Organizing | Wang Qilong looks at the future from the past through "Today in History", and can also change the future from the present. Today is June 8, 2022. On this day in 1978, Intel released its own 8086 processor, thus starting the legend of the X86 processor.

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| Wang Qilong

looks at the future from the past through "Today in History", and can also change the future from the present.

Today is June 8, 2022. On this day in 1978, Intel (Intel) released its own 8086 processor, thus starting the legend of the X86 processor. However, due to the relatively high specifications of the 8086 at the time, the price was difficult to accept, so Intel launched a simplified version of the 8086, 8088. Compared with the 8086 processor, the 8088 has shrunk to varying degrees, but even so, the 8088 The performance was sufficient to meet the needs of the DOS operating system and various applications at that time. With the instant success of IBM PC, Intel also began its own X86 legend. Looking back at June 8 in computer history, what other milestone-level key events occurred on this day?

June 8, 1955: Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the World Wide Web, was born

Source: Wikipedia

On June 8, 1955, a couple of computer scientists gave birth to a child in London, England. The couple both participated in the development of the Manchester 1, the world's first commercial computer, and their child was Timothy John Berners-Lee. Berners-Lee was a railway fan in his childhood and learned a lot about electronics from welding model railways. From 1973 to 1976, he studied at Queen's College, Oxford University, where he graduated with a first-class honors degree in Physics. While in college, Berners-Lee bought an old TV set from a repair shop and built a computer. This was the beginning of his indissoluble bond with computers.

After graduating, Berners-Lee worked as an engineer at Plessey Telecommunications in Poole, Dorset, England. From June to December 1980, Berners-Lee worked as an independent contractor at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva. During that time, he came up with an idea: to create a hypertext-based A system-based project that facilitates researchers to share and update information. At the same time, he created a prototype system called ENQUIRE. After leaving CERN in 1980, Berners-Lee moved to the John Poole Graphics Computer Company, where he gained experience in computer networks and returned to CERN in 1984 as a researcher.

Time soon came to 1989, when CERN was already the largest Internet node in Europe. Berners-Lee therefore saw the opportunity to combine the hypertext system with the Internet:

"I just need to combine the hypertext system with the Transmission Control Protocol and the Domain Name System, and then—ta da!— With the World Wide Web... Creating the World Wide Web was a hopeless chore because when I was working at CERN, things were very bad without it. The World Wide Web required technologies such as hypertext, the Internet, and text in multiple fonts. The objects, etc., are mostly already designed. All I need to do is tie them together. This is a generalization step, to go to a higher level of abstraction and think of the existing file system as a larger one. Part of the Virtual File System. "

In March 1989, Berners-Lee wrote down his initial vision for the World Wide Web, and redeveloped the configuration system in 1990. He used similar concepts to the ENQUIRE system to create the World Wide Web and built the world's first web browser, WorldWideWeb; he also designed the world's first web server, CERN httpd (short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon) . On December 25, 1990, he successfully used the Internet to achieve the first communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol client and a server. The world's first website,, was built at CERN, which is located on the border with France. Launched on August 6, 1991, the website explains what the World Wide Web is, how users use browsers, and how to create web servers.

In 2004, Queen Elizabeth II awarded Berners-Lee the Order of the Knight Commander of the British Empire.In April 2009, he was elected as a foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences and was listed as one of Time 100: The most important people of this century by Time magazine. At the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics, he participated in the ceremony and won the reputation of "the inventor of the World Wide Web". In 2017, Tim Berners-Lee won the 2016 Turing Award for "inventing the World Wide Web, the first browser, and the basic protocols and algorithms that enabled the expansion of the World Wide Web." He has enjoyed numerous accolades throughout his life.

Source: Wikipedia

June 8, 1995: Rasmus Lerdorf publicly releases PHP

Source: Wikipedia

June 8, 1995, Rasmus Lerdorf publicly releases PHP. The full name of PHP is PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, which is "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". It is said that PHP was designed by Lerdorf after eating at a restaurant near his home. It was originally the abbreviation of Personal Home Page, and later became the abbreviation of PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP absorbs the characteristics of C, Java, Perl and other languages, making it easy for general programmers to learn, allowing developers to quickly write dynamic pages, and is also used in many other fields.

Today the PHP standard is maintained by the PHP Group. PHP uses PHP License as its license agreement, but because this agreement restricts the use of the PHP name, it is incompatible with the open source license agreement GPL. PHP has a wide range of applications, especially in the development of web programs. Generally speaking, PHP is mostly executed on the web server, and the web pages browsed by users are generated by executing PHP code. PHP can be executed on most servers and operating systems. According to statistics from April 2013, PHP has been installed on more than 244 million websites and 2.1 million servers.

