When it comes to the traffic police cavalry, I believe many friends are familiar with it. Riding a handsome police motorcycle and wearing a dazzling "fluorescent green" riding police uniform has become a beautiful scenery on the road. Yesterday afternoon, the Jincheng traffic pol

Speaking of traffic police cavalry

I believe many friends are familiar with it.

Riding a handsome police motorcycle

Wearing a dazzling "fluorescent green" riding police uniform

It has become a beautiful scenery on the road

Yesterday afternoon

Jincheng traffic police cavalry The little brother walked into the Experimental Middle School

and carried out a special traffic safety trip with his classmates

Let’s experience the first scene together!

The event started with the amazing appearance of the little iron rider, which instantly set off the atmosphere of the scene. The students cheered and applauded one after another. Did your snake-shaped pile-circling skill performance surprise you?

is simply

super! handsome! gas!


The traffic policeman prepared traffic safety knowledge questions

and three option boards A, B, and C

The children made the correct choice by standing in line

Students on the scene were active in answering the questions

The last short answer question is

Please name three types Distracted driving behavior

Students actively raised their hands to speak

1 talking on the phone while driving 2 chatting while driving 3 smoking while driving...

The method of asking questions on the spot

allows them to easily obtain traffic knowledge!


Two students on site will cooperate with

or one student will choose a cavalry brother to cooperate with

to complete the game of your gestures

and my guess~


In the end, 14 students became the big winners of the challenge!

prizes are given away!


Hearing that they could experience the iron cavalry ride attracted the students to come forward eager to try it. The iron cavalry team members showed the iron cavalry equipment to the students at the scene and introduced the rapid response and processing capabilities of the iron cavalry police mode. Everyone had a deeper understanding of the iron cavalry.

At the end of the activity, The students took a group photo with the handsome cavalry brother, "Jin Jin, Jiaojiao"~

took a photo with "Jin Jin, Jiaojiao"

took a photo with the "cavalry brother"

Traffic safety is no small matter

Student traffic safety requires parents and teachers

and the joint efforts of Shushu.

Never entrust your safety to others

On the way to and from school

Whether you are taking a motor vehicle, an electric vehicle or walking

remember to "fasten your seat belt" and "wear a helmet"

Do not run a red light, do not Go against traffic, cross the road and walk on zebra crossings

Through this activity

the interaction between the police and the police and the communication between the police and the public

has been further enhanced among the children and teachers' legal concept,

traffic safety awareness and self-protection ability

it has played a good role in promoting positive energy. Guidance function

Editor: Tian Jing Editor: Guo Jing Reviewer: Kong Xiaorui