On May 18, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People’s Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, responded to a letter from Nanjing University’s young scholars who had returned from studying abroad, placing high

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People’s Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, wrote a reply to Nanjing University young scholars who have returned from studying abroad on May 18, placing high expectations on them. The Overseas Chinese Federation of Xi'an Jiaotong University and the Federation of Returned Students in Xi'an Jiaotong University immediately organized teachers who have returned from studying abroad to learn the spirit of replying to letters. Everyone was deeply encouraged and excited. They all expressed that they should keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions, care about "national affairs" and shoulder "national responsibilities". ", with the conscious pursuit of serving the motherland and serving the people, achieve greater success again, strive to set an example, and contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ye Kai, vice chairman of the Overseas Chinese Federation of Nanjing University and professor of the Department of Telecommunications, said: "I was filled with emotion when I saw General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to the young scholars who returned from studying abroad at Nanjing University. After studying and working in Europe and the United States for 12 years, I returned to my motherland and came to Xi'an Jiaotong University is engaged in cutting-edge research and applications such as bioinformatics. In the face of major changes unseen in a century, we scientific and educational workers must follow the example of the older generation of scientists and be concerned about "national affairs" and shoulder their shoulders. 'National responsibility', strive to be the first to promote self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology, speed up the solution of 'stuck neck' key core technical problems, and contribute to the establishment of cutting-edge science and technology bases such as precision medicine, modern Chinese medicine, and synthetic biology in the west. "The power of the university." Ma Wei, vice chairman of the Overseas Chinese Federation of

and a professor at the School of Materials Science, said that he was deeply inspired after studying in depth General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to young scholars who returned from studying abroad at Nanjing University. As a returned young man who has studied and worked overseas for many years, the older generation of scientists’ spirit of loving the motherland, serving the people, and selfless dedication has always been an example for us to learn from. As the letter said, it is a blessing to live in a great era. Currently, our country is working hard to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Young people who have returned from studying abroad must care about the motherland, take the initiative to shoulder important responsibilities, use the knowledge they have learned, and actively serve the country's major needs and solve the "stuck neck" problem. Contribute.

Professor Zhang Yanfeng, vice chairman of the Overseas Chinese Federation of Nanjing University and deputy dean of the School of Chemistry, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply to young scholars who have returned from studying abroad at Nanjing University has pointed out the direction for the work of teachers who have returned from studying abroad. We will learn from and inherit the spiritual character of the older generation of scientists who studied abroad to serve the country and serve the people, actively implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people in teaching and scientific research positions, strive to promote self-reliance in science and technology, write papers and results on the land of the motherland, and further Strengthen cultural confidence, tell Chinese stories well, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Zhang Lei, vice president of the Overseas Chinese Association, deputy director of the High-Level Talent Office and deputy minister of the Human Resources Department, and professor of the School of Physics, said that after completing nearly six years of studying abroad supported by the state and the school, it has been nearly seven years since he returned to his motherland and his alma mater. Year. Looking back on the past twelve years, half is the hard work in a foreign country, and the other half is the struggle of returning to Chang'an, China. What is slightly different is the progressive stage of growth. What is consistent is the inspiration and guidance of the spirit of China's westward migration. Since returning to school, the high morale, hard work, seizing every day, and even achieving small results are all inevitable results of caring about national affairs and shouldering national responsibilities. Such is the trajectory of one person, such is the struggle of thousands of people who have returned from studying abroad, and such is the struggle of trillions of Chinese people, making great strides towards the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Wei Xueyong, vice president of the Overseas Chinese Association, deputy director of the International Office, and professor of the School of Mechanical Engineering, said that each generation has its own mission and responsibility. The deeds of the older generation of scientists who returned to China to join the science and education industry after studying abroad have inspired generations after A generation of patriotic youth. “In the past ten years since I returned to China, I have worked hard on teaching and research, trained dozens of master’s and doctoral students, won a number of national, provincial and ministerial awards, promoted the approval of 18 international cooperation training projects for innovative talents of the China Scholarship Council, and assisted in the establishment of The Joint Laboratory for International Cooperation of Micro-Nano Manufacturing and Testing Technology of the Ministry of Education, and was fortunate to witness the rapid development of the school and the country.Looking forward to the future, the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply has further strengthened my desire to serve the country and the dream of strengthening the country, as well as countless people who have returned from studying abroad. We will work hard on the journey to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and create the historical contribution of our generation. . ”

Liu Huadong, vice president of the Overseas Chinese Association and professor of the School of Life, Liu Huadong said that China’s modern history is also the history of overseas students serving the country. For more than 100 years, the older generation of scientists have successively gone abroad and brought modern technology back to the country. The motherland has laid a strong foundation for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. “I am honored to be a member of the army of students who have returned from studying abroad. I will always bear in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions, follow the footsteps of my predecessors who studied abroad and serve the country, and face ‘aging’ in scientific research. Regarding chronic diseases, which are a major demand for people's life and health, we should actively implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity in teaching, do our jobs down-to-earth, and contribute our small amount to the development of the motherland. "

