When preparing disinfectant water, you should wear waterproof gloves, masks and aprons, and pay attention to environmental ventilation; the concentration of disinfectant water used for general environmental disinfection is 500ppm, that is, 1250 c.c. clean water plus 100 c.c. blea

In addition to being careful about COVID-19, don’t forget that hand, foot and mouth disease is more likely to affect infants and young children! Parents must pay special attention!

Since enteroviruses are easily spread in densely populated and interactive places, both adults and children are at risk of infection. We are reminded to stay alert and do good hand hygiene and environmental disinfection. If children at home are infected with enteroviruses, they should avoid interacting with other children. contact to avoid cross-infection, and please pay attention to the health status of children. If there are signs of severe illness, they should be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible to grasp the golden time for treatment.

Parents should pay attention to the signs of severe enterovirus disease.

The course of severe illness caused by virus type 71 changes rapidly. If a child is infected with enterovirus at home, be sure to pay attention to the changes in his or her condition within one week after infection. If there is drowsiness, unconsciousness, If you have signs of serious illness such as poor energy, weakness in your hands and feet, muscle twitching (unexpected startle or sudden muscle contraction throughout the body), persistent vomiting, shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat, you must seek medical attention immediately to avoid missing the golden period of treatment.

Enterovirus is most contagious within one week of onset.

Enterovirus is mainly transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract or respiratory tract, and can also be transmitted through contact with blisters and secretions on the skin of patients. A few days before the onset of enterovirus, the virus is present in the throat and feces, and it is infectious at this time. The infectivity is highest within a week after the onset of the disease. Even after recovery, the enterovirus will still be excreted in the feces for 8 to 12 weeks. Therefore, you should continue to pay attention to personal hand hygiene after recovery to avoid transmitting the virus to infants and young children.

Be sure to keep the environment clean and tidy, you can do this with disinfection

Enteroviruses are highly contagious and should not be taken lightly. Ventilation, cleanliness and disinfection of home environments, classrooms and recreational facilities should be strengthened.

When preparing disinfectant water, you should wear waterproof gloves, masks and aprons, and pay attention to environmental ventilation; the concentration of disinfectant water used for general environmental disinfection is 500 ppm, that is, 1250 c.c. clean water plus 100 c.c. bleach water (ratio is 100:1); for The concentration of disinfectant water for treating secretions or excreta contamination of enterovirus patients is 1000 ppm, that is, 1250 c.c. clean water plus 200 c.c. bleach water (ratio 50:1). After wiping the environment and utensils with disinfectant water, wait for 10 minutes and then wipe them again with clean water to complete the disinfection step.

urges parents to rest at home if their children are infected with enterovirus.

Many parents think that enterovirus is no different from a common cold. They think that their children will be fine as long as they take medicine and rest and do not need to be isolated. However, they ignore that it is actually a kind of cold. Hand, foot and mouth disease is highly contagious and carries the risk of severe complications and even death.

Therefore, we appeal once again that if a child at home is infected with enterovirus, even if the child seems to have normal activity, he should rest at home and avoid contact with other infants and young children; after recovery, he should still pay attention to personal hand hygiene and implement the 'wet, rub, Wash, hold, and wipe hands correctly to prevent the virus from being transmitted to other children and cause cross-infection, and to reduce the risk of the virus spreading in public places.