if you come into contact with these overseas products, you should pay more attention to the after-sales store warranty terms. If the merchant does not promise to solve the problem, consumers need to handle it themselves. After all, overseas machines There is no way to go through official after-sales service in China. If you find it troublesome, just buy the National Bank version.

In addition to the iPhone, the sharp fall in the yen exchange rate can also promote the sales of Apple products such as iPad, MacBook, Apple Watch, triggering panic buying by users around the world. It is estimated that Apple's sales data in the second quarter will be very impressive. According to the latest data released by DTCHAT, in the domestic 618 event alone, iPhone 13 sold 2.8243 million units, crushing other smartphones. If you add in the iPhone sales after the depreciation of the yen, Apple will definitely win this year. library Gram will wake up from the dream with laughter.

(Image copyright comes from Lei Technology . Infringement is strictly prohibited)

Whether in the domestic or global market, the iPhone 13 series is the only sales leader in the world. A single model can even challenge the sales of all 5G mobile phones from multiple manufacturers combined. However, global inflation and plummeting exchange rates are bound to be factors that are not conducive to economic development. It is good for consumers to have wool to harvest, but the economic industry cannot continue to develop like this.