According to Taiwan's China Times Electronic News, Tsai Ing-wen's "essay scandal" is controversial! Although it has been clarified many times and held a press conference to show the original manuscript of the paper, it still cannot quell the doubts. Lin Huanqiang, a scholar livin

According to Taiwan’s China Times Electronic News, Tsai Ing-wen’s “thesis scandal” is controversial! Although it has been clarified many times and held a press conference to show the original manuscript of the paper, it still cannot quell the doubts. Lin Huanqiang, a scholar living in the United States, brought up 5 more pieces of evidence, from the Taiwanese authorities' "Ministry of Education"'s sealing of papers to questioning the professorship of National Chengchi University. He angrily choked National Chengchi University and the "Ministry of Education" for coming out to confront them. Don't become an accomplice of the entire "thesis scandal" just because of one person. structure, and even collapsed Taiwan’s civil service system.

Lin Huanqiang posted on Facebook, stating that "the Vice President of the National Chengchi University suspected of fabricating two points in time for Tsai Ing-wen's personnel appointment." The article said that at the "Legislative Yuan" public hearing on November 28, Vice President of the National Chengchi University Wang Wenjie revealed the possibility They are two fictitious time points, which obviously conflict with the time points grasped by many people (including Professor Peng Wenzheng , Professor Ou Chongjing, and myself). We call on the National Chengchi University and the "Ministry of Education" not to seal Tsai Ing-wen's personnel files, not to become an accomplice of the entire Tsai Ing-wen "thesis scandal", and not to collapse Taiwan's civil service system that is supposed to strictly maintain neutrality.

Vice President Wang Wenjie revealed two time points that should be fictitious at the public hearing:

1) He said that Tsai Ing-wen was directly appointed as an associate professor of National Chengchi University on August 1, 1984, and there was no so-called "promotion".

2) He also said that Tsai Ing-wen was hired first and then reviewed. Later, after the review was passed, the "Ministry of Education" issued a letter on January 15, 1986 to review the appointment letter for associate professor sent to Tsai Ing-wen.

He painfully pointed out why Vice President Wang made up a story during the public hearing, fabricating two points in time in an attempt to echo former Justice Liu Tiezheng’s public letter on September 21, in order to cover up the many revelations in Tsai Ing-wen’s thesis scandal. Breach.

First, if August 1, 1984 was the time when Tsai Ing-wen was first hired to National Chengchi University, how could she serve as the supervisor of Lin Huan's master's thesis? Don’t forget, Lin Huan clearly stated in the preface of the paper that he passed the oral examination of the paper in the spring of 1984!

Second, on May 23, 1983, the Political Science University received a letter numbered "Liu 2823" regarding Tsai Ing-wen's official job search document recommended by others. Through the Agency Archives Directory Inquiry Network of the Archives Administration (use advanced search):

You can find the following two keywords in the content of this official document:

--- - Keyword 1: "Tsai Ing-wen, a student studying in the UK"

---- Keyword 2: "Please give me priority in soliciting feedback"

It is very clear that since Tsai Ing-wen withdrew from the London School of Economics and Political Science on November 10, 1982 ( After completing her master's and doctoral studies at LSE, she will lose her British student visa status and must leave the UK within two months at the latest. Therefore, on May 23, 1983, she had someone recommend her to Zhizheng Damou for a teaching position.

For the convenience of comparison, I have compiled the official documents sent and received by the National Chengchi University/Ministry of Education related to Tsai Ing-wen from 1983 to 1990 in the attached table, and each official document in the table also has a separate photo file. All this information is taken from the above-mentioned agency archive directory inquiry website.

Third, after receiving the official document "Liu 2823" on May 23, the government issued a personnel document with the number "Zhengren 1123" about a week later on May 31. Two keywords were also found in this official document:

---- Keyword 1: "The plan for Ms. Tsai Ing-wen, a British student, to come to the school to teach"

---- Keyword 2: "Law"

Although we can't see it The full text of the official document, but based on the keyword analysis found in the two official documents above, the "Political Person 1123" official document issued by the National Chengchi University should be the personnel appointment order to appoint Tsai Ing-wen as a "guest teacher" starting in August 1983. With such a personnel arrangement, it is possible for Tsai Ing-wen to supervise Lin Huan's master's thesis as a "guest teacher", isn't it?

Fourth, as mentioned above, in the public hearing, Vice President Wang Wenjie said that the "Ministry of Education" sent a letter on January 15, 1986 to review the appointment letter of associate professor sent to Tsai Ing-wen. However, on the agency archive directory inquiry website, we could not find this official document regarding the "Ministry of Education" submitting the appointment letter for associate professor in January 1986. We can find three official documents (see attached table) between 1984 and 1985 related to the review of the qualifications of visiting teacher Tsai Ing-wen as associate professor (Zhengren 3057, Ying Daixin, Taiwan Review 44264), but after these three official documents, there is no below.Could it be that Tsai Ing-wen’s associate professor qualification was not reviewed and approved at that time?

Fifth, on the agency archives directory inquiry website, I found a surprising official document on personnel assignments. As shown in the attached table, the document number of this official document is "Zhengren 1032", which was issued by the then Political University on May 9, 1990. I found that this official document has the following four keywords:

---- Keyword 1: "Tsai Ing-wen"

---- Keyword 2: "Law"

---- Keyword 3: "Full-time associate professor "

---- Keyword 4: "appointment letter"

Based on these four keywords, we analyzed that the official document "Zhengren 1032" on May 9, 1990 is Tsai Ing-wen's appointment letter as a full-time associate professor in the Department of Law of National Chengchi University. So where does the "January 15, 1986" date mentioned by Vice President Wang Wenjie for issuing associate professor appointment letters come from? How to explain that Tsai Ing-wen still calls herself "visiting associate professor" instead of "associate professor" in her June 1986 law review?

He said that we support Professor He Defen's call at the public hearing. Tsai Ing-wen should immediately declassify her personnel files. Under the illegal arrangement of using the "governing machinery" to seal up direct evidence, Tsai Ing-wen criminally prosecuted Professor He Defen, Professor Peng Wenzheng, and herself. This is not only the loss of integrity of a person with the highest authority, but also a violation of the three professors being prosecuted. basic human rights, and severely undermined the foundation of Taiwan’s democracy and legal system.