In the early morning of May 30th, Xu Guanghan posted an ins story on IG, which was a lyric from Eason Chan's "The Lonely Patient". "Happy Camp" was broadcast on the night of the 30th. Posting this lyric at this time will inevitably make people confused. I think, so Xu Guanghan’s

On the fourth day of

THE9's formation, Tao's money-making plan will gradually begin to be implemented. First, the top 20 trainees customized their figures, and production and shipping began once the pre-sale reached 5,000.

Fans of the debuted contestants will definitely buy them anyway ~

Personal endorsements and magazines have also been arranged, and follow-up variety shows will also be arranged. Recording started non-stop,

Although the overall resources are still very poor, it is good to debut in the C position. Liu Yuxin Liuyi also released a new song,

The lyrics can be regarded as a response to some controversies.

From June to June, many musicians released new songs. For example, Zhang Yixing and released the MV for "Lian". I took a quick look and saw that it was indeed a big production.

Brother Bo from the Men's Gang even went off in person @Sun Honglei to call for Little Sheep.

Since the last time she caused controversy by voicing her voice for Xiaozhu, Tian Fuzhen, who has been closed to the public, has also quietly gone online and released the MV for "Hanging Sun" that has not been released.

MV invited Xu Guanghan to star, telling the story of the heroine Her stupid boyfriend in college turned out to be someone else's husband when we met again many years later.

Tian Fuzhen is very satisfied with this cooperation. She calls the two "the most dazzling and heart-warming combination."

The two people's bachelor's uniform styles are quite similar. They are both talented and beautiful, and their youth is invincible ~

In the footage released by HeBe, the two danced passionately on the set,

But these two Good-looking people are good-looking, but the little master didn't notice it no matter how hard he looked. It wasn’t until I saw this blogger’s imagination that I suddenly felt enlightened!

Some netizens even found the perfect match between the two from different angles. It can be seen how much popularity Hebe ruined by "forwarding against the wind" last time...

But why did Xu Guanghan get involved with td? Many girls are still thinking about marrying Li Ziwei in the "Hanging Sun" MV. The house will collapse just as soon as it collapses?

" Want to Meet You ", which was launched in November last year, successfully broke out of the industry through a high-energy suspense plot and the invincible brainwashing song "Last Dance", and also made Xu Guanghan popular with his youthful sense and online acting skills.

The Douban score is as high as 9.4, and the number of short reviews exceeds 170,000. Some viewers even said that Taiwanese dramas may surpass Korean dramas from now on.

I thought it was an idol drama, but the plot turned out to be extremely brain-burning, and there were even a lot of commentary videos derived from it.

However, there was some private information in the drama, and "going to work in Shanghai" was referred to as "working abroad". emmm

It was introduced by Goose Factory I should have discovered it by then, and manually mosaicd the word "going abroad".

The screenwriter must have had some evil intentions, and there must be no way to get rid of them. As for whether other members of the crew (including the lead actor) knew about it, you can feel it for yourself

Well, in short, it's the same The movie "Want to Meet You" made Xu Guanghan famous in mainland China. In May alone, Xu Guanghan has already announced the status of several spokespersons or brand ambassadors.

Even whaha, in pursuit of a younger brand, announced that Xu Guanghan will become the spokesperson for its mineral water and soda water series.

I feel sorry for wuli, who has been working hard to sell and Wang Leehom for more than 20 years, but was rejected because of his "old age".

Some netizens are not happy about the change of spokesperson, mainly because Xu Guanghan is not as well-known as Wang Leehom, and Xu Guanghan has a TD Suspect,

To be honest, when you buy mineral water, you usually see which one to buy. As for TD, without Mjolnir, it is difficult to shoot the Wanwan artists who come to the mainland to make money.

Xu Guanghan not only won a lot of endorsements, but also has good variety show resources. Last week he went to "Happy Camp" and also acted with Xie Na in a classic segment in "Want to See You".

Although it is said that Kuaiben is chaotic Stewing guests is also a common practice, but Xu Guanghan is basically everyone around him in this episode. Luo Yunxi Tan Songyun and Chen Yuqi have been sidelined.

has attracted many people who don't know Xu Guanghan or have watched his dramas to feel disgusted.

Is it because Xie Na likes Xu Guanghan so much that the director team took the opportunity to fulfill Xie Na’s wish to chase stars?

But Xu Guanghan's performance is quite average. In the unaired highlights of "Happy Camp", there is a singing Q&A.

asked: "Please use a song to describe your current mood."

answered: "Innocent and evil."

The host asked him to sing it, but Xu Guanghan refused decisively.

If you don’t want to sing, you won’t sing. The subtitle group can only use “Sure enough, innocent and evil” to ease the embarrassment.

asked: "What do you want to sing to the girl you have had a crush on for a long time?"

answered: "I want to see you, I want to see you, I want to see you."

Then I sang two lines with a "da da da"...

So I became famous with "Want to See You" and then You don’t even remember a word of the lyrics to the theme song. This business attitude is incredible.

Don’t say that people just don’t want to sing, so don’t force them. When I was on a show in Taiwan, the host cue Xu Guanghan to sing. He didn't have this attitude. Originally, Xu Guanghan refused to sing if he didn't want to sing. The host also said that he would not force Xu Guanghan to sing.

But the next second, Xu Guanghan himself agreed to sing again.

In the early morning of May 30th, Xu Guanghan posted an ins story on ig, which was a lyric from Eason Chan's " Lonely Patient ",

and "Happy Camp" was broadcast on the night of the 30th, so I posted this lyric at this time It inevitably makes people think too much, so does this mean Xu Guanghan's happiness on the show is all pretending, but he is actually very unwilling in his heart? It’s really hard on you for coming to the mainland to make money.

It is now rumored on the Internet that Xu Guanghan is going to record " The Longing for Life ".

Netizens joked that they can hear Teacher He saying to Teacher Huang who doesn't pay attention to the newcomers: "Oh, he did that "Want to See You" "Extremely popular!"

Finally, let’s take a look at Xu Guanghan’s so-called TD hammer. Xu Guanghan himself probably knew about “Want to See You” mentioned earlier. In addition, it was revealed that he had gone to see the musical "Hollywood in Taiwan". At that time, the entire audience shouted slogans "Go Hong Kong" and "Go Taiwan".

Xu Guanghan’s ig account followed friends who held high the TD banner, but he quickly deleted them later.

His ex-girlfriend’s visit to Chengdu is also called “traveling abroad”,

Of course, you can also think that he is surrounded by TDs but is innocent and upright.

But if Xu Guanghan cannot be like Ouyang Nana,

is worse than still Keep filming quietly and don’t force the business to open. If you feel aggrieved by having to work hard to make money in the mainland, just do a live broadcast and end your acting career in the mainland.