With the standardization of road management for transportation vehicles, vehicle registration has become a "hard threshold" for taking to the road. Except for bicycles and wheelchairs, most vehicles on the road need to be registered, including those on the road. A few years ago,

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With the standardization of road management of transportation vehicles, vehicle registration has become a "hard threshold" for taking to the road. Except for bicycles and wheelchairs, most vehicles on the road need to be registered. This includes... A few years ago, electric vehicles, tricycles, and scooters for the elderly did not need to be licensed.

However, compared with other motor vehicles, electric vehicles, tricycles, and scooters for the elderly were registered relatively late. So far, they have not been fully licensed across the country. Some places have completed the registration, some places are in progress, and some The registration of license plates has not been started in some places, but even if the rhythm is different, experts can still tell everyone responsibly that the registration of vehicle license plates has become a "general trend". As a car owner, you should apply for a license plate in time.

Some car owners really want to get their cars registered, but they don’t know how to do it. The expert has sorted out the registration requirements and steps for electric vehicles, tricycles, and elderly scooters in 2022, hoping to provide everyone with reference value.

Electric vehicles are registered as

Although electric vehicles are all two-wheeled models, according to the " Electric Bicycle Safety Technical Specifications " implemented in 2019, they are divided into non-motorized vehicles and motor vehicles based on different speed, voltage, and motor power parameters. The models include electric bicycles, electric mopeds , and electric motorcycles .

Electric bicycle : Since it is a non-motor vehicle, its licensing requirements are relatively low. The vehicle only needs to comply with 3C certification, be in the local directory of the brand and model, and bring the ID card, invoice (certificate of vehicle origin), and certificate of conformity. Apply for a license plate;

steps and fees : Within 15 days from the date of purchase, go to the traffic management department of the public security organ to apply for a registration license, complete the inspection of the vehicle (offline inspection is exempted in some places), and rule out any additional installations or modifications. After passing the test, you can get a green license plate, which is usually free of charge.

Electric light motorcycles and electric motorcycles : As motor vehicles, their requirements for licensing are slightly higher. The vehicles not only need to comply with 3C certification, the brand and model are in the local catalog, the vehicles also need to be listed in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's "Road Mobility" "Vehicle Manufacturing Enterprises and Products" Catalog. When registering, you must bring your ID card, invoice, certificate of conformity, certificate of conformity, insurance payment certificate, purchase tax payment certificate or go through tax exemption procedures before you can apply.

steps and fees : Bring relevant documents to the lobby of the vehicle management office and submit relevant information for review. After passing the review, the staff will inspect the vehicle, take photos of the motorcycle, print the frame number and motor number, and then inspect the qualified vehicle To register, the car owner receives the number plate, driving license and vehicle registration certificate , and the vehicle has a yellow number plate, and the cost is generally around 50 yuan.

Electric tricycles Licensed

Although electric tricycles are "electric" products, they are actually "three-wheeled motorcycles". Currently, there are mainly two types of electric tricycles in stock, those that meet standards and those that do not. The way to get a license plate is also Not the same;

Standard electric tricycle plate : Its requirements are basically the same as those of electric motorcycles, the vehicle qualifications are complete, and it complies with the " Motor Vehicle Operation Safety Technical Conditions " and is included in the catalog of "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products". The materials required for registration include ID card, certificate of conformity, certificate of consistency, insurance payment certificate, purchase tax payment certificate or tax exemption procedures.

steps and fees : The steps for getting a license plate are the same as those for electric motorcycles. First go to the vehicle management office to submit the information, and the staff will review the vehicle. If the vehicle passes the test, you will get a yellow license plate. In terms of cost, the cost of production is 35 yuan, plus other fees. , basically around 50 yuan to 80 yuan.

The registration of electric tricycles that do not meet the standards : Taking Hefei, Anhui, where Xiaoxian is located, as an example, it is very convenient for electric tricycles that do not meet the standards to be registered in 2022. The owner only needs to show his ID card or a photo of his ID card, and the traffic police will pass Information is registered on the mobile platform. After successful registration, the car owner can obtain the license plate on the spot, and the staff will spray relevant markings on the license plate.

Steps and fees : The non-standard electric tricycle license plate opened in Hefei is very simple. The service is free, nearest and quick. However, this type of vehicle receives a temporary license plate for registration, which is required. Transition period restrictions.

scooter for the elderly is listed as

scooter for the elderly. Its identity is a "miniature pure electric passenger car". The relevant standards have been formulated and the draft for comments has also been completed in 2021, but it has not yet been officially implemented. Therefore, the scooter for the elderly has not yet been officially implemented. The car cannot be registered as of 2022. The following is an introduction in advance to the conditions and steps for obtaining a license after it obtains status;

implements the standard for the registration of elderly scooters : As a micro electric vehicle, it must comply with the "Pure Electric Ride" to obtain a license. The relevant requirements of "Technical Conditions for Use of Vehicles". In addition, as a motor vehicle, it must also be included in the catalog of "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products". Other materials include certificates of conformity, vehicle invoices, certificates of conformity, purchase tax payment certificates, and compulsory traffic insurance. Insurance policies, ID cards and other documents.

Steps and Fees : According to the licensing process for electric passenger cars, there are mainly steps that require vehicle inspection - license plate - tax payment - criminal investigation vehicle - data review - number selection - license plate issuance. In terms of cost, there is only one step to register yourself. The license fee is about 125 yuan, and there are no other fees.

Summary : The above are some requirements and procedures for the licensing of electric vehicles, tricycles, and elderly scooters. In summary, as non-motor vehicles, vehicles only need to comply with industry standards and have basic materials to basically meet the requirements for licensing. requirements. As a motor vehicle, in addition to basic materials and industry standards, the vehicle also needs to be listed in the "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" directory of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in order to meet the basic requirements for licensing. There is another point that many car owners will ignore. That is, the vehicle purchased must comply with the local registration catalog. In short, getting a license plate is not difficult at all, but it is easy and requires a lot of legwork. Before getting a license plate, everyone should try to consult the local registration requirements and bring the materials. Go and handle it.

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