Former Kuomintang Chairman Ma Ying-jeou stayed overnight in Nikko Kobayashi, Kaohsiung on the evening of the 8th. On the morning of the 9th, he visited the Yongling Farm of Hon Hai Group founder Terry Gou and wanted to have a good talk with Guo.

Is it all caused by the typhoon? Taking advantage of the 10th anniversary gala of Typhoon Morakot, Ma Ying-jeou, the former chairman of the Kuomintang, stayed at Nikko Forest in Kaohsiung on the evening of the 8th. On the morning of the 9th, he went to visit the Yongling Farm of Hon Hai Group founder Terry Gou. Have a good talk with Guo. After all, the person who untied the bell must also tie the bell. In the words of former Taipei County Magistrate Zhou Xiwei , "Since you have invited Guo to run for the election, please also bring him back to the Kuomintang group and win the election together." However, Cheng also failed in Typhoon. There are also typhoons. Terry Gou canceled his trip to Kaohsiung due to the super typhoon "Likima", which made Ma Ying-jeou shut down. The "Guo Ma Hui" failed, and Ma Ying-jeou had to admit that he could not contact Terry Gou.

Not only Ma Ying-jeou, Chairman of the Kuomintang Wu Dunyi has also contacted Gou Taiming in a multi-pronged manner in recent days, and even visited Guo's cousin-in-law and TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou , hoping that he would mediate, but so far he has not received a response from Gou Taiming.

For the blue camp boss , they were unable to contact Terry Gou. However, Guo's core staff Liu Youtong said pointedly, "The Kuomintang said that it is hot on the outside and cold on the inside." I don't know if the call was made to the right place or if there was anything thrown out during the contact. In a specific direction, "We also have our own things to do and won't wait there."

As early as the KMT party's primary election, Terry Gou refused to sign the primary election convention because he did not agree with the primary election rules, leaving room for independent candidacy in the future. In addition to being dissatisfied with the Kuomintang Central Committee, Guo Taiming's biggest grudge still comes from Han Guoyu . Liu Youtong said that the Guo camp had previously contacted the designers of the "London Eye" to go to Kaohsiung to purchase agricultural products in March this year, and invited Han to attend the groundbreaking of the new factory in Kaohsiung, but Han only said to make another appointment at that time.

Liu Youtong said that Guo Taiming was "relatively naive" during the primary election and said a lot of things he wanted to say to his brother (Han), "but the stone was not opened yet, and he really got a lot of rejections." Liu Youtong even "lost" Han Guoyu, saying A Hon Hai executive said that the current situation is strange. The chairman of the Welfare Committee usually accompanies employees to make tea, drink, chat, dance, and fight for everyone's welfare. Everyone feels that the chairman of the Welfare Committee is suffering from the people, so the company cannot do it. Okay, everyone wants to change the CEO, so we recommend the chairman of the Welfare Committee to be the CEO.

In response to this, Han Guoyu’s campaign office responded on the 8th, thanking Director Guo for his contribution to Kaohsiung City . It was indeed difficult to arrange the time carefully at that time. Mayor Han has apologized and explained to Director Guo, and thanked him for his help. Director Guo is a world-renowned successful entrepreneur, and he has repeatedly claimed that he and the mayor of Han are iron brothers. Han has always believed that Director Guo’s belief in fighting for Taiwan has never changed, and he is looking forward to the opportunity to talk with Director Guo about changing . Taiwan blueprint, work together to change the future of and in Taiwan.

Han Guoyu took the initiative to contact Terry Gou after winning the primary election, seeking to resolve the dispute with the utmost sincerity, but he never got the point. He could only publicly appeal to the party chairman Wu Dunyi to come forward to integrate. But after Wu Dunyi's efforts, Gou still showed no signs of softening. Unfortunately, Wang Jinping, another potential opponent of the Kuomintang, even made sarcastic remarks, as if "I had known this before, why did I do it in the first place?" He even asked the Kuomintang Central Committee, "Is it too slow to worry now?" Regarding Wu Dunyi's intention to consolidate for the general election, Guo, Wang, and Wang Jinping only said that he has not received any message from the party headquarters so far.

The reason why Wang Jinping watched the fight from the other side was because he had been waiting for "Column Changing 2.0". Taipei City Councilor Zhang Sigang of the Kuomintang admitted that the "column changing" in 2016 was painful, but he did hear a lot of news himself, including accusations that Han Kuo-yu had an illegitimate child and there were problems with the flow of money, etc., and intended to brew "column changing 2.0" wind direction.

Since Guo Taiming returned to Taiwan, he has continued to shut out the Kuomintang in a high-profile manner, while also meeting with Wang Jinping and Ke Wenzhe in a low-key manner. The volume of discussions about an alliance between Guo, Wang and Ke has tripled in the recent period. On the one hand, Hanguo-yu has to face the constraints caused by the possible cooperation between Guo, Ke and Wang, and on the other hand, she also has to face the strong competition from the strong troops of the Democratic Progressive Party and Tsai Ing-wen. Liang repeatedly urged the Kuomintang to make every effort to retrieve Guo and Wang.

The Kuomintang party affairs system conducted a sand table deduction and believed that September 17 was the date of integration. According to high-level analysis, Taiwan’s election agency is scheduled to accept applications for joint signatures from new political parties or independent candidates from September 13 to 17. Whether they are independent candidates or candidates from the People’s Party, Guo, Wang, and Ke must submit applications to Taiwan. The election agency registers or applies for a joint signature, that is, whether Guo, Wang, and Ke are in agreement and elected, they will have to show their cards on September 17.

For more in-depth analysis, please pay attention to 's "Strait Shinkansen" broadcast at 22:22 tonight.