Wang Gang, vice president of the students association and professor of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University, said: "After studying abroad and returning to China, my team and I devoted ourselves to the clinical, scientific research and teaching of critical care medicine, actively promoting the development of the discipline and Innovation. The COVID-19 epidemic broke out in recent years. As a member of the Communist Party of China, a doctor, a teacher and a scientific researcher, I have been at the forefront of the fight against the new crown epidemic, and persisted in the implementation of the general policy of ' dynamically clearing ' And work hard. I am honored to be able to use what I have learned to serve the motherland, serve the people, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! "Professor Li Xiuzhen, president of the Marxist School branch of the

Federation of Returned Students, said: "At the end of 2011, I was selected as a teacher at the Confucius Institute and went to teach at the University of the East in Italy. Working overseas gave me the opportunity to participate in the great cause of spreading Chinese culture. After returning to China, I integrated my gains and experience into my work. It is a blessing to be born in a great era. We must inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of studying abroad and serving the country, strengthen our cultural confidence, tell Chinese stories well, strive to set an example, and actively contribute our personal strength! ”

Professor Cao Hongquan, president of the branch of the School of Foreign Languages ​​of the NTU Federation of Overseas Chinese Students, said: “After studying General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply to NTU returned overseas students, I couldn’t help but recall my own feelings when I first went abroad many years ago. After going abroad, you represent China and the Chinese people, so you must be stricter with yourself. With the motherland, overseas travelers will have a sense of belonging. Now I have been working in China for more than ten years. As a foreign language worker, I will continue to meet the needs of the country in my teaching and research work, tell Chinese stories well, spread the voice of China, continue to be a good ambassador for Sino-foreign exchanges, and continue to contribute to the cultivation of Chinese culture. Excellent talents in Chinese and foreign exchanges make contributions!

Professor Wang Jianyun, president of the School of Human Settlements Branch of the Federation of Overseas Chinese Students, said: "Four years ago today, it happened to be the day when I participated in the defense of Xi'an Jiaotong University Young Top Talents. One expert's question left a particularly deep impression on me.' You have been studying and working in Belgium for 9 years. Why do you want to return to China? ’ My answer at the time was, ‘I need to follow my inner sense of belonging. ’ In the three years since I returned to work in China, with the strong support of the school and college, I created a building materials-biotechnology innovation research platform and won a number of national, provincial and ministerial-level scientific research projects. It is a blessing to be born in a great era in life. As a young scholar who has returned from studying abroad, I will focus on the major needs of the country based on traditional civil engineering, work hard, be brave in innovation, and contribute to this great era. ”

Professor Wang Dong, president of the Frontier Institute branch of the Federation of Overseas Chinese Students in Nanjing University, said that after learning General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply to the young scholars who returned from studying abroad at Nanjing University, he was deeply inspired. The older generation of scientists broke through all obstacles and returned to China to become Backbones in the field of science and technology have made great contributions to the science and education of New China. Returnees who have studied abroad in the new era must follow the example of the older generation of scientists, carry forward the tradition of studying abroad and serving the country, and devote themselves to science and education, in terms of student training and scientific research. Make due achievements, serve the motherland and serve the people.

Associate Professor Shi Jia, president of the School of Public Policy and Management branch of the Chinese Overseas Chinese Association, said: "I was funded by the China Scholarship Council to study and exchange in the United States. After returning to China, I continued to devote myself to the research and teaching of emergency management and risk management. As a As a young teacher in the field of public administration, I will take root in my country's national conditions and reality, explain the practical scenes of contemporary Chinese public administration, understand the basic logic of Chinese public administration while grasping the practical trends, write the research on the land of the motherland, and explain it well. Chinese governance story, Chinese wisdom and China plan to contribute to the world

Niu Gang, a member of the Federation of Returned Students and Professor of the Department of Telecommunications, said that after learning General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply to young scholars who returned from studying abroad at Nanjing University, It makes people strongly feel General Secretary Xi Jinping’s cordial care and high expectations for scholars who have returned from studying abroad. It is a blessing for science and technology workers to be born in this great era. Returning to China after studying abroad and serving the country with science and technology are our conscious pursuit and firm ambition. "In the future, I will definitely put my patriotism and ambition into serving the country. In scientific research, I will work hard to work selflessly and always climb to the top. I will educate the younger generation through words and deeds while cultivating people with morality and educating people. Tell the story of China well to the world."

Text: Party Committee United Front Work Department, School Overseas Chinese Federation, School Overseas Chinese Association

Editor: Cui Kejia