Attention "sedentary people"! New study: Sitting for 8 hours a day increases the risk of stroke 7 times In recent years, despite many warnings that sitting for too long is harmful to health, most people have remained the same. According to foreign media reports, a new study publi

Attention "sedentary people"! New study: Sitting for 8 hours a day increases risk of stroke 7 times

In recent years, despite many warnings that sitting for too long is harmful to health, most people have remained the same. According to foreign media reports, a new study published by the American Heart Association points out that among people under the age of 60, those who sit for 8 hours a day and do not exercise have a risk of stroke that is 7 times higher than those who exercise for at least 10 minutes a day and do not sit for a long time. times.

According to reports, researchers tracked and analyzed the health information of 143,000 adults aged 40 and above with no previous history of stroke. The average follow-up study lasted 9.4 years. It was found that 2,965 strokes occurred among these people, 90% of which were ischemic strokes.

Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke and occurs when a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain becomes blocked. If a stroke cannot be treated promptly, brain cells in the corresponding area may die due to lack of oxygen.

The study found that people who exercised for at least 10 minutes a day and sat for less than four hours had a seven times lower risk of stroke than those who sat for eight hours without exercise.

What is the relationship between prolonged sedentary life and the causes of stroke? The lead author of the study, Dr. Reid Jondy, a clinical scholar at McMaster University in Canada, explained: "Sitting for long periods of time is thought to affect glucose, lipid metabolism and blood flow, and increase inflammation in the body. Over time, these changes will have a negative impact on the body." Side effects occur on people's blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. "

According to foreign media reports, sitting for a long time is considered as harmful to health as smoking, and can also increase the risk of obesity, disc herniation, tension headaches and other physical problems. In fact, maintaining a similar relatively static posture for a long time while awake can be harmful to health.

So how can you reduce your risk of stroke? Kerry Stewart, professor of pharmacy at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the United States, pointed out that while reducing sitting time, it is also necessary to increase physical activity. You can start by standing more and sitting less, and at the same time make some small changes in your daily life, such as taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

According to the recommendations of the American Heart Association, adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, with each session lasting more than 10 minutes. Moderate-intensity exercise refers to exercise that is high enough to raise your heart rate and make you sweat, such as brisk walking or cycling.

In addition, Qiongdi also added that it cannot just reduce the time of sedentary and other inactive activities, because "increasing physical activity is only one of the important factors in reducing the risk of stroke, and it must also be combined with a nutritious diet, stopping smoking, and diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes." and other means.”

Chengdu Commercial Daily-Red Star News reporter Lin Rong