Before a stroke occurs, many people will have some "mini-stroke" symptoms. Because they often occur within a few days before a stroke, a mini-stroke is often considered an emergency sign of a stroke.

Before a stroke occurs, many people will have some " mini-stroke " symptoms, because they often occur within a few days before stroke , so mini-stroke is often considered an emergency sign of stroke!

Because the symptoms of mini-stroke are mild, the onset is short-lived and the symptoms are common, it is often ignored by everyone.

If left untreated, the risk of stroke is 30%~50%

Microstroke refers to temporary cerebral ischemia, which is a precursor to stroke. Patients may have symptoms such as a crooked face, slanted mouth, and slurred speech. They usually recover within minutes or hours. Normal; if is left alone, the risk of stroke within three months is 30% to 50%.

Generally speaking, symptoms of temporary cerebral ischemia can be fully recovered within 24 hours, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination may still reveal traces of cerebral blood vessel obstruction.

If the patient does not seek medical treatment to find out the cause of the disease and treat it, it may develop into a stroke.

5 signs of minor stroke

1. Sudden feeling of numbness in the face, weakness or numbness of upper and lower limbs or unilateral limbs;

2. Suddenly unable to speak clearly, or even unable to speak, but conscious;

3. Unilateral or Blurred vision in both eyes, or even temporary black eyes ;

4, sudden dizziness, balance adjustment disorder or difficulty walking, and some people feel dizzy.

5. Sudden unexplained splitting headache

If you find that a family member has symptoms similar to a small stroke, but you are not sure, you can use the following five quick judgment methods to identify whether you will have a stroke in 10 seconds.

10-second self-test method

1. Looking at the eyes

is mainly to see whether the patient's eyes can move up, down, left, and right freely following the fingers when the head is completely motionless.

If you can't, be wary of stroke.

2, Point to the tip of the nose

Ask the patient to place his hand flat on the side and in front, and then quickly point to the tip of his nose with his index finger. Test both left and right hands. This is to see how the patient's coordination ability is.

3, Look at the tongue

Ask the patient to stick out his tongue. If it can stick out normally and the tongue does not tilt to one side involuntarily, it can be judged as normal.

4. Finger grasping

Ask the patient to tightly grasp one of the tester's fingers with both hands. If the grip is very tight and cannot be pulled out, it is considered healthy; if the grip is small, the tester's finger can be easily pulled out. If you come out, you have to consider muscle strength problems.

People who suffer from minor strokes usually have normal muscle strength in one hand and decreased muscle strength in the other hand.

5, Lifting the thigh

The tester gently presses the patient's thigh to see if the patient can overcome gravity and a certain amount of pressure given by the tester to lift it normally. If the leg cannot be lifted well, it means that the patient's leg muscle strength has deteriorated. question.

In addition, there are 120 common methods to easily identify stroke

1: First, look at whether the mouth is crooked or not.

2: Secondly, two arms are raised and one side is dropped.

0: Finally, listen to it and speak clearly.


Once 120 symptoms occur, please call the 120 emergency number immediately, then lie down immediately and do not move.

Who is more likely to suffer from minor stroke

Stroke has never been divided into age and gender. Relatively speaking, patients over 50 years old, who are obese, hypertensive, diabetes are relatively more likely to suffer from stroke.

People with a family history of stroke

Like hypertension , cerebrovascular disease has a hereditary tendency.

High blood pressure

The correlation between high blood pressure and stroke is as high as 30%.


Diabetic patients have sugar metabolism and fat metabolism disorders, which increase the risk of arterialization and cerebrovascular disease.

Obese people

Obese people have increased lipids in their blood, leading to atherosclerosis, weakening the elasticity of blood vessels, and then hypertension, leading to cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.

How to prevent minor strokes

Drink a cup of water in the morning

After rinsing your mouth, drink a cup of warm water. It not only has the effect of flushing the gastrointestinal tract, but also dilutes the blood, reduces blood viscosity, smoothes blood circulation, and lowers blood pressure.

Defecate patiently

Do not defecate hastily or hold your breath with force, as this may induce cerebral hemorrhage.

Squatting position is easy to fatigue, so it is recommended to sit on the toilet. If you have habitual constipation, you should eat more vegetables, bananas and other fruits and foods rich in fiber to overcome difficulty in defecation.

200 grams of fruits and vegetables every day

A new Chinese study published in the American Heart Association's "Stroke" magazine found that eating 200 grams of fruits (about 2 apples) and 200 grams of vegetables every day can reduce the risk of stroke by 32% and 11% respectively.

The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the greater the risk of stroke is reduced.

This is because eating more fruits and vegetables can help lower blood pressure, enhance blood vessel function, reduce body fat, lower cholesterol and inflammation.

Eat fish at least three times a week

A series of studies conducted in Japan found that fishermen who ate 270 grams of fish per day were 25% to 40% less likely to die from stroke than farmers who only ate 90g of fish per day.

Supplements folic acid

Folic acid promotes the conversion of homocysteine ​​into methionine that is not harmful to blood vessels. It can also reduce the concentration of cysteine ​​in the blood, thus reducing the incidence of stroke and coronary heart disease.

Common vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, and lettuce are rich in folic acid.

Eat less salt, less sugar, and less oil

Eat no more than 5 grams of salt per day, eat less canned foods, process pickled foods, and reduce the use of seasonings and sauces; the daily amount of fat should not exceed 50 grams, and use steaming for cooking. Burning method, avoid deep-frying method; at the same time, eat less sweet food, and it is not advisable to eat more fruits with high sugar content.

Four actions to prevent stroke, tried and tested

1. Shake your head and shake your head to prevent stroke

Sit flat, relax your neck muscles, and then shake your head back and forth, left, right, and back 30 to 50 times each. The speed should be slow. Do it 3 times in the morning and evening every day.

Rotating the head back and forth, left and right, can increase the resistance of blood vessels and help prevent stroke.

2. Massage the neck to reduce stroke.

After rubbing your hands to heat them, massage the left and right sides of the neck at a slightly faster speed. It is better to keep the skin warm and red.

Massaging the neck can promote the relaxation of smooth muscle in blood vessels in the neck, reduce cholesterol deposition, restore elasticity to hardened blood vessels in the neck, improve blood supply to the brain, and prevent strokes.

3. Shoulder shrugging to prevent cerebral infarction

Do the lifting and lowering of your shoulders every morning and evening for 4 to 8 minutes each time.

Shrugging can relax the nerves, blood vessels and muscles of the shoulder, activate blood circulation and unblock meridians, and provide artificial driving force for carotid artery blood to flow into the brain.

4, empty gripper to prevent cerebral hemorrhage

Do the empty gripper 3 times each, 400~800 times each time. Studies have found that the walls of cerebral blood vessels that lack exercise are extremely fragile.

A few more words

Remember, once a minor stroke occurs, it is best not to let the patient take blood pressure lowering drugs by himself.

Hemorrhagic stroke is usually treated with blood pressure lowering drugs or surgery to drain the bleeding; in the case of ischemic stroke , because the blood vessels have been blocked, taking blood-lowering drugs will cause the blood pressure to be too low, the blood flow thrust will be weakened, and the cerebral blood vessels will be blocked. The situation intensified.

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