In winter, Chaoshan people like to make cabbage cake. This cabbage cake is simple, easy to make and delicious. If you like it, you can give it a try. By Three People’s Row 2668 Ingredients Shredded radish, stir-fried and chopped sausage, shiitake mushrooms, chopped sesame, fried

In winter, Chaoshan people like to make cabbage cake. This type of cabbage cake is simple, easy to make and delicious. If you like it, you can give it a try.

By Three People 2668


  • Shredded radish
  • Peanuts fried and chopped
  • Sausage, chopped mushrooms
  • Sesame, fried peanuts
  • Onions, dried radish chopped
  • Sweet potato powder (sweet potato powder)
  • Salt, sugar and the above ingredients in moderation


. The above ingredients are ready. The above ingredients can be more or less, you can add them as you like. Remember that dried radish is salty, so don’t add too much salt.

. There is a large concentration of various ingredients. These are the various ingredients that have been mixed.

. Heat oil in a pan, add half of the shredded radish, and use chopsticks to flatten it loosely.

. Fry until one side is slightly brown and turn over, then fry until one side is slightly brown and turn over. Sprinkle in chopped green onion and sesame seeds, and simmer for five seconds before serving.

. This is the fried finished product. It is very delicious. Only after eating it can you know how delicious it is. It is crispy and glutinous.

6. Pair it with a bowl of eight-treasure porridge.

7, delicious, all light.


I made a method of eating two radishes today. Put the radish skin in salt and marinate it for more than half an hour. Rinse the water, squeeze out the water, soak in some sweet and sour, a little sweeter, and put it in after the sugaring is completed. Put the radish in, mix well and marinate and you can eat it the next day. It is very refreshing, delicious and delicious. Grate radish into shreds to make cabbage cake. Because there are dried radish and sausage in it, add an appropriate amount of salt to avoid being too salty.

There are techniques for making delicious dishes. I have tips for each dish. You can directly view my recipes by searching for "duguo"!

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