Zhiyanzhan Industrial Research Institute focuses on China's industrial economic intelligence and research. The current products and services it mainly provides include traditional and emerging industry research, business plans, feasibility studies, market research, special report

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Zhiyanzhan Industrial Research Institute focuses on China's industrial economic intelligence and research. The current products and services it mainly provides include traditional and emerging industry research, business plans, feasibility studies, market research, special report - DayDayNews

Zhiyanzhan Industry Research Institute focuses on China's industrial economic intelligence and research. The current main products and services provided include traditional and emerging industry research, business plans, feasibility studies, market research, special reports, customized reports, etc. Covering fields such as culture and sports, logistics and tourism, health and elderly care, biomedicine , energy and chemical industry, equipment manufacturing, automotive electronics, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, it also conducts in-depth research on smart cities, smart life, smart manufacturing, new energy, new materials, and new consumption. , new finance, artificial intelligence , " Internet + " and other emerging fields.

The progress of social civilization will inevitably liberate new trends of thought, and the acceptance and openness of sexy underwear and sex toys have been greatly improved. Erotic lingerie is an adult product. It has a visually stimulating effect, promotes hormone secretion, combines taste with sex, and becomes a product of spiritual civilization. Domestic sexy underwear is more accurately called sexy clothing, which is an adult product between underwear and clothing.

Sexy underwear is a derivative of underwear. Like many adult products, sexy underwear is already a very common product in Europe and the United States. However, in China, it has only been gradually accepted by the public in the past two years. Its focus tends to be "sexy" ", mysterious", mostly with temptation as an element, creating a strong visual sense of temptation, so that both sexes can achieve a perfect sexual experience.

Overview of the development of China's erotic underwear market

The erotic underwear industry is still in the early stages of development in my country. The market is not mature enough and standardized, and a unified industry management system and related standards have not yet been established. Enterprises in the industry have initially established their own development processes and standards. Erotic underwear is becoming more and more popular among people. Different elements are combined into underwear, allowing women to show different aesthetics. With the rise of online shopping, the majority of users have become accustomed to this way of purchasing sexy lingerie. It can be said that online shopping has gradually become an inseparable part of people's daily lives. It is this shopping channel that has completely opened up people's conservative attitude towards sexy underwear.

Because domestic sexual concepts are not as developed as other countries, the development of my country's sexy underwear industry is relatively slow. The market concentration is not high and is relatively scattered. Most of them are agents and internationally renowned brands. There are many domestic companies, but the layout is scattered. International and domestic erotic underwear brands sold on the market include: Nailisi, Ouziliya, Suzer, Yehuo, FEESEXY, ALIOMOON, Yenia, LaSenza, lovely-kit, MAGICGIRL, dear-lover , ilove1230, Sankaiweishi, Yibizan, Jialiyuan, Bunny Girl, Blue Crystal, Delifan and so on.

The beginning of domestic sexy underwear gradually gained popularity along with the Internet. From the perspective of production and sales, a large-scale industry has been formed in more than 10 years. Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai are the four main production areas of sexy underwear in China. Especially in Guanyun County, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, the average daily sales volume exceeded 300,000 pieces in 2019, making it the well-deserved capital of sexy lingerie in China. There are more than 500 manufacturers and sales outlets here, employing 20,000 people. During the "Double Eleven" period in 2017, sales of sexy underwear in the county exceeded 100 million yuan. The scale of

seems to be large, but compared with Europe and the United States and other countries, there is still a big gap in product quality, technical content, corporate development prospects, market segmentation, brand grade, etc.

What is the market prospect of sexy underwear? The "2022-2028 China Sexy Underwear Market Research and Prospective Analysis Report" released by Zhiyanzhan Industry Research Institute provides a detailed analysis of the development maturity of the sexy underwear industry, the production technology of the sexy underwear industry, the development of Chinese sexy underwear companies, China Survey on supply and demand of sexy lingerie market, market competition pattern of sexy lingerie companies, in-depth survey on consumer preferences of Chinese sexy lingerie brands, main competitors of sexy lingerie companies, analysis and impact of upstream and downstream industry chains of Chinese sexy lingerie companies, investment potential of sexy lingerie companies and value, sexy lingerie industry investment opportunities and investment strategies, etc., to help companies and investors understand the market investment value of sexy lingerie.

Zhiyanzhan Industry Research Institute focuses on studying the development trends and changing trends of industry segments in China and the global market, and provides industry analysis reports, segmented market research , and market research reports for corporate executives, market investors, and consulting industry professionals. Services, analyze the current market situation and future development trends and put forward constructive suggestions to provide reference for industry investors and business operators.

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