By Ingredients for three simple meals a day: rice 1000g bacon 300g water bamboo shoots 300g chives plenty of oil, salt, appropriate amount of taro 8 sweet beans 300g soybean sprouts 500g dried shiitake mushrooms 20 dried cuttlefish a few dried beans 300g appropriate amount of chi

By Simple three meals a day


  • Rice 1000g
  • Bacon 300g
  • Bamboo shoots 300g
  • Chives A large amount
  • Oil, salt, appropriate amount
  • Taro 8
  • Sweet beans 300g
  • Soybean sprouts 500g
  • Dried shiitake mushrooms 20
  • Dried cuttlefish A few
  • 300g
  • dried tofu
  • appropriate amount of chili


. Wash the rice

. Open the water, add the rice and cook for six minutes

. Remove and set aside.

. Set aside the rice soup.

. Heat the rice in a pot and stir-fry until the water is dry.

. Put it in the pot and stir it.

. The thinner the wood is, the better.

. Cut it into pieces and set aside.

. Stir-fry the bacon until fragrant.

0. Add the shiitake mushrooms and cuttlefish and stir-fry until fragrant.

1. Add the bamboo shoots and stir-fry until fragrant. (Bamboo shoots should be prepared in boiling water)

2, add dried beans and stir-fry until fragrant

3, add bean sprouts and sweet beans and stir-fry

4, add rice cakes and stir-fry until fragrant

5, add taro and stir-fry

6, add water and cook for ten minutes

7, add rice soup and cook for ten minutes It only takes a few minutes

8. Add chopped green onion and chili


If there is bacon and salt, you can taste it first before adding it. The thinner it is, the more delicious it is. It is suitable for a large family to eat as side dishes. You can customize it according to how many people you have.

Nutritional effects of rice

Rice can provide rich B vitamins; rice has the functions of replenishing qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is beneficial to the body. It has the effects of strengthening the mind, harmonizing the five internal organs, unblocking the blood vessels, improving ears and eyesight, relieving irritability, quenching thirst, and stopping diarrhea; rice porridge has the effects of nourishing the spleen, harmonizing the stomach, and clearing the lungs.

There are techniques for making delicious dishes. I have tips for each dish. You can directly view my recipes by searching for "duguo"!

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