The "Enterprise" column is the personal column of Li Zi from Tiexi District, focusing on the automobile business, updated every Wednesday. If a car decides to have a spokesperson, then it should have the awareness that it must spend a lot of money to advertise in real mainstream

"Enterprise Account" column is the personal column of Li Zi from Tiexi District. It focuses on talking about automobile business and is updated every Wednesday. To view previous articles, please click here.

If a car decides to have a spokesperson, then it should have the awareness that it must spend a lot of money to advertise in real mainstream media. Otherwise, this spokesperson would basically be in vain.

Currently, car brands generally have certain problems when using spokesperson marketing, such as inviting spokespersons to come on stage and read two lines at a press conference, publishing print ads of spokespeople and products on various automotive websites, and inviting a bunch of automotive media to launch campaigns. Product spokespersons were announced at the press conference. The mistake of

's approach is that they only add spokespersons to the regular communication plan, but the added spokespersons are of little significance to users of the automotive media. A person is considering whether to buy WEY or Lynk & Co. The possibility that he will choose the former because of Ronaldo's endorsement is slim.

There is no point in adding a spokesperson to a traditional marketing plan. If you invite a spokesperson, you should go to the field where the spokesperson is famous, influence his/her supporters, and influence them to become your supporters.

WEY's use of Ronaldo's endorsement is good. They put out a lot of live broadcast advertising during the World Cup. Ronaldo's fans will definitely watch the World Cup. Advertising at this time will have the perfect opportunity to convert Ronaldo's fans into themselves. supporters.

Messi fans don’t like WEY

. This is a very real problem.

Since WEY has chosen Cristiano Ronaldo to endorse, Messi fans will definitely not like the WEY brand. Those fans who hate Cristiano Ronaldo will even start to hate WEY directly. This is actually cruel. Like is conditional, but dislike is often unconditional - Ronaldo fans may not all like WEY, but fans who hate Ronaldo will basically hate WEY.

The reason why people always talk about celebrities' commercial value is that advertisers like celebrities who have no controversy on their resumes. This is the reason.

Ronaldo, Messi, James, Curry , from the perspective of endorsement, they have commercial value, but from the perspective of brand endorsement, the commercial value of those bad boy stars is much smaller, Karl· Malone's historical status in NBA is definitely high enough and he can be considered one of the top three power forwards in history. However, he has a bad reputation for teasing Kobe Bryant's wife and often waving his elbows on the court, so his commercial value is much lower, and he has no reputation. The same goes for Barkley, who always likes to offend people.

For celebrities who are too controversial, brands are usually less willing to seek endorsements from them.

So there are many beauty, perfume and fashion brands endorsed by Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley , but there will be fewer Angelina Jolie , although Jolie's influence She is far older than the first two, and her net worth is much higher, but her personality is too strong, and her lifestyle when she was young is controversial for mainstream society. Her marriage to Brad Pitt is still from the "third "Three" started with such a sensitive identity.

During the World Cup, Mercedes-Benz collaborated with the German national team on a round of advertising. Those fans who hate the German national team are likely to hate Mercedes-Benz as well. You must know that since the championship in 2014, those high-profile German fans have It caused a lot of hatred.

Germany's elimination in the group stage may be a good thing for Mercedes-Benz. If it wins the championship again, some German fans are afraid that Mercedes-Benz's character will be ruined.

What kind of brand needs a spokesperson?

When a brand needs to find a spokesperson, the brand often meets the following two conditions:

1. Local market: The own brand is in a limited market, so it needs to use more famous spokespersons to increase its momentum.Sports brands are typical of this type. No matter how famous , Nike, and Adidas are, they are still just a sports brand. The user base itself is limited, and the user base of high-end football shoes and basketball shoes is even smaller. So they must have spokespersons, and in order to expand their share and avoid risks, they have to hire many, many, many spokespersons.

2. The products are highly industrialized: the products have no characteristics or standards at all, and no one in the entire industry can tell which brand is better. Perfume and cosmetics brands are more typical here. No one can tell which perfume is better, , Chanel, or , Dior, . There is no way to evaluate it. You can’t compare who has better fragrance. Whose cream is better, Lamer or HR? There's nothing I can say. In a double-blind test, I probably wouldn't be able to tell who is who. Therefore, spokespersons must exist, otherwise there will be no marketing context.

condition one is more important than condition two.

