It will have more, more instant bookings, and mobile payment models. After all, the product content is complex and the amount is high, and consumers want to ask more questions about payment methods after comparison, or pay at the company.

The latest news in the tourism industry will help your life and industry, so you need to know it!

It will have more, more instant booking, and mobile payment modes. For group travel online, the proportion of full payment by card is not high.

After all, the product content is complex and the amount is high. Consumers want to ask more questions about payment methods after comparison, or pay at the company.

As for simple travel components such as air tickets, train tickets, tickets, hotels and destination travel products, the purchasing methods will become more and more instant and convenient, and the proportion of payment from mobile devices will also become higher and higher.

In addition, it includes electronic wallet, online banking, PayPal and Bitcoin (Bitcoin).

wants to truly integrate into the local experience during travel. Experiencing local life has become a way and attitude of travel, and casual travel has been spurned by the new generation of consumers.

In Taiwan, you can find more and more tours to experience rural life or explore aboriginal culture. Such as the dining table plan in the rice fields, etc., if you want to participate in the artist training course of the K-POP agency in South Korea, or learn Thai cooking in Thailand, or train to become a ninja in Japan, etc., these will be your experiences. It is one of the main purposes of future tourism.

travel gift certificates such as cash coupons and package product coupons are brewing and opening. In the past, you could buy discounted hotel accommodation vouchers or gourmet meal vouchers at travel fairs, but only the travel gift vouchers from travel agencies have not been available yet. The reasons that

considered in the past were the complexity and high variability of tourism products, as well as the unclear supporting measures such as amending laws and regulations. However, as tourism services are becoming more and more diversified, the tourism and related travel associations are developing plans for a phased and conditional opening of the travel industry to the issuance of travel vouchers. If

is fast, it should be on the road by the end of this year. After that, it is not ruled out that third-party non-travel operators will distribute it, which will inevitably cause a big impact on the industry.

However, it is quite advantageous for new travel entrepreneurs who want to sell travel package products without setting up a travel agency. For more detailed information on the opening of travel vouchers, please refer to Issue 35 of Travel@World Magazine.

The development of mobile technology will affect the way users plan travel. The above trends show that destination tourism products will play an important role in future consumers’ travel planning.

The field of destination tourism and local experience activities is a highly fragmented market. New tourism innovations must work hard on mobile technologies and services to have the opportunity to integrate and enter this market.

In addition, Euromonitor data shows that among destination tourism services, shopping and dining have the largest global sales volume. Shopping is expected to grow the fastest in the next five years, with a compound annual growth rate of 9%. From the acquisition of LaFourchette by TripAdvisor and the acquisition of OpenTable by Priceline in 2014, it can be seen that large-scale travel websites have begun to be laid out.

In the near future, OTAs will transform into MTAs (Mobile Travel Agents). Consumers only need to use one mobile device to purchase air tickets, book hotels, pay for tickets and experience activities, make reservations for gourmet restaurants, and show off their talents on their mobile phones. Use coupons to shop, etc., and then travel around the world. Finally, find products and services from the five cycles of tourism.

What kind of services do you want to provide to users? How to create a travel atmosphere to arouse netizens’ intention to travel and share their experiences? Or provide a more convenient tool for collecting travel information?

can also use content marketing and social commerce as a shopping guide? What’s even better, can it be used offline while traveling? After the trip, can you easily and completely record your memories and share them with friends?

Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever thought about the inspiration for micro-business, e-commerce, self-media, physical stores, service industries, and content entrepreneurship?