PHP is a language with a wide range of applications, especially in network program development. Generally speaking, PHP is mostly executed on the server side. By executing PHP code, web pages are generated for browsers to read. In addition, it can also be used to develop command-line scripts and client-side GUI applications. PHP has a dedicated official porting and compilation project on Windows, and provides different version support through multiple VC compiler versions and thread security features. According to W3Techs report, as of September 2021: "78.9% of websites in the world today use PHP."

Source: Wikipedia

June 8, 2005: Unity engine was officially released

Image source: Wikipedia

You know one How did this video game come about? Should the programmer type out the code sentence by sentence, and then insert animations and pictures? Today's video game production is inseparable from the contribution of game engines, and the game engine refers to the core components of some edited computer game systems or some interactive real-time image applications. These systems provide game designers with all the tools they need to program games. The purpose is to allow game designers to easily and quickly create game programs without having to start from scratch. Nowadays, game engine development is a relatively popular career. He emphasizes cooperation between disciplines, such as geometry, color theory, computer programming, etc., mainly focusing on the field of visual science. Some companies even develop engines for fun and technical pursuits, rather than selling them for money. For example, godot and Blender are well-known free open source multi-platform game engines.

Unity is today's mainstream cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine. It is developed by Unity Technologies. It can develop cross-platform video games and extend to the web platform based on WebGL technology, as well as new generation multimedia platforms such as tvOS, Oculus Rift, ARKit, etc. . In addition to being used to develop video games, Unity is also widely used as a comprehensive creation tool for interactive content such as architectural visualization and real-time three-dimensional animation. Unity was first announced and made available for use at Apple's Global Developers Conference on June 8, 2005. At that time, it was just a game engine for the Mac OS X platform.As of 2018, the number of R&D platforms supported by this engine has reached 27.

June 8, 2010: iPhone 4 came out

Five years after the birth of Unity, which influenced the entire gaming industry, a landmark work was once again born at the Apple Global Developers Conference . At 1 a.m. on June 8, 2010, Beijing time, Steve Jobs officially released the iPhone 4 at the developer conference held at the Moscone West Convention and Exhibition Center. Its predecessor was the iPhone 3GS, and the subsequent model was iPhone 4S; many The iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, considered Steve Jobs's legacy, were widely popular, with critics praising its revamped design and more powerful hardware than previous models.

iPhone 4 introduced a new hardware design to the iPhone series, and Apple's then-CEO Steve Jobs called it the world's thinnest smartphone at the time. It was composed of a stainless steel frame with internal components housed in silicon Aluminum glass between. iPhone 4 also introduces Apple's new high-resolution Retina display with a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch, while maintaining the same size and aspect ratio as its predecessor. iPhone 4 also introduced Apple's A4 chip, as well as iOS 4, which notably introduced multitasking capabilities and Apple's new FaceTime video chat service. iPhone 4 was also the first iPhone to include a front-facing camera and the first iPhone to be released on a CDMA network, ending ATT's period as the exclusive carrier of iPhone products in the United States.

Source: Wikipedia

Although the internal architecture of iPhone 4 is a cross-generational design, its practicality is not considered well; shortly after the launch of iPhone 4, some consumers reported that when touching the lower left edge of the phone, The signal strength of the phone will be reduced by connecting to one of the two locations that separate the two antennas, causing some problems with signal drops in areas with lower reception. Despite its commercial success, with more than 600,000 pre-orders received within 24 hours of launch, the iPhone 4's launch was still dogged by highly publicized reports that an anomaly in its new antenna design caused the device to behave in a certain way while being held in the hand. , the device will lose its cellular signal. Most people touching the outer edge of the phone will also cause a significant drop in signal strength. On October 4, 2011, Apple released a new generation of iPhone 4S, which is the follow-up model of iPhone 4. It has made improvements to the antenna part and stated that it has effectively solved the reception problem.

Apple is using the iPhone 4 as its longest-running flagship iPhone model at 15 months. Although the subsequent iPhone 4S was released in October 2011, the iPhone 4 continued to be sold as a mid-range model until September 2012 when it was classified as an entry-level product by Apple. Its position was later replaced by the iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S. iPhone 4 has the longest lifespan of any generation of iPhone in history, lasting nearly 4 years. It was not sold in some developing countries until early 2015. iPhone 4 represents the end of the Steve Jobs era, while iPhone 4S symbolizes the turn of the Cook era. Have you experienced Apple's "Jobs era"? Feel free to share your insights on this in the comment area.

[Contributions welcome] Using history as a mirror, we can know the ups and downs. Since the development of computer science, there have been many crucial events and figures. All friends are welcome to join in building "Today in History". Submission email:

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