As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver.

2024/06/2908:09:33 hotcomm 1333

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver.

Let’s first take a look at Sun Fang’s story. Because her hometown was poor, Sun Fang came out to work hard with her fellow villagers and married Hong Jiabao. On the wedding day, someone wanted to take advantage of Sun Fang. When Sun Fang resisted, the newlyweds Instead of standing up for his bride, the husband slapped Sun Fang in front of everyone. Sun Fang was not convinced and slapped her back, and the two started fighting.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

Hong Jiabao was a gambler, drunk and beat people, idle all day long, and ruined his family's repair shop. Sun Fang, who was full of belly, still had to work part-time to make money.

The child was born with congenital biliary atresia . She needed a liver transplant, otherwise she would not survive until the age of two. When her husband heard that the doctor said it could not be cured. Without caring about family ties at all, he just let it go. Sun Fang took the child to treat the disease alone.

The police came to the hospital with Li Jie. They heard Sun Fang singing to put Duoduo to sleep. They thought Sun Fang was in the hospital. When they came to the ward, it turned out that it was a middle-aged woman singing. She told them that Sun Fang's daughter Zhuzhu I used to be in the same ward with her children, and all the children became quiet when she sang, so I learned to sing.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

Because the hospital was short of beds at the time, Zhuzhu’s paternity match was only her mother’s, and her father never showed up. Sun Fang also failed to pay the hospitalization fee. The nurse gave her three days of grace, but she still did not pay the hospitalization fee. After the expenses, the hospital was forced to discharge Zhuzhu to free up beds. Sun Fang refused to let Zhuzhu leave the hospital. She was pushed to the ground while struggling with the nurses and security guards. When she was helpless, she grabbed a doctor's clothes, hoping that the doctor could help her, but the doctor not only pushed her away, but also After letting her child live in Zhuzhu's hospital bed, the sound of Zhuzhu's crying and Li Jie's footsteps approaching the hospital bed holding the child penetrated Sun Fang's heart.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

Seeing other children living in Zhuzhu's bed, Li Jie's smile at the nurse was quite dazzling to Sun Fang. Sun Fang picked up the doctor just now, which Tian Ning dropped when he pushed her down. Falling business card.

After learning this fact, the police and Li Jie Tianning returned to Li Jie's house to look for clues. Li Jie wanted to drink water and picked up the cup. The cup was the juice cup that Sun Fang took away Duoduo that morning. It had not been washed yet. , Li Jie was going to wash it. Maybe Tian Ning was dissatisfied with Li Jie's calmness, so he grabbed the cup and broke it.

Still calm, Li Jie began to clean up the broken glass shards. The glass shards splashed on the refrigerator. Li Jie wiped it calmly and ignored his mother-in-law's entry, like a machine without temperature. While wiping, he found a little quilt leaking from the freezer of the refrigerator. Worried, scared but without hesitation, Li Jie opened the refrigerator.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

There was a child hidden in the package of the refrigerator. Li Jie didn't dare to see if it was Duoduo, but he was also afraid that it was Duoduo. He was so trembling that he couldn't scream. When the police heard Li Jie's strange movements, they stepped forward and saw the child in the refrigerator. They immediately ordered that the child was found and that they should call someone quickly.

These words inspired Li Jie's mother's intuition. She knew that this child must not be Duoduo, so she maintained her last bit of reason and opened the package, revealing the child's true appearance. This child was not Duoduo.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

At this time, the phone rang. Li Jie quickly got up to answer the phone. There was no word on the other side of the phone. Li Jie knew that the person on the other side was Sun Fang.

After Sun Fang took Zhuzhu out of the hospital, she lived in a simple house. One night it rained heavily outside. Zhuzhu had shortness of breath and developed a high fever. Sun Fang called 120 because the place where she lived was too remote and 120 could not directly call 120. Arriving downstairs, Sun Fang held Zhuzhu in both hands and held an umbrella. She put her cell phone on her neck and right shoulder to communicate with 120. The handle of the umbrella was fixed between the child and her, leaning on her left shoulder. The wind was strong. Sun Fang roared to confirm her location with 120. Because she was not familiar with the terrain, she could only tell 120 that there was a health center next to her. Before the communication was completed, her phone accidentally fell into the water. After picking it up, she could not open it. , the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the 120 car had lost contact. Sun Fang held Zhuzhu and went to the main road to stop the car. She kept shouting to stop, is there anyone, is there a car, but cars were coming and going? No car wanted to stop. At this time, Sun Fang discovered that Zhuzhu was not breathing.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

Sun Fang was helpless and shouted to the road to save the child, but no one answered. Sun Fang could only hold the breathless Zhuzhu in the rain. The rain was so heavy that Sun Fang could no longer feel it.

The police received a tip and found the man who had been helping Sun Fang. Li Jie asked him over and over again, "Where is my daughter?" at the top of his lungs. The man complained, "I can't even get along with the child."

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

He and Sun Fang were lovers. He loved Sun Fang very much. Sun Fang came to him to borrow money because she already owed a lot of money and really had no money to help Sun Fang. Sun Fang turned around and left when she heard that she had no money. You can't live without beads. He was also feeling guilty. When he took the money and went to the hospital to find Sun Fang a few days later, Sun Fang was no longer in the hospital. When they met later, Zhuzhu was no longer there, and Sun Fang seemed to be a different person. She told him that she would take care of someone else's child, and then give him the child and sell it, so that she would have the money to pay back the money she owed. At this time, Sun Fang was really scary.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

On the day of the transaction, Sun Fang disappeared with her child.

Although Sun Fang came to Li Jie's house with a desire for revenge, she slowly transferred her love for Zhuzhu to Duoduo. The arrival of her husband Hong Jiabao broke all this. He asked Sun Fang for help. Money, if you want a divorce, you have to give money. The night before Sun Fang disappeared, she went to give him money. This man was extremely scumbag. After getting the money, he dragged Sun Fang into his van and prepared to commit a crime. Sun Fang resisted and broke it with a beer bottle. He still refused to give up and continued to commit crimes. Sun Fang stabbed his vital part with a broken beer bottle and died on the spot.

Sun Fang called her boyfriend, and the two burned Hong Jiabao's car. Her boyfriend told her that if she gave him the child tomorrow, he would die if the money was not paid.

It was already dawn at this time. The police discovered Sun Fang's traces and took Li Jie and Tian Ning to chase him. On the way, Li Jie recalled every moment of being together with Sun Fang. Sun Fang was really kind to Duoduo, and she would unintentionally mistake Duoduo for Zhuzhu. Hearing that Li Jie was divorcing, Sun Fang cautiously asked, "He hit you?" It can be felt that in Sun Fang's eyes, only domestic violence is intolerable in marriage.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

Li Jie suddenly realized that when they went to the beach, Sun Fang wanted to visit the island. She might have gone to the island. They immediately turned around and went to the dock. There happened to be a ship about to go out to sea. Li Jie climbed on it when the police were not prepared. On the boat, Sun Fang and Duo Duo were on the boat. When they saw Li Jie and Sun Fang running away holding Duo Duo, Li Jie and the police searched the boat and finally saw Sun Fang and Duo Duo on the rooftop. At this time, all the special police also quietly aimed their guns. Sun Fang.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

Li Jie asked Sun Fang to return Duoduo to her. She told Sun Fang that she loved Duoduo the same as Sun Fang loved Zhuzhu, and they both wanted to be a good mother.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

At this time, Sun Fang was hopeless. Her favorite daughter Zhuzhu was gone, and she was burdened with a human life. The last bit of comfort that she wanted to think of Duoduo as Zhuzhu was gone. Duoduo was not Zhuzhu after all. . Sun Fang watched Duoduo run into her mother's arms, turn around and jump into the sea.

As mentioned in the previous article, everyone suspected that Sun Fang kidnapped Duoduo to replace his daughter Zhuzhu’s liver. - DayDayNews

Sun Fang’s life ended here.

Her life was too hard, and the root cause of it all was poverty.

Because she was poor, she married an alcoholic and domestically violent man;

Because she was poor, she had to do hard work to earn money while she was pregnant;

Because she was poor, she could not afford the hospitalization fee when her child was sick;

Because she was poor, she The mobile phone she bought was not waterproof;

because she was poor, she could not live a comfortable life with the man who loved her;

because she was poor, she accidentally killed her bastard husband.

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