Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable?

2024/06/3019:10:32 hotcomm 1830

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hetai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have commented to us: Is Hetai Life Insurance Company reliable?

Compared with some of the well-known large companies, these insurance companies that we have never heard of will deter many friends who want to buy this product, and therefore miss out on many insurance products that are more worth buying.

Today, Dad will take you to have an in-depth understanding of Hotai Life Insurance Company and see how they are:

  • Introduction to Hotai Life
  • Main products of Hotai Life
  • Dad’s summary

1. Hotai Life Insurance Company Introduce the basic information of

and Hetai Life

Hetai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hetai Life") was established on January 20, 2017. The registered place is Jinan, Shandong. The company's registered capital is 1.5 billion yuan. The legal representative is Liu Xin.

This is an innovative life insurance company that is asset-light, highly efficient, and highly integrated with the Internet.

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable? - DayDayNews. Shareholding situation of Hetai Life shareholders:

Hetai Life is mainly composed of eight major shareholder companies, of which Beijing Easy Home, CITIC Guoan , Shenzhen Golden Century, and Beijing Yingke Bicheng are the most important shareholders.

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable? - DayDayNews

Hetai Life Insurance shareholders’ shareholdings

Beijing Easy Home : A large state-controlled joint-stock enterprise. In 2018, Alibaba invested 5.453 billion yuan in Easy Home and held 15% of its shares.

CITIC Guoan: A subsidiary of CITIC Guoan Group Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Golden Century Utility is a real estate company with a registered capital of 240 million yuan.

Beijing Yingke Bicheng is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tencent. The four major shareholder companies of

are not small, and they are very powerful in terms of corporate size and assets.

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable? - DayDayNews. Original premium income situation

Original premium income situation can reflect the operating conditions of the insurance company, and can also reflect the popularity of the insurance company from the side.

It is reported that Hetai Life’s comprehensive original premium income in 2018 was 655 million yuan.

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable? - DayDayNews

Hetai Life's comprehensive original premium income

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable? - DayDayNews. Solvency situation

The solvency of an insurance company reflects the financial stability of the company. Data from

shows that in 2018, as of December 31, 2018, the company's core solvency adequacy ratio and comprehensive repayment. The capacity adequacy ratio of

is 525.85%. The credit risk assessment and the bonds or projects allocated are all AA+ or above, which meets the regulatory requirements of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable? - DayDayNews, Hotai Life’s institutional distribution

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable? - DayDayNews

Hotai Life’s institutional distribution

As can be seen from the above figure, Hotai Life’s branches are mainly distributed in Shandong Province, and its development strategy center is mainly in Shandong Province. Internet insurance that meets regulatory requirements The business area is nationwide (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)

Generally speaking, Hetai Life’s background is not ordinary. You don’t need to worry too much. After all, the threshold for opening an insurance company is very high, and it is backed by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. Usually there won't be any big problems.

Moreover, Super Mario 2020 should be Hotai Life’s first product in the Internet insurance industry. As a first product, Hotai Life should pay special attention to this product and the users it insures.

As for whether Super Mario 2020 is good or not, Dad will briefly talk to you.

2. Simple interpretation of Super Mario 2020

Basic insurance information

  • Guarantee period: until 70 years old/80 years old/lifetime;
  • Insurance age: 18-60 years old
  • Insured occupation: Category 1-4
  • Payment period: 10 years/15 Year / 20 years / 30 years / to 70 years old
  • Waiting period: 90 days

Protection content

  • Critical illness protection: 110 kinds of critical illness, 100% of the insured amount is paid, insured between 0-40 years old, additional compensation for critical illness in the first 15 years of the policy 50% of the insured amount;
  • Moderate disease protection: 25 types of moderate diseases, no grouping will be paid for 2 times, 50% of the insured amount will be paid for the first time, and 60% of the insured amount will be paid for the second time;
  • Mild disease protection: 50 types of mild diseases, no grouping will be paid. Compensation will be paid in groups 3 times, with 30% of the insured amount being paid for the first time, 45% of the insured amount being paid for the second time, and 55% of the insured amount being paid for the third time;

Specific benign tumor surgery : Specific benign tumors are diagnosed and surgically treated, and the basic insurance is paid 10% of the amount, paid once.

Super Mario 2020 If a specific benign tumor is diagnosed and surgically treated, 10% of the basic insured amount will be paid, with a maximum of 1 payment.

The organs for resection of specific benign tumors include:

Recently, my dad did a comprehensive review of Hotai Super Mario 2020, which is a critical illness insurance product that protects benign tumors! But recently, many friends have reacted to us: Is Hotai Life Insurance Company reliable? - DayDayNews

The organs for resection of specific benign tumors in Super Mario 2020 include

Among them, the following diseases or treatment methods are not covered by Super Mario 220:

(1) Cyst, Lipoma, Hemangiomas, benign skin tumors;

(2) tissue testing, needle biopsy, cytological examination , aspiration, embolization , curettage, benign skin tumors.

If you purchase Super Mario 2020 with a sum insured of NT$500,000, and if you are diagnosed with a benign tumor and undergo treatment, you will receive a compensation of NT$50,000.

Don’t underestimate the insurance premium of 50,000 yuan. After searching for information, Dad found that benign tumors are generally relatively common and the general treatment cost is about 20,000 yuan. The treatment cost depends on the size of the tumor, the location of occurrence and the treatment method.

So, how much does it cost to add this responsibility? Let’s take a look:

Taking a 300,000 insured amount, lifetime insurance, and payment until the age of 70 as an example, the additional premium price for a 30-year-old man is 138 yuan, and the additional premium price for a 30-year-old woman is 120 yuan.

In general , Super Mario 2020 has a long payment period, a flexible product structure (death liability is optional), includes domestic unique specific benign tumor protection, and the insured amount is relatively high in all aspects. From this point of view, there is still a lot to offer It is a remarkable place and the product guarantee is very strong.

Follow the public account Dadabao , a professional Internet third-party insurance consulting platform that solves all insurance questions for users with an objective, neutral and professional attitude.

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