The two sides clashed head-on at the Xingnan Night Market, Section 2, Xingnan Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City. The two sides fired more than 30 shots at each other. Later, the suspect hid in a nearby apartment, and the police

Gunfight scene

New Taipei City Police had a shootout at around 11:00 on April 30 while arresting the 60-year-old wanted criminal Liu Bangcheng. The two sides clashed head-on at the Xingnan Night Market, Section 2, Xingnan Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City. The two sides opened fire on each other. More than 30 shots.

Afterwards, the suspect hid in a nearby apartment, and the police dispatched hundreds of police officers to blockade Lane 410 of Jingxin Street. After a three-hour standoff, Liu Bangcheng surrendered.

According to reports from Taiwanese media China Times Electronic News and United Daily News, Liu Bangcheng is 60 years old, nicknamed "Brother Haishan" and "Lao San". He specializes in setting up traps to defraud money in Taipei and hides it secretly. He also ordered his subordinates to help people sell drugs, claiming to be the "General Counselor of the Tiandao Alliance Sun Society". In addition, Liu Bangcheng also claimed to be the cousin of former Taoyuan County Magistrate Liu Bangyou.

However, according to the China Times Electronic News on the afternoon of the 30th, many relatives of the Liu family in Taiwan stated through the media that they had never heard of the claim that Liu Bang Cheng was Liu Bangyou's cousin. According to

public information, the famous "Liu Bangyou Murder Case" occurred in November 1996. This case was a shooting and homicide that occurred in the Taoyuan County magistrate's residence that shocked Taiwanese society. It is one of the "Taiwan's Three Major Unsolved Cases."

On the morning of November 21, 1996, an assassin broke into the official residence of Taoyuan County Magistrate Liu Bangyou and shot and killed him. There were nine victims in total: the then Taoyuan County Magistrate Liu Bangyou, the county magistrate’s confidential secretary Xu Chunguo, driver Liu Bangming, residence guards Liu Mingji, Liu Bangliang, residence maid Liu Rumei, Taoyuan County Councilors Zhuang Shunxing and Deng Wenchang, and Health Bureau technician Zhang Taomei . Liu Bangyou became the first county or city chief to be killed while in office in the history of Taiwan. A report from

China Times Electronic News revealed that at that time it was reported that a man nicknamed "Lao San" was the suspect. Therefore, Liu Bangcheng, also nicknamed "Lao San", was suspected to be the murderer and was listed as the primary target of investigation by the task force. Liu Bangcheng was arrested three days after the murder. However, after collecting his blood, fingerprints, palm prints and other information for identification and comparison, the task force confirmed that Liu Bangcheng had nothing to do with the murder.

According to a previous report by the United Daily News, when Liu Bangcheng was arrested for the case in July 2015, Liu Bangyou's cousin Liu Banghan came forward to clarify that Liu Bangcheng was not Liu Bangyou's cousin, and there was no Liu Bangcheng in the family. I hope no more wrong messages will harm Liu Bangyou or other family members.

Subsequently, many relatives of the Liu family in Taiwan also stated many times that the statement that Liu Bangcheng was Liu Bangyou's cousin was only Liu Bangcheng's own claim, and he had not heard Liu Bangyou mention it during his lifetime.

According to information disclosed to the media by the New Taipei City police, Liu Bangcheng is also suspected of manipulating and directing his members behind the scenes to engage in intimidation, extortion of money, and armed troubles since September 2016.