As long as the user base of a product is everyone, then it does not need a spokesperson. Being open to everyone means that anyone can become a user of this brand, and the spokesperson will narrow its user range.

As for other conditions, such as whether it is expensive or not, whether the competition is fierce or not, the proportion of marketing expenses, etc., they are actually secondary. A high proportion of marketing expenses does not mean that the brand needs spokespersons. There are many counter-examples, such as Uniqlo, Zara and other popular clothing brands, because the user population is large; competition is fierce, such as the mobile phone industry, which does not need spokespersons, and there is a lot of room for product upgrades. The fundamental situation of

spokespersons is "nothing can be done". No one can deny that spokespersons themselves are a very lazy marketing method. As long as you find a spokesperson, it proves that the marketing team is doing something good, and he needs to spend a lot of money. Money and voice will generally be guaranteed. When the marketing team has tried many methods, or thought about many methods, but can't figure out how to increase sales or how to overwhelm competitors, the option of spokesperson will pop up immediately, but if it is not effective, it will be another matter.

From an industry perspective, brands with spokespersons often do not develop as well as those without spokespersons; from a company perspective, the stage with spokespersons often does not develop as well as the stage without spokespersons.

Finding spokespersons is fundamentally an act of the brand gaining popularity from the spokespersons. A truly great brand would not bother to do this kind of thing.

Coca-Cola is a typical brand that does not need spokespersons. They used to have no spokespersons, but since the new millennium, they have begun to have spokespersons because their pressure is increasing and their status is becoming more and more unstable.

Do cars need spokespersons?

Let’s look at whether cars need spokespersons according to the standards just mentioned:

First of all, cars are not a local market. Not everyone wants to consume sports brands, and not everyone needs to consume perfumes and cosmetics, but cars But it’s definitely what everyone wants.

Are cars completely featureless and indistinguishable products? It would be interesting to elaborate on this. For some brands, it seems normal to have no technical upgrades for many years. Product upgrades are just adding some configurations with low threshold and changing the appearance. Of course, these brands have no characteristics at all - he can't do it. Better than the competition.

But of course there are many brands that are upgrading. Every time it comes to a replacement cycle, we can see that this product has indeed been upgraded. It can define the strength standard of the market segment in which it belongs.

It is obvious that for products that are confident in themselves, they do not find spokespersons. We can see that almost all of the best-selling cars do not have spokespersons, and those products that have spokespersons often sell in average. Even sales are bleak, and it can be seen that the strength of the product can be directly reflected in sales.

Some products are indeed powerful and the brand is strong enough, but they still hire spokespersons. At this time, we can generally judge that the car will be more expensive.It is expensive because you want higher profits. In order to match the higher price, the cost will be higher, the product will reflect the difference from competing products, and the marketing budget will be more abundant than competing products. Finding spokespersons will at least be more expensive. "It's a matter of course." This is what and are like.

However, the public has found so many celebrities to shoot advertisements. Regardless of whether they regard those celebrities as spokespersons, how much they help the public is actually open to question. For example, few people can tell clearly which spokespersons Volkswagen has found, because Volkswagen itself has always been the main body of advertising, and the light of celebrities has been overshadowed. This actually proves that Volkswagen does not want spokespersons.

As for those car brands that mention a certain brand, we know whose spokesperson it is, and their sales can be described as being worse than the other. Can the

spokesperson change anything? For cars, the effect is minimal. But spokespersons can explain certain problems. Some products are launched or the topic after they are launched is almost entirely supported by spokespersons. Then we can guess without much effort that this brand is having a hard time and its products have nothing to look forward to.

In fact, there is only one thing worth considering. Are cars for everyone? The answer is yes. In fact, as long as this point is met, it is enough to draw a conclusion. Car brands do not need spokespersons. There are too many marketing methods that can help car brands find their own users. As long as it is truly creating good products, it will find many methods useful. However, the spokesperson program has both low efficiency and high cost. All major disadvantages are taken care of.