Li Chunhua, a villager at the Dongfeng Management Office of Chengnan Street, Yushui District, Xinyu City, was busy installing rehabilitation machines for his mother, Li Tao, and told reporters: "I have always done what my children should do out of filial piety and conscience. Now

"My mother has been hospitalized for some time due to discomfort in her legs and feet, and I have been taking care of her closely. This time my family was rated as a model family of 'respecting the elderly and loving relatives' by the village, and received a reward of 20,000 yuan, which came in handy." Yushui District, Xinyu City Li Chunhua, a villager at the Dongfeng Management Office of Chengnan Street, told reporters while busy installing rehabilitation machines for his mother Li Tao: "I have always done what children should do out of filial piety and conscience. Now with this award, It’s like having a mirror, urging us to better honor our parents.”

It is understood that in the past 24 years, the Dongfeng Management Office of Chengnan Street, Yushui District, Xinyu City has distributed a total of 1.44 million yuan in “Elderly Support Award” bonuses.

"Elderly Support Award" distribution site

4 families won the "Elderly Support Award"

html On June 1, as soon as the reporters entered Li Tao's home, the old man's son Li Chunhua came up to say hello.

101-year-old Li Tao is sitting on the sofa in the living room. Although he is over a hundred years old, his face is red, his body is strong, and he speaks with confidence. This is all due to the careful care of his son Li Chunhua.

Some time ago, the old man was hospitalized due to discomfort in his legs and feet. Li Chunhua took care of him closely and stayed with him every step of the way.

In order to reward Li Chunhua's filial piety, Dongfeng Management Office awarded him a certificate of honor for the "Respect the Elderly and Love Relatives" model family and a bonus of 20,000 yuan.

Li Chunhua recalled that on April 2, the Dongfeng Management Office held a ceremony to distribute the "Award for Supporting the Elderly". On that day, a total of "Awards for Supporting the Elderly" were distributed to four families, and there was a round of applause at the scene.

Wu Lanying's daughter Li Ailian has received the award for the third time. Including the 3,000 yuan bonus she received this time, she received a total of 5,500 yuan in bonuses.

"Having an elder in the family is like having a treasure. This is an honor for our entire family. We will take good care of our mother and hope she will be healthy and live a long life." Li Ailian said while standing on the podium.

There are prizes for supporting the elderly over 70 years old

The Dongfeng Management Office of Chengnan Street, Yushui District, Xinyu City has seven village groups under its jurisdiction, with a total population of 1,320 people, including 169 elderly people over the age of 70.

Shi Xiaoqiu, Party branch secretary of Dongfeng Management Office, said that Dongfeng Management Office was a well-known million-yuan village in the city in the 1990s. The village's collective economy, steel market, farmer's market, and fruit and vegetable wholesale market were prosperous. With the acceleration of urbanization, the management office upgraded the farmers' market, built the steel market into an industrial park, upgraded the steel market industry chain, and increased the village's collective economy by more than 1 million yuan every year.

"The village's collective economy has improved, and we have to do what we can for the elderly in the village." Shi Xiaoqiu introduced that since January 1998, the Dongfeng Management Office has established the "Elderly Support Award", which has been issued continuously for 24 years, with a total of A bonus of 1.44 million yuan was distributed. "All bonuses will be spent from the collective economic income of the village."

It is understood that the award stipulates that children must love, respect and support the elderly. Children who support the elderly between the ages of 70 and 100 will be given support awards ranging from 500 yuan to 20,000 yuan. . The management office conducts a virtue evaluation of all villagers every year. Among them, children who support an elderly person over 70 years old are rewarded 500 yuan; children who are supporting an elderly person over 75 years old are rewarded 1,000 yuan; children who are supporting an elderly person over 80 years old are rewarded 2,000 yuan; children who are supporting an elderly person over 85 years old are rewarded 2,000 yuan. Children of the elderly will be rewarded 3,000 yuan; children who support an elderly person over 90 years old will be rewarded 5,000 yuan; children who are supporting an elderly person over 95 years old will be rewarded 10,000 yuan; children who are supporting an elderly person over 100 years old will be rewarded 20,000 yuan. Yuan.

"I will spend the reward money on my parents"

At the "Elderly Support Award" distribution ceremony on April 2, Hu Donglan's children received a bonus of 2,000 yuan.

80-year-old Hu Donglan says to everyone when he meets people: "Everyone in my family is filial."

"Filial piety is what we should do, and living with my mother-in-law for so many years is also a kind of fate. As long as she is here, I will watch over her." Hu Donglan's said the daughter-in-law.

In order to relieve Hu Donglan's back pain, his son always kept hot water bottles and pillows at his side; in order for Hu Donglan to eat well, his daughter-in-law cooked according to her taste.

"Mom and dad are our role models, and we should also respect our grandma." Influenced by family members, the younger members of the family often accompany Hu Donglan, and greet her on the phone when she is not around.

When talking about the award given to her family by the management office, Hu Donglan gave a thumbs up: "It's good for my son, my wife, and my grandson."

"Winning this award is like having a mirror, which can better Li Chunhua said, "There is no best way to be filial to the elderly, only getting better and better."

"Letting support the elderly have rewards is to encourage villagers to support the elderly and establish a good custom of filial piety and love for their relatives." Pass it on from generation to generation," Shi Xiaoqiu said. When

was interviewed, those who received the rewards said that they would spend the reward money on their parents.

Li Chunhua told reporters that his mother, Li Tao, was hospitalized some time ago due to discomfort in her legs and feet, and she basically used up her bonus. He spent several months of his retirement salary to buy a set of rehabilitation equipment for his mother.

"It depends on young people to show filial piety and love for their relatives." Shi Xiaoqiu said, "To this end, we revitalize the collective assets of the village. Only when our economy develops will the villagers not worry about employment."

Thanks to the development of the village's collective economy, many Villagers are engaged in security, cleaning, vegetable trading and other jobs, achieving employment "at the doorstep" and taking care of the elderly nearby.

The reward and support model for the elderly is worth learning from

Gao Peng, associate professor of law at Jiangxi Agricultural University and lawyer, said that in rural areas, there is a special group that should receive focus and care, and that is the elderly. In the process of exploring rural elderly care, Dongfeng Management Office spent "real money" to encourage children to support the elderly, making filial piety and love for relatives a common practice.

"This approach can not only reduce the financial pressure on children to support the elderly, but also improve the quality of life of the elderly." Gao Peng said.

In an aging society, how to make the elderly more dignified and happy? In this regard, Gao Peng believes that this not only requires motivating children who have the ability to support their parents to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations, but also requires the government to provide strong support and guarantees. The Dongfeng Management Office's reward model for supporting the elderly is worthy of in-depth exploration and reference.

"A happy city must have a clear foundation of people's livelihood and do a good job in economic and social development. People's livelihood is the 'compass'." Huang Qinghua, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Chongqing District Party Committee, said.

"Think well of the development experience of 'agriculture, rural areas and farmers' and take the road of rural revitalization. Dongfeng Management Office will continue to set up the 'Elderly Support Award' and the 'Reading and Education Award' to provide pensions and stock dividends to villagers, so that landless farmers Not losing is the direction of our future efforts," said Li Shaoping, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chengnan Street in Yushui District.

◎Text/Picture Liu Xiuqun New Legal News reporter Fu